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true masterpiece...keep it up


Came for the NSFW, stayed for the story.



I have actually never seen a developer who (for free) was able to create an immersive game with a compelling story that made the NSFW worth while, I played both Once in a Lifetime, and .4 Eternum, and the stories in both games hooked me instantly, also, the light refences to Once in a Lifetime is the most clever thing you could have done, and Chop-Chop being stabby mike appearing all over, is too good 

TL;DR: W game and W writing 

Thank you very much!!


Well developed characters, great homages to pop culture, and witty and funny dialogue. The sex scenes don't feel forced and out of nowhere. It's really well though out. Big props to the writer/s for keeping me engaged for hours. Truly amazing game. I eagerly wait for the next update. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT 


Thank you! Happy to hear that


Hey dude! Just finished 0.4 and God it was amazing. And the end twist was so goddamn good!

Can we get a hint on when 0.5 will come out?

Great work! Keep it up! 


Thank you very much!! Probably early-mid January


I hope to donate to the creator as soon as I have extra money so he/she can continue creating masterpieces like this.

I appreciate it a lot! Thank you!



a masterpiece of the highest degree 👌

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

just as oialt, this game is incredibly so far - in all possible aspects. cant wait for future updates!

Thank you!

How many scenes are currently in the game?

There are +10 scenes in the gallery already


Honestly, I tried it for the adult stuff and completely forgot it was an adult game... I just wanted to see more of the amazing world, great story line and phenomenal characters we've all  fallen in love with! 

You can add one more person to your fan-base and supporters!

Happy to hear that! Thank you!

I keep getting exceptions whenever I try to open a 0.3 save in 0.4. Are they incompatible? If so, is there a way to skip to 0.4?

This is a typical problem with renpy. If the dev makes changes to old content, this can break or make saves load up in the wrong spot. There is not much that can be done about that sadly. Its a problem with renpy. If the dev did not change anything in older content, then it would not be a problem, but then we would not get old bugs fixed and/or newer stuff added.

I figured it out. I just had to download the other apk.


I’m new to the game and despite only being half-way through the available story so far, I have to say that what you guys have done here is seriously impressive. Adult content aside, you have made a seriously cool and interesting universe, an intriguing story and some genuinely great and well written characters. Can’t wait to continue more! I’ll be sure to support you guys in Patreon soon. 😊

Thank you so much for your support! 💗

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Is orion's father founder? Because of his 100% compatibility 

caribdis your one of my facorite developers just from this game alone liked the story cant wait to see more for eternum or more games like this from you in the future i will try to support you on patreon as well

Thank you so much for your support, Sal! 💗


of course i've been in learning game development on my own and your one of the few developers that have actually inspired me to get serious about but i'm going to try hand at visual novels as well. so i have to say thank you and that my support is pretty much a given

(2 edits)

love the game,  i have the .3 update imma download the .4 now. great work. once i get paid ill subscribe to.. what other games have you made? 

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Thank you for your support! Once in a Lifetime is my other (and first) game

Cant wait for 0.5 release! Will there be more content with penelope and dalia?

Yes :)

Amazing i cant wait for it


Question, will there be any characters from your previous game, Once in a Lifetime, appearing in Eternum?


There will be references, but not appearances


Aww, I really wanted to see Mike appear out of no where in eternum :(.

There's the vendor at least.

Yeah, chop chop is cool.

i love all the references to Once In A Lifetime.

hello, may I ask when will the 5.0 version come out

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3 months


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I don't know how to open the menu while am playing 🥲 (android) 


Hello, what social accounts do you have?

Discord and Twitter, although I’m not as active as on Patreon or SubscribeStar


I'm from China. I really like your work. You guys are amazing.


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check out Once in a life time if you haven't tried it out yet, it's their first game, very good, but I gotta admit the MC of that game look like a drug addict.

I've played it, and it's great, too. I love their work.

Is there a trick to opening the save menu on android? I kind of have to mash the screen until it opens by fluke 


Hmm,,, you need to swipe up in the right down corner to open it... 

*sorry bad eng

Thank you! That's been bugging me for a while. I must have been accidentally triggering it that way with my mashing.

i love this game its the best ive ever played the plot at the end i knew from the beginning


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Looks very interesting, I only have one problem. Whenever I press one of the love interest's in the double heart section does it say "An exception has occurred" followed by lines of code. Do you know what this might be? I think it is probably because I tried it on my Android Phone. 

Edit: I also used the first APK and it worked really well, it is only the Love Interest Portraits that I assume shouldn't go to an error screen. 

