Literally the best visual novel I've played so far. The grafics are really amazing. It's in my top 2 favourite games. The main reason this is my favourite is because I never get tired of its storyline. I've been here when 0.1 was released and I've played 0.2, 0.3 right when it was released.
I haven't played 0.4 because I don't want spoilers when the game is complete 😅. I really want to join the discord but it appears that the link is expired? Thx for developing such an awesome game for free.
try again to join discord after a few days. I had the same problem for no reason, but then it worked. Your discord account need to be at least 4 days old to join the server too.
So much love that I see every time I come back, and it's only .4 so far! Not only do I love this game and it's precursor, but I love to see the fan community forming around this game.
Personal note: I also plan to get into this style of game creation, although it will be a few years before I try anything. I'm thinking about putting you as one of my inspirations.
There's a gallery for scenes you've unlocked. It's a game, not a movie. The fun is playing through it and making the right choices to access various scenes.
Man I couldn't get enough, this is the best game in this site! I love everything you do man, I appreciate all the hard work! I look forward to your future updates and projects, more power to you man!
Hey Caribdis!! Been a long time fan, from the early days of once in a lifetime. Love your work on Eternum. The writing, placing, renders and plot, all of them are brilliant. I enjoy how you weave different genres and gameplay styles (eg. the wizard section and the heist). I really the the small animated bits you throw in, e.g. they Penelope photoshoot jiggle physics. I wonder if you plan on having more of those? Looking forward to where eternum goes next and already excited for what you might make after eternum.
(On a side note, I just made a discord account and am trying to join the caribdis games server but it doesn't let me join even when I follow the link. If anyone here can help me with that I'd be thankful)
Hello Cardibis! Long time fan, I got sick of struggling to find reviews for adult games so I made a website. I just put a review of this game up. Please let me know if you want to discuss any of the talking points in the review or if you'd be interested in an interview of sorts for the website (typed Q&A style). Thank you for a wonderful game, can't wait to see what you do next.
i love it ! i'm a chinese player, i can help u to translate the text if u want to add a chinese version 。Of course, I can also get a part-time opportunity from you。happy new year!
You can easily track update progress percentage on Caribdis's discord and subscribestar. Patreon also has more in-depth updates if you're looking to support the game's development.
Next update should be coming sometime this month to subscribers, with a free release to follow later.
Gotta say i have played so many vn and avn hundreds at this point and the best and my favorites are all found on this site and this has (not easily) taken my first place spot of best. Love the setting, love the humor, loved the setpeieces (especially the hiest that was genius), and love all the characters. Usually i would have a best girl but they are all so great that i literally only have the harem option
Thank you, Caribdis, for putting my hungry for answers mind to work, and for your truly out of this world ability to combine sci-fi, mistery, humor and romance in the AVN that happens to be updated in a relatively short periods of time.
I wish you and your team (and all this community as well) to achieve as many goals as you can, to become (or to become motivated to be) a better version of yourself and to never feel bored with the things you like the most. Let's make this new 2023 year at least a little better than the previous one. Happy New Year to all of you, stay healthy, strong and motivated as hell.
You've taken this genre of game/VN to not only a new level, but a whole new tier of levels! Because of you and your masterpiece(s), every creator will have to up their game!! Best of the Best, Right Here!!!
Hi! I'm a fan from Taiwan. I just finished the 0.4 version of the game a few days ago. I love your art, script, and unique sense of humor. I have already joined PATREON. Please continue to do these wonderful things.
I know you're still updating this game, so I have to ask: how does the update work? When I download the updated version am I gonna be able to resume where I left off? I'd hate to restart my progress.
Nope, you just need to copy your save files. Use a file manager like zarchiver then go to your Android folder (open the app then select android folder) then go to Data, find the com.caribdis.eternum file and copy it to your desired location or folder. Hope you know what I mean 😁but if you can't find the Android folder, when you open the app, click the Selection Tab (next to the <-- left arrow, then go to device storage then scroll there u can find the Android) well hope u understand my explanation, this is for Android users to save their game saves, just click the 0 storage/emulated then click device.... Then scroll and theres the android folder on top then go to data and copy the game file there , sure u can find it 😁
Really glad I played this & Once in a Lifetime - these games have consumed my winter holiday break, once I started reading I could not put them down! If you're on this page to download the game I urge you to do so immediately!
