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Just a compliment on your work. First of all, good job on "Once in a lifetime", I have no idea how I got addicted to your game(I played that game for like 20  hours, so I made sure to get all the endings, easter eggs here in Eternum are delightful it gives some enigma and I love that). I guess the plot made the difference compared to other games of this genre: the style and details, just astonishing.

 I guess you inspired some concepts from SAO, but that is fine (the special 100% compatible MC and blades, AWP even xd, I mean it's really good, not boring and quite addicting ), so far I like it, keep up the good work.

Thank you very much "kirito" xD

(1 edit)

I have a question/idea I guess! Maybe I havent gotten far enough but I think it would be really cool to that one ending of OIAL in this game at some point! I just love those subtle easter eggs haha, besides that this is awesome!


There will be more little easter eggs for sure ^^

I must say, after playing OiaL my expectations for this game were set incredibly high and i wasnt sure wether you would be able to properly follow up on them, but it didnt even take the first 10 minutes to get me hooked already and i must say the first release was an extremely enjoyable experience. I cant wait for future releases and to see where the story goes!

Thank you very much Nico, I'm glad you liked it!!


I had high hopes after reading the comments on here, but I must say, I wasn't expecting that! I have never genuinely laughed while playing a VN until i played this.

I have also never seen a VN with transitions and cinematics quite like this. Truly,  Well done. I cannot wait to see where the story goes from here.


Thank you very much magic!
Glad you liked it ^^


This is an absolute masterpiece and I am not even exaggerating. 

Aside from the very obviously gorgeous and quite exotic female characters in this game, you really get encapsulated into the story plot. Not only are the visuals amazing, but you just had to top it off with the mind-blowing transitions.

Although you don't get a say in much of the game, I find that not too big of a problem, considering how well the story just makes me completely forget about my own decisions and instead just enjoy the game itself.

And to top it off, there is a great handful of humor and funny moments in here, making you get a good laugh out of it now and then. 

Overall, would definitely recommend any VN fans to give this game a try. It could be considered a crime not to and you shall be executed by Thanatos.

Thank you Kabsicum!! 🙏💗


Hey Carib! As a huge fan and massive enjoyer of Once in a Lifetime (I've played through all routes and even shuffled up the endgame love interests quite a few times), I can't even begin to explain how thrilled and happy I am for Eternum. I was a bit anxious going into it as I thought you wouldn't be able to recreate the magic of OiaL (it pretty much set the bar for what I look for in adult games hehe), but you've managed to not only keep that amazing quality, but expand and improve.

I don't know what god takes over your mind when you're making these, but I thank them for creating a masterpiece and following it up with another. You are doing a fucking phenomenal job here, buddy.

I can't wait to play more and get more attached to this new ensemble. Keep up the great work and make sure to take care of yourself!

Thank you SO much for your comment blanket, I appreciate it 🧡


When is 2.0 coming out because i was a bit dissapointed that I didnt have any sex.

(1 edit)

This is just the first version, but there is a sex scene. Maybe you missed it

the sex scene is at the gentlemen club its with the blue haired girl

Maybe its not in the Android version :(

PC and Android are the same


When you go into the Eternum game in the Eternum game(damn) and complete shopping, you get a choice of either "wait for your friend" or "explore on own" choices. I think you need to explore on own for the scene. 

bro this is awesome I love it in every angle also can't wait for more hahah 

Thank you!

ayo loved your game bro so when's the next update gonna come?

Can't give a date yet, you can check progress bar on my Patreon or SS pages publicly ^^

Off to an amazing start again!  Since you mentioned this was in HS2 i was wondering if you downloaded the BetterRepack from ScrewthisNoise or did you download the vanilla HS2 and just added the mods as necessary?

I download the betterRepack yeah ^^


This is why i love the game so much <33

Hahaha thank you 😆

Any approximation for 0.2 release?

I can really tell you upped your game with this one, and I probably as much as the next person really enjoyed the results. Very pleased! Can't wait for updates to roll out as soon as possible. I'd say we're getting into masterpiece territory rn.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you ^^
I can't give an ETA yet, but you can check the progress bar on my Patreon or SubscribeStar page! (publicly)


Is there some kind of Dev award we could nominate Caribdis for? This cat deserves some kind of recognition. The writing is off the hook, the comedic timing is flawless and Caribdis actually responds to EVERY SINGLE comment. No one else garners anywhere near the praise on OVERALL. I don't understand what they're doing down here in the cum dumpster of the internet, but I sure am glad they are.


Hahaha thank you for the award Phat 😆

Made an account just to say this game is awesome so far! Best I've played since Being a DIK. Was hella sad when I realized you just started on it not too long ago hahaha. Had to go give your other game a run through, which was also very good. Keep up the good work, man.

Thank you very much Spicolii!


If you haven't played Once in a Lifetime yet, it's GOLD. Literally one of the best works I've ever played. I'm a huge fan now. 

I appreciate it!!