Yeah, it’s a problem related to the Android version used. I’m aware of it, sorry about it!

Can I fix it somehow? And can I enjoy the game without it(the game wont be Harper or I want miss any scenes)

Has to be one of, if not the best games like this i have played! Keep doing what you are doing! Thank you for making this.

Can't wait for 0.5 for the story!

Thank you very much!!

This game is just awesome! I love the references, the plot, the personalities. (I love Nova)
I will try the other game you mentioned. Thank you.

Glad you liked it!

Tell me caribdis does it interest you to have a french translation if it isn't the case it's nothing don't worry

I’m not working with official translations rn, but feel free to do it ^^

ok i will do it in my side and when i will have finish i will send to you the traduction 


You did a really great job with this one! The graphics and animations are excellent, but the story actually good to. Well written. Thanks!


Thank you very much!!


Can't check relationships when I pick the heart in the corner the girls pop up but when I pick a portrait this happens


I know, sorry about it. I assume you already tried the first apk, but your phone crashes, right?


Actually this is the first apk and it runs good some fps drops during scenes but aside from that no real issues 


All my homies love Eternum!



Yeah and we loves your game to !

Any recommendations  that similar to yours i already finished my bully is my lover

And fates collide , life changing choices


Try city of broken dreamers

Ripples is good. It looks dumb on the page but has a great story and amazing renders.

I very much enjoyed Ripples myself. Do you know if the the Dev is making more content for it or is it abandoned?  It seemed very short and left  the reader with numerous questions.

He was sick so the game was stunted for about a year, he just started working on it again

Tried out their first game yet? it's  once in a life time.

我I like Karisup and Luna very much


Any Chance we could get some tags of what is in the game. Just to better help New people understand what all the game has to offer!

Teremos um evento do Dia dos Mortos? (Luna)

Yes :)


This has to be the best visual novel i ever played. Thanks for creating this, can't wait for the next update!



How to update the game while keeping the save?

On PC you’ll be able to continue your old saves with no problem. On Android you also should be able to, but you must have the old version still installed.

Heya Caribdis. I finished 0.4 like, the day before yesterday I think, it was fun. I did notice something which was a bit weird though (on android), and it's that almost every animated scene, specifically the ones where the camera moves, had powerpoint-presentation framerate. I don't know why that is, because I hadn't had this problem in the other versions. I tried turning off battery restrictions for the game but that didn't make much of a difference. 

As long as the camera is static, the framerate is smooth as butter, but as soon as it starts moving it gradually drops to like 3 seconds per frame, and it's not just slow either, it just skips most of the frames so I can barely see what's going on. I didn't have performance issues with any other parts of the game, but I was unfortunately unable to fully appreciate the animations lol

Do you have any ideas on what could be causing this? you can hit me up on discord if you want (haomakk#2249) because I don't check often lol

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Unfortunately… I don’t know why that happens either. Just a few Android devices have that problem, and I don’t know what differentiates them from the others. I’ll keep trying to find a fix. Sorry about it

When the camera angle changes, the bitrate goes way up, so it could either be a disk I/O performance bottleneck or a decoder maximum bitrate bottleneck.

I'm assuming that the APK content is the same as what's in the desktop edition.  If so:

  • VP9 isn't even supported in hardware prior to about 2015 or so, and probably not consistently even then. Devices without hardware VP9 support won't be able to decode it except on the CPU. For higher bit rates, that's likely to stutter badly (not to mention eating the battery).
  • The relatively high maximum bitrate of 12 Mbps might be a problem for devices with high write count on the flash, which causes read performance to slow down. Or you could be hitting hardware decoder performance bottlenecks from having too many I-frames or something. Either way, the official Android recommendations for VP9 bitrate from Google are just 2.6 megabits per second maximum bitrate for streaming content at 1080p, and you're at almost 5 times that.

Recompressing the content with more modest codec settings should help. Try H.264 main profile (or even baseline profile) for 1080p30 content with 8 bits per color channel, with a maximum bitrate to somewhere around 1.5–4 megabits per second.

It is also possible that VP9 is supported broadly enough at a more modest bitrate that nobody will complain about it, so you might try building two APKs — one with VP9 and one with H.264, both capped at 4 Mbps or so — and see which one works better for the folks who are having trouble.

Android versions use VP8, actually

What's the specs of your android?

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Why I cannot open this game ? When I wanna open it will suddenly close automatically.  (Android Version)

Have you tried the other version uploaded?

What's the difference between the 2gb android version and the 1gb version??

They’re the same, but try the first one first

When is Eternum 0.5  going to be released?

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