Since I see that the good man of the house Caribdis himself sometimes reads these comments, I wanted to take a moment to leave some words of appreciation and reaction, as well as be presumptive enough to make a few possible quality of life suggestions. Feel free to read or ignore this entirely! *Spoilers follow for Once in a Lifetime, Acting Lessons, and Being a DIK*
I discovered these games through the recommendation of the Being a DIK AVN subreddit and community. Meaning absolutely no offense to present company, I do consider DrPinkCake to be perhaps the GOAT of the AVN scene (and, to be honest, maybe even the entire VN scene, including Japanese VNs.) However, I do believe it is entirely possible to argue that DrPinkCake has perhaps suffered from success - the scale of the community, the sudden influx of fans and enormous amounts of money, and the piling expectations have seemed to conflict with the man's massive ego, tendency towards micro-management, and gatekeeping. Coming from this situation, I was astounded to discover that Caribdis has not only cultivated a friendly, welcoming space (as evidenced by his gracious replies in this comment section) but keeps both Once in a Lifetime & Eternum 100% free. Wow! Nothing could have convinced me faster to become a new Patreon supporter. I am especially hopeful about Caribdis' next subscriber goal - hiring additional help. Though I certainly understand AVN creator's desire to keep their creations 100% within their total control, I think the DrPinkCake situation has shown the real downsides of this approach and I really hope that Caribdis is able to gather the resources and grow his team!!
Now some remarks about the actual game:
- Great soundtrack & VFX work - and especially in sex scenes, which can really be challenging to sound hot! My one suggestion here is that I would love to more easily be able to find out what the name of the song currently playing is. Ideally, there could be a "now playing" text bar perhaps in the pause menu, but as an easier alternative I would also appreciate a list of songs in the Credits section (especially if it's broken out by version number to make it easier to identify specific songs).
- I love the wide variety of genres that Caribdis has been able to incorporate into Eternum! The whole game just feels like he had so much fun making it which really makes me enjoy it more.
- This is my own personal subjective taste, but I personally felt that Lauren's first sex scene in Once in a Lifetime (as well as the second) was one of the hottest I have ever seen in an AVN - period. A wide variety of porn mediums are able to fulfill a certain type of erotic fantasy, namely that the MC (and the viewer by extension) is some kind of sex god who magically attracts women and has mind-bending sex without any kind of effort. If I just wanted to see some hot women fuckin and suckin without any narrative, I could turn on any porn tube in seconds. But what AVNs are able to do uniquely is present a different (arguably more 'realistic' or 'persuasive') kind of fantasy: to, through the power of storytelling and narrative, present a situation where the sex doesn't feel like acting but rather feels like speculative fiction - namely, that if this fictional world became reality and I was placed in this situation, I could actually have these sexual experiences.
In DrPinkCake's games, the narrative creates hot sex scenes through emotional choices and sacrifice - you can't achieve harem endings, so you are forced to make trade offs; main girls die and suffer, and the MC can realistically fail. I find his storytelling very compelling & emotional in this regard, which is why I view his works so highly. Caribdis has quite a different style. In both Eternum & Once in a Lifetime, the harem endings are not only quite easily achievable (even without the walkthrough, the instant feedback always lets you know when you've made a bad choice) but in some ways they feel like the default ending.
I do sometimes feel like this story structure can make the MC's story feel like 'unrealistic sex god.' For instance, Jasmine's route in OiaL is basically premised on the idea that MC's sex is so unique and incredible that she just overcomes her tsundere BS and voluntarily joins his harem. I see signs of this creeping into Eternum as well. For example, the prostitute in an early chapter breaks the rules to fuck MC and charges him nothing because his dick is so big. That's well and good and I understand that this might be an appealing fantasy for some people. For me, however, the memorable, outrageously hot sex scenes are the ones that feel 'earned' - where the MC's relationship with the girl has steadily grown; where I feel convinced that the girl genuinely likes and lusts for the MC for understandable reasons; where sex has been teased and blue balled.