Hey. The game looks really good but I'm curious if there is (or ever will be) NTR in the game. It's very much a deal breaker if it is and want to know before I start if possible. Thank you for reading this :)


There won't be any NTR content


Glad to hear. Thank you for your time. It's always nice to see a dev answering questions :)



Thanks! Usually around 3 months, you can check the progress bar on my Patreon page ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is totally amazing, I love the Character designs and stories for everyone, It got me so immersed in it and I will definetly check out OinLt.

And do you have any idea of when we could be expecting the 2.0 for Eternum?

Not yet, but you can check the progress bar on my Patreon and SS pages ^^

(1 edit)

If anyone needs a description of the game: a porn version of Ready Player One, easiest way to describe it. Obviously, the story has its own internal logic and it's got the Caribdis tropes of 'multiple magical items to chase' and 'comedic best buddy' (my personal favourite part of both games), so if you didn't like Once in a Lifetime you won't like this.

The game is *filled* with cliches, but most of them are pretty forgivable and seem to be more for simplifying the story so even the simplest of players will understand what's going on. As with OiaL the sound cues are fun and the music matches, the models fit the characters and look great, the backgrounds are diverse, the characters are written competently and the comedy is *far* above many others in the AVN genre.

Any suggestions I have would probably be to try and launch off these cliches a bit and find your own stride. OiaL was a great experience but every 'twist' was very predictable and the plot overall was (if I'm gonna put it bluntly) trite, so if you can funnel into that it'll go from a great AVN to a great game period. Good luck in this and future endeavours!


Thank you! I'll keep it in mind

Se que es una pregunta un tanto tonta pero en cuanto crees que el juego este completo? Y obviamente cuántas versiones tendrá por ejemplo 0.1 0.2 0.3 etc jaja

(1 edit)

More than OiaLt, but I don't know how many. So it'll take a long time to be completed, probably years ^^
It'll be a big game


I hope it's not a bitch of me to say I didn't expect to *actually* enjoy playing? (The fact that it's the first release and I still would consider it more than a prototype or a demo? Insane.)... but I really had a great time!

The humor is so genuinely funny. Sad Chang on the first bus scene killed me. (He's genuinely an interesting character alongside the main female interests, which is rare for a... comic relief in a porn game. Please give him the girl, I love him and the bromance.)
Also, the general ambience is really cool! Everything feels lively, the story doesn't seem to exist in a vacuum, if that makes sense. The music and sfx aren't cheesy either, it's genuinely pleasing. 

I haven't seen your other game, which seems popular, so I guess I've been the one missing out here! Thank you and fantastic work! 

Thank you very much Pavarti! Glad you enjoyed it!


Okay! First things first, I'd like to exclaim how amazing the new GUI and environment of Eternum feels. Really, when I think of Once in a Lifetime, the theme and atmosphere center around the coziness of Britain addled in with sparkling architecture design, beautiful ladies and a wonderful story line. Eternum takes those points and upgrades them to the max. The town of Kredon has this classical anime styled setting, but the immersive decor, real-life memorabilia and the creation of the characters hits with with... greater oomph.

Small points that had me smiling like a dolt:

- reference to President Stabby Mike!

- the My Hero Academia-like uniforms.

- the goddamn glorious Dark Souls cameo! Like, seriously, I LOVED your style even more when I saw that.

- the fact that the Ion Server looks like a badass reverb of Blade Runner/Ghost In the Shell.

One thing I especially enjoyed was the comedy between different events, like when that Eternum quiz was about to begin and Mr. Hernandez was going all out, but then some dude told him he just crapped his pants and needed the loo. That was so funny, I nearly fell off my bed with laughter.

And as for the character design in this game, how is it possible that you have me falling for the "side-chicks" (I liked what you did there) better than the actual MAIN HEROINES????!!!!! Don't take this the wrong way, but I seriously love you, man. You're awesome.

I know anime has me addicted like a poor bastard on meth, but these games you make are more valuable to me than all the bloody gems in the ground, mate. As I've said before, I didn't expect much when I made the decision to play these mature visual novels. However, you have changed my perception on life stupendously.

The fact that I'm ranting (quite positively, I might add) about ver. 0.1 instead of the entire GAME as a whole goes to show just how amazing your skills are. I'm looking forward to the future updates, really I am.

In fact, I can't even keep this gem of a game a secret, I need to tell PEOPLE! Just you wait, I'm posting another chapter of my fanfiction soon and the author's note will have your name and game on it.

The public craves constructive, gripping, sexy stories like this one, and here is a creator giving us just that. We need to spread the word.

But all my creepy elation aside, one character I found really attracted to was the Eternum Lady (forgive me, in my excitement I forgot her name). Her resemblance to the Androids from Nier: Automata made me swoon, not gonna lie. As for that Praetorian that shot Axel's lap-dog to Hell (quite literally), will there be repeating scene's of her kind going forward?

Take care and have a swell day/night Caribdis. Thanks for another amazing game.