I know that Caribdis has said vaginal scenes soon, and I know that more than likely Eternum will probably follow the stock AVN 'sequential pyramid' structure where every girl gets a nude scene, then every girl gets a handjob/BJ scene, then every girl gets a vaginal scene, and we end with some anal or group sex scenes at the pinnacle. This is of course tried & true, and fits well with linear narrative structure and emotional development. I go through this lengthy digression, however, to point out two takeaways I hope Caribdis keeps in mind, either for Eternum or his next VN (I must caveat here that I am sure Caribdis has his plot planned out entirely, and I 100% feel that he must stick to his artistic vision. I REALLY would not presume to give suggestions to 'change the story' or something to suit my own personal tastes.)
1) What made Lauren's initial sex scenes in OiaL so hot to me was the build up. The massage scene, where MC stopped just before sex, was absolutely crucial to anticipating the real thing. HOWEVER, more than just this build up was a second element, namely that through the dialogue there was this real element of tension or uncertainty in Lauren's first penetrative sex scene; I was totally convinced that Lauren had sex against her better judgement because she succumbed to temptation and that had MC hypothetically played it differently the scene could've 'gone either way' so to speak. Contrast this to Judie's first sex scene, which also had great buildup and was of course quite hot; nonetheless, it was premised on quite a different kind of situational fantasy, namely that Judie had already become fully seduced by MC's outrageous charms and made the decision to fuck well in advance of her first scene. Well the buildup still of course resulted in great payoff, this meant that her first scenes lacked this same element of situational ambiguity and tension.
It is really my hope that some of the first round of sex scenes in Eternum can replicate this same adrenaline-inducing tension of Lauren's scenes. In the real world, this is exactly what makes flirting so fun - that there's a real ambiguity about whether you're gonna get laid or not. Because AVNs are structured linearly, it creates definite viewer expectations of sex, and subverting this expectations + leaning into the will-they-won't-they feeling REALLY pays off for me.
2) Jumping off point #1, I also want to make the suggestion that it could be OK to progress the main girls at different rates. Not only do I think this could feel more 'natural,' in that some main girls personalities seem that they would be down to fuck pretty quickly whereas other girls seem more reserved, but I think that it could make each girl feel more unique and create exciting tension. If all girls always progress at the same rate, it can hard to be dodge the feeling that each sex scene is a reskinned version of the last. This is of course already happening to some degree in Eternum - for instance, no Luna scenes so far. Great! It just makes me anticipate future releases that much more.
Combining these points, I want to issue one final plea: please feel free to torture us viewers as much as you would like by dangling & delaying full penetrative sex scenes! I'm really hoping that one of the girls gets Lauren levels of slow burn tension - or maybe even more! If their vaginal sex scene came one 'round' late, I think it could easily be that much hotter! I want to want it bad!!
I've written way too much so I'll stop there but let me say again THANK YOU for developing such an enjoyable, free (!!) AVN and injecting some real joy into my holiday season!! Can't wait to support you for the rest of this game & beyond!
Now I've been playing Eternum for over 2 years❤️🔥
Thanks caribdis for the fun
I hope you will unveil 0.5 soon iam really excited to play it and In fact, I used to start the game from the beginning every time, that is, when I played 0.3, I started it, and also 0.4, I started from the beginning, and I never got bored, and also 0.5, I will start it from the beginning, because even though I already know everything, the game is great every time!
look forward to it soon! you can see progress updates on the discord and patreon page as well if you're curious about the progress. currently sitting at around 87% completed for 0.5 !
Hey CARIBDIS, happy new year, just finished playing Eternum and it was a solid 9/10 for me, absolutely loved the story and the game itself , but i personally felt that the sex scenes are lacking , would like to see more vaginal action for all characters , hope you consider this in future updates, adding some moaning during scenes would also be nice. Hope to play 0.5 soon, good luck and keep up the great work ! <3
edit: really love all the joke bits too , really keeps me from skipping dialogues unlike when i play other AVNs.
Just finished Once In A Lifetime, legit cried at the end. You are a great writer. Now Eternum is doing a number on me as well. The first "Scene" with Annie? The music, character development and your brilliant writing had my heart racing with excitement and nervousness. Forgot I was playing a game for a moment. Well done. Your games are the epitome of "I played it for the plot".
I think that's why you are asked if you are into pregnancy at the first of the game - Caribdis also did have pregnancy enabled in Once in A Lifetime too. :)
My English is not good. I use machine translation software. It may be difficult for you to understand, but I hope you can read it carefully.
Let me tell you something: your work has a very large fan group in China, a distant eastern country. According to the download amount, it is far more than 100000. More than 10000 people should be willing to sponsor it. eternum, Being A DIK, and Pale Carnations are very popular. Many posts discuss the plot.
The best way to recognize a good work is to sponsor it, but we cannot sponsor it because of the dictatorship. I hope you can get a link on the Hong Kong website that can pay for RMB and Hong Kong dollars. I believe that the attention and sponsorship from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong will make you find that your popularity is so strong.
With your excellent stories, we believe that Japan, Korea, China and Vietnam will be extremely popular.
Your story is very good. Would you like to ask the pornographic gallery to consider
Multi point prelude,
Multi angle lens,
Close up of multiple body movements, multiple orgasms,
I've just wanted to say , that what you are doing is amazing. Jump in quality from Once in a lifetime, which already was good , is gigantic Can't wait to see what you are gonna do next , I hope that Eternum wouldn't be your last project.
First i thought , that story was copying Ready Player One , but it's not and actually better than it . Writing is really good and not just by porn games standards . Jokes are hilarious and scary moments are creepy ( at least for me ) . Most importantly characters are believable and not just bunch of stereotypes , like it commonly is in VNs. Honestly I would play this game even if it would be non h-visual novel just for the story
I'll try to support you on Patreon when I'll have some spare money .
loved your experimentation with a "gameloop" design (many destinations on a map) in the wizard academy. Any plans to further delve into this type of mechanism? Personally I think your content is much better suited for the more novel-like design it has been using (prior to this), because i imagine it is much harder to keep a good story going with so many variables to track. That being said, im sure you would make it work and be awesome anyway.
← Return to game
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Why are some girls unavailable in hearts menu? are they not too close to your character or something?
I think you made a mistake with your choices...?
if not, replay it till you get it right lel
hey cari! will there be another sneak peek before the release of 0.5?
On Patreon, yes
that's awesome, thanks cari! will it be out tomorrow? I'm planning to subscribe
I just posted it, yes :D
I just subscribed! thank you so much cari :)
Literally the best visual novel I've played so far. The grafics are really amazing. It's in my top 2 favourite games. The main reason this is my favourite is because I never get tired of its storyline. I've been here when 0.1 was released and I've played 0.2, 0.3 right when it was released.
I haven't played 0.4 because I don't want spoilers when the game is complete 😅. I really want to join the discord but it appears that the link is expired? Thx for developing such an awesome game for free.
try again to join discord after a few days. I had the same problem for no reason, but then it worked. Your discord account need to be at least 4 days old to join the server too.
Thank you so much!!
I’m glad you liked it
Does this game have any Spanish version? or any option?
As far as I know there are no official translations, but someone on the discord told me that there could be mods for that.
So much love that I see every time I come back, and it's only .4 so far! Not only do I love this game and it's precursor, but I love to see the fan community forming around this game.
Personal note: I also plan to get into this style of game creation, although it will be a few years before I try anything. I'm thinking about putting you as one of my inspirations.
Happy to be of inspiration :D
does a gallery exist? i dont want to play it all again to see the h scenes
There's a gallery for scenes you've unlocked. It's a game, not a movie. The fun is playing through it and making the right choices to access various scenes.
There is one, you have to click on the heart icon (top left corner)
I think it's one of the best free game I ever played.
Not only are there "interesting" scenes, but the script and the characters are great, the graphics are of good quality and there is a lot of humor.
(I just have a small problem: I regularly save my progress but several story fragments that I had unlocked have been lost, I don't know why)
Thank you very much!
Love this game. Caribdis doesn't disappoint, first there was "Once in a Lifetime" now there is Eternum. F***in' awesome.
can't wait for the 0.5 update AAAAH
I know how you feel, I downloaded this game a month ago and there was no day where I didn't check for an update.
Should be out this month, super excited
Out this month on Patreon and SubscribeStar! I’ll publish the release dates soon
I also can hardly wait! :D
Man I couldn't get enough, this is the best game in this site! I love everything you do man, I appreciate all the hard work! I look forward to your future updates and projects, more power to you man!
Thank you so much!