That was a wonderful review, thank you so much Kitch <3
And thank you for recommending the game too, it means the world!!

Yeah, both the praetorians and the Eternum lady (Idriel) will appear again, no worries :PP

Awesome! Oh, and I forgot to mention how smashing the soundtrack on this game is. Seriously, this game is going to break new records for you, my guy. Maybe after you finish the game itself, you could also compile a separate file with  Eternum's entire OST? I know I would download it.

Sure! I can do that when it's complete


can't wait for more. 0.1 is already awesome! keep it up!

I will! Thanks ^^

hey there first of all the game was fucking awesome, played through it in one sitting. but i had a question if I were to update to eternum 0.2 when it comes out will I lose my saves and progress?

You should be able to continue your saves and progress from 0.1!

(1 edit)

just finished once in a life time and man the dev just keeps improving 

Eternum is an improvement in every single area. Not saying that once in a life time was bad, it was really really good, but the animations in that game doesn’t even come close to beating the ones in eternum 

even tho 0.1 is short it has mad potential

Loving the girls so far btw <3

10/10 recommend to everyone 

Thank you very much Olisan 🧡🧡

Hey man been a log time fan. I can say this is easily my most hyped game now!

Thank you!

nice start to the new game gotta say i love your humor.

Glad to hear that ^^

Im not spoiling anything in this comment i even forgot that this is a nsfw game you can literally put this game on the playstore (without the nsfw scenes) and it would still be amazing, such a good story line.

I love it.

NEXT UPDATE DEV HURRY UP I CANT WAIT, you are doing such an amazing job, keep it up.

I'll go as fast as I can, thank you!

Can you believe I forgot to comment once I finished playing the game? 🤡🤡🤡

It's a very good as of yet, my friend. 

I like the plot, and I already have that (was he a CEO? I forgot) guy setting of my suspicious-meter.

Quite a shame you can't bang the guard girls tho (they are called praetorians right? I forgor 💀) they are hot.

I'm waiting for the next update!


Thank you very much!
Maybe in the future you get to know better the praetorians who knows :P

eternum v0.1 - gameplay is on youtube i was watching adult games and saw your game and i liked your game thanks

Thank you for playing!

F U C K I N G  A M A Z I N G

but that cliffhanger dou


Thank you!

As one of the Patreons and players of this

thank YOU ! XD



With that out of my system... this is amazing. I got halfway through and kept thinking "this is only 0.1, it has to be over soon" and it just kept going. I'm not complaining though, every sentence of it was amazing. All the characters have depth (even the ones that seem like one-off or joke characters), and the amount of animations are amazing. Every animation that showed off a new place or character I had to play several times to see all the detail.

Not to mention the references. "President Stabb" was something that I entirely forgot about until reading it here again, and it made me laugh. Even if this was a SFW visual novel, I would still have a ton of fun with it, it's just amazing in every way.

Oh, one more thing... I'm not gonna forgive you for that cliffhanger. At least not until the next update. I literally felt like yelling, I wasn't expecting it to end there. Can't wait for the next one though, good luck and god speed with the creation (:


Thank you so much Spider! 🧡🧡
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Don't worry, 0.2 will have a cliffhanger too 😆😆


this game is a true labour of love, once in a lifetime was a masterpiece from start to finish and i have very high hope for Eternum. Cant wait for the next update i have nothing bad to say about this game or the creator!!


Thank you very much! :D

I made an account just to leave a comment because that’s how great Caribdis is. I finished OLT which has set standards no other game can reach. The start of Eternum is exciting and I can’t wait to see what storylines are made. One question though, with the new animations and details will the game is there any worry about the size of the game becoming too big for itch?

Thank you!
Yeah, it'll eventually become too big for itch, so at some point I'll have to publish it with external links like the last update of OiaLT, sorry about it 🙏

This is the first time I've commented on the NSFW game. This masterpiece game made me to do that, it's more than good. I love the story, the art, the unique characteristics of every characters. I'm not good at using words, but this game is just so wonderful. Can't wait to see what's coming. Keep going dude 🔥 Always supporting you

Thank you very much!

(1 edit)

Wow,i love this game so much,the design of the story is good as well,thank you @Caribdis for making this game,im looking forward for the 0.2 ^^❤️

Thank you for playing!


I'm looking forward to the next version

Actually at first i thought this game was boring but as the story goes by it gets more and more interesting and i like that the fact there is a vr game inside a game this game is the best💯💯💯 cant wait for the next version 

Thank you ^^

(2 edits) (+3)

So far what I feel is: This is a game first, erotic novel second.

While playing you can feel how much effort was put into making this, that twas made with heart. Lost count of how much I laughed while playing and lost track of time while doing so, since the history is so good and get you hooked.

With Eternum and OLT, tis safe to say Caribdis is a great writer - if not one of the best - out there

It means a lot you say that Hama, thank you <3


this game will go further than once in a life time

That's the plan ^^

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You can check the progress bar on my Patreon or SS pages publicly

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