Hey Caribdis!! Been a long time fan, from the early days of once in a lifetime. Love your work on Eternum. The writing, placing, renders and plot, all of them are brilliant. I enjoy how you weave different genres and gameplay styles (eg. the wizard section and the heist). I really the the small animated bits you throw in, e.g. they Penelope photoshoot jiggle physics. I wonder if you plan on having more of those? Looking forward to where eternum goes next and already excited for what you might make after eternum.
(On a side note, I just made a discord account and am trying to join the caribdis games server but it doesn't let me join even when I follow the link. If anyone here can help me with that I'd be thankful)
Thank you very much!
About the discord, your account needs to be 4 days or older
Hello Cardibis! Long time fan, I got sick of struggling to find reviews for adult games so I made a website. I just put a review of this game up. Please let me know if you want to discuss any of the talking points in the review or if you'd be interested in an interview of sorts for the website (typed Q&A style). Thank you for a wonderful game, can't wait to see what you do next.
Eternum (2022) v0.4 (
I should have probably linked the website lol
Thanks for the review, much appreciated!!
Will there be a alex scene soon? :)
i love it ! i'm a chinese player, i can help u to translate the text if u want to add a chinese version 。Of course, I can also get a part-time opportunity from you。happy new year!
whens the update coming? :D
i'm really enjoying the game. Keep up the good Work!!!!!
You can easily track update progress percentage on Caribdis's discord and subscribestar. Patreon also has more in-depth updates if you're looking to support the game's development.
Next update should be coming sometime this month to subscribers, with a free release to follow later.
That’s correct :D
I should be announcing the release dates for all tiers in just a few weeks!
thanks for the info :D cheers
Gotta say i have played so many vn and avn hundreds at this point and the best and my favorites are all found on this site and this has (not easily) taken my first place spot of best. Love the setting, love the humor, loved the setpeieces (especially the hiest that was genius), and love all the characters. Usually i would have a best girl but they are all so great that i literally only have the harem option
Thank you very much <3
Aight straight to the point is there a Nancy scene next update?
Thank you, Caribdis, for putting my hungry for answers mind to work, and for your truly out of this world ability to combine sci-fi, mistery, humor and romance in the AVN that happens to be updated in a relatively short periods of time.
I wish you and your team (and all this community as well) to achieve as many goals as you can, to become (or to become motivated to be) a better version of yourself and to never feel bored with the things you like the most. Let's make this new 2023 year at least a little better than the previous one. Happy New Year to all of you, stay healthy, strong and motivated as hell.
TYVM! Happy new year!
You've taken this genre of game/VN to not only a new level, but a whole new tier of levels! Because of you and your masterpiece(s), every creator will have to up their game!! Best of the Best, Right Here!!!
Thank you so much!
The writing for this is the fuckin tops!!! I love it. You just gained a new patreon sub
Edit: scratch that. Substar sub instead
Thank you so much for supporting! 😍
Hi! I'm a fan from Taiwan. I just finished the 0.4 version of the game a few days ago. I love your art, script, and unique sense of humor. I have already joined PATREON. Please continue to do these wonderful things.
Thank you so much, White! 😍😍
hi,I am from the China(not Taiwan)really thank you to do that
I play many games and it always haven't Chinese(neither traditional Chinese characters orsimplified Chinese characters)
so,just I say,You are HERO Chinese users!!!!
Hey I found a bug where at the start you open the character stuff (for Annie or Nancy) it says that there's a problem here's the code:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
File "game/bios.rpy", line 47, in execute
File "game/bios.rpy", line 47, in execute
File "game/bios.rpy", line 60, in execute
File "game/bios.rpy", line 60, in keywords
NameError: name 'BrightnessMatrix' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "00gamemenu.rpyc", line 173, in script
File "renpy/", line 914, in execute
File "renpy/", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
File "renpy/", line 297, in interact
File "renpy/display/", line 2702, in interact
File "renpy/display/", line 3094, in interact_core
File "renpy/display/", line 541, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/", line 541, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/", line 541, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/", line 541, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/", line 430, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/", line 3094, in <lambda>
File "renpy/display/", line 440, in per_interact
File "renpy/display/", line 625, in update
File "game/bios.rpy", line 47, in execute
File "game/bios.rpy", line 47, in execute
File "game/bios.rpy", line 60, in execute
File "game/bios.rpy", line 60, in keywords
File "<screen language>", line 62, in <module>
NameError: name 'BrightnessMatrix' is not defined
It's a normal thing for a phone user tha sema thing happened to me but not for only annie and nancy It happens to all the characters
I know you're still updating this game, so I have to ask: how does the update work? When I download the updated version am I gonna be able to resume where I left off? I'd hate to restart my progress.
If you play on PC, just download it and continue your saves. They will all still be there
Okay. Good to know. Thanks for responding.
so you mean play on Android will lost the saves:(
Thank you very much
Really glad I played this & Once in a Lifetime - these games have consumed my winter holiday break, once I started reading I could not put them down! If you're on this page to download the game I urge you to do so immediately!
Since I see that the good man of the house Caribdis himself sometimes reads these comments, I wanted to take a moment to leave some words of appreciation and reaction, as well as be presumptive enough to make a few possible quality of life suggestions. Feel free to read or ignore this entirely! *Spoilers follow for Once in a Lifetime, Acting Lessons, and Being a DIK*
I discovered these games through the recommendation of the Being a DIK AVN subreddit and community. Meaning absolutely no offense to present company, I do consider DrPinkCake to be perhaps the GOAT of the AVN scene (and, to be honest, maybe even the entire VN scene, including Japanese VNs.) However, I do believe it is entirely possible to argue that DrPinkCake has perhaps suffered from success - the scale of the community, the sudden influx of fans and enormous amounts of money, and the piling expectations have seemed to conflict with the man's massive ego, tendency towards micro-management, and gatekeeping. Coming from this situation, I was astounded to discover that Caribdis has not only cultivated a friendly, welcoming space (as evidenced by his gracious replies in this comment section) but keeps both Once in a Lifetime & Eternum 100% free. Wow! Nothing could have convinced me faster to become a new Patreon supporter. I am especially hopeful about Caribdis' next subscriber goal - hiring additional help. Though I certainly understand AVN creator's desire to keep their creations 100% within their total control, I think the DrPinkCake situation has shown the real downsides of this approach and I really hope that Caribdis is able to gather the resources and grow his team!!
Now some remarks about the actual game:
- Great soundtrack & VFX work - and especially in sex scenes, which can really be challenging to sound hot! My one suggestion here is that I would love to more easily be able to find out what the name of the song currently playing is. Ideally, there could be a "now playing" text bar perhaps in the pause menu, but as an easier alternative I would also appreciate a list of songs in the Credits section (especially if it's broken out by version number to make it easier to identify specific songs).
- I love the wide variety of genres that Caribdis has been able to incorporate into Eternum! The whole game just feels like he had so much fun making it which really makes me enjoy it more.
- This is my own personal subjective taste, but I personally felt that Lauren's first sex scene in Once in a Lifetime (as well as the second) was one of the hottest I have ever seen in an AVN - period. A wide variety of porn mediums are able to fulfill a certain type of erotic fantasy, namely that the MC (and the viewer by extension) is some kind of sex god who magically attracts women and has mind-bending sex without any kind of effort. If I just wanted to see some hot women fuckin and suckin without any narrative, I could turn on any porn tube in seconds. But what AVNs are able to do uniquely is present a different (arguably more 'realistic' or 'persuasive') kind of fantasy: to, through the power of storytelling and narrative, present a situation where the sex doesn't feel like acting but rather feels like speculative fiction - namely, that if this fictional world became reality and I was placed in this situation, I could actually have these sexual experiences.
In DrPinkCake's games, the narrative creates hot sex scenes through emotional choices and sacrifice - you can't achieve harem endings, so you are forced to make trade offs; main girls die and suffer, and the MC can realistically fail. I find his storytelling very compelling & emotional in this regard, which is why I view his works so highly. Caribdis has quite a different style. In both Eternum & Once in a Lifetime, the harem endings are not only quite easily achievable (even without the walkthrough, the instant feedback always lets you know when you've made a bad choice) but in some ways they feel like the default ending.
I do sometimes feel like this story structure can make the MC's story feel like 'unrealistic sex god.' For instance, Jasmine's route in OiaL is basically premised on the idea that MC's sex is so unique and incredible that she just overcomes her tsundere BS and voluntarily joins his harem. I see signs of this creeping into Eternum as well. For example, the prostitute in an early chapter breaks the rules to fuck MC and charges him nothing because his dick is so big. That's well and good and I understand that this might be an appealing fantasy for some people. For me, however, the memorable, outrageously hot sex scenes are the ones that feel 'earned' - where the MC's relationship with the girl has steadily grown; where I feel convinced that the girl genuinely likes and lusts for the MC for understandable reasons; where sex has been teased and blue balled.
I know that Caribdis has said vaginal scenes soon, and I know that more than likely Eternum will probably follow the stock AVN 'sequential pyramid' structure where every girl gets a nude scene, then every girl gets a handjob/BJ scene, then every girl gets a vaginal scene, and we end with some anal or group sex scenes at the pinnacle. This is of course tried & true, and fits well with linear narrative structure and emotional development. I go through this lengthy digression, however, to point out two takeaways I hope Caribdis keeps in mind, either for Eternum or his next VN (I must caveat here that I am sure Caribdis has his plot planned out entirely, and I 100% feel that he must stick to his artistic vision. I REALLY would not presume to give suggestions to 'change the story' or something to suit my own personal tastes.)
1) What made Lauren's initial sex scenes in OiaL so hot to me was the build up. The massage scene, where MC stopped just before sex, was absolutely crucial to anticipating the real thing. HOWEVER, more than just this build up was a second element, namely that through the dialogue there was this real element of tension or uncertainty in Lauren's first penetrative sex scene; I was totally convinced that Lauren had sex against her better judgement because she succumbed to temptation and that had MC hypothetically played it differently the scene could've 'gone either way' so to speak. Contrast this to Judie's first sex scene, which also had great buildup and was of course quite hot; nonetheless, it was premised on quite a different kind of situational fantasy, namely that Judie had already become fully seduced by MC's outrageous charms and made the decision to fuck well in advance of her first scene. Well the buildup still of course resulted in great payoff, this meant that her first scenes lacked this same element of situational ambiguity and tension.
It is really my hope that some of the first round of sex scenes in Eternum can replicate this same adrenaline-inducing tension of Lauren's scenes. In the real world, this is exactly what makes flirting so fun - that there's a real ambiguity about whether you're gonna get laid or not. Because AVNs are structured linearly, it creates definite viewer expectations of sex, and subverting this expectations + leaning into the will-they-won't-they feeling REALLY pays off for me.
2) Jumping off point #1, I also want to make the suggestion that it could be OK to progress the main girls at different rates. Not only do I think this could feel more 'natural,' in that some main girls personalities seem that they would be down to fuck pretty quickly whereas other girls seem more reserved, but I think that it could make each girl feel more unique and create exciting tension. If all girls always progress at the same rate, it can hard to be dodge the feeling that each sex scene is a reskinned version of the last. This is of course already happening to some degree in Eternum - for instance, no Luna scenes so far. Great! It just makes me anticipate future releases that much more.
Combining these points, I want to issue one final plea: please feel free to torture us viewers as much as you would like by dangling & delaying full penetrative sex scenes! I'm really hoping that one of the girls gets Lauren levels of slow burn tension - or maybe even more! If their vaginal sex scene came one 'round' late, I think it could easily be that much hotter! I want to want it bad!!
I've written way too much so I'll stop there but let me say again THANK YOU for developing such an enjoyable, free (!!) AVN and injecting some real joy into my holiday season!! Can't wait to support you for the rest of this game & beyond!
Thank you for your great review and of course your support on Patreon!!!
You made very good points, and I’ll definitely keep them in mind (the girls progressing at different rates is already part of the plan)
The first comment in 2023🦦
I deserve an award for this :)
Happy new year🦦🦦
Now I've been playing Eternum for over 2 years❤️🔥
Thanks caribdis for the fun
I hope you will unveil 0.5 soon iam really excited to play it and In fact, I used to start the game from the beginning every time, that is, when I played 0.3, I started it, and also 0.4, I started from the beginning, and I never got bored, and also 0.5, I will start it from the beginning, because even though I already know everything, the game is great every time!
Thank you❤️❤️🔥
look forward to it soon! you can see progress updates on the discord and patreon page as well if you're curious about the progress. currently sitting at around 87% completed for 0.5 !
hey wanted to ask you if there is many bdsm fun in the game?
iam not sure what bdsm means But I can assure you that the game is wonderful in the full sense of the word and full of fun
Thank you very much!!
Hey CARIBDIS, happy new year, just finished playing Eternum and it was a solid 9/10 for me, absolutely loved the story and the game itself , but i personally felt that the sex scenes are lacking , would like to see more vaginal action for all characters , hope you consider this in future updates, adding some moaning during scenes would also be nice. Hope to play 0.5 soon, good luck and keep up the great work ! <3
edit: really love all the joke bits too , really keeps me from skipping dialogues unlike when i play other AVNs.
Vaginal scenes will soon come, it needed the build-up
Just finished Once In A Lifetime, legit cried at the end. You are a great writer. Now Eternum is doing a number on me as well. The first "Scene" with Annie? The music, character development and your brilliant writing had my heart racing with excitement and nervousness. Forgot I was playing a game for a moment. Well done. Your games are the epitome of "I played it for the plot".
Thank you so much!
Happy New Year 🎉 ✨️
Hope we can get the update soon.
Happy New Year, Caribdis! 🥳
if theres a chance of girls getting knocked up is there a game map im just too early to use or is hundred percent linear we go where you say we go?
I think that's why you are asked if you are into pregnancy at the first of the game - Caribdis also did have pregnancy enabled in Once in A Lifetime too. :)
what about a game map im coming from harem hotel and corrupted kingdoms which have game maps to "explore"
Eh those are sandbox games…not the same genre as Eternum.
Yes, it will be possible
My English is not good. I use machine translation software. It may be difficult for you to understand, but I hope you can read it carefully.
Let me tell you something: your work has a very large fan group in China, a distant eastern country. According to the download amount, it is far more than 100000. More than 10000 people should be willing to sponsor it. eternum, Being A DIK, and Pale Carnations are very popular. Many posts discuss the plot.
The best way to recognize a good work is to sponsor it, but we cannot sponsor it because of the dictatorship. I hope you can get a link on the Hong Kong website that can pay for RMB and Hong Kong dollars. I believe that the attention and sponsorship from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong will make you find that your popularity is so strong.
With your excellent stories, we believe that Japan, Korea, China and Vietnam will be extremely popular.
Your story is very good. Would you like to ask the pornographic gallery to consider
Multi point prelude,
Multi angle lens,
Close up of multiple body movements, multiple orgasms,
Coupled with some slight groans BGM?
Thank you very much!
I’m glad the game is so appreciated in China
你好 Caribdis!(hi,Caribdis!)
Your story is very good. Would you like to ask the pornographic gallery to consider
Multi point prelude,
Multi angle lens,
Close up of multiple body movements, multiple orgasms,
Coupled with some slight groans BGM?
Hi carbids, I wanna ask, when can you estimate the next release to be? I can't wait after that cliffhanger. It's been months :').
It’ll be released (starting with higher tiers) on my Patreon and SubscribeStar this January! Public release a few weeks later here, already February.
I’ll announce the definitive release dates before that.
music choice=amazing
never stop making these games please
Not planning to stop anytime soon!
I've just wanted to say , that what you are doing is amazing. Jump in quality from Once in a lifetime, which already was good , is gigantic Can't wait to see what you are gonna do next , I hope that Eternum wouldn't be your last project.
First i thought , that story was copying Ready Player One , but it's not and actually better than it . Writing is really good and not just by porn games standards . Jokes are hilarious and scary moments are creepy ( at least for me ) . Most importantly characters are believable and not just bunch of stereotypes , like it commonly is in VNs. Honestly I would play this game even if it would be non h-visual novel just for the story
I'll try to support you on Patreon when I'll have some spare money .
That means a lot, thank you so much, Skulka!
Couldn't agree more, this man possesses incredible talent!! Can't get enough of his work
Also loved it and looking forward to more.
loved it cant wait for more
loved your experimentation with a "gameloop" design (many destinations on a map) in the wizard academy. Any plans to further delve into this type of mechanism? Personally I think your content is much better suited for the more novel-like design it has been using (prior to this), because i imagine it is much harder to keep a good story going with so many variables to track. That being said, im sure you would make it work and be awesome anyway.
There will be more parts like that, but the main game will remain being linear (without free-roam) as until now