On PC you’ll be able to continue your old saves with no problem.
On Android you also should be able to, but you must have the old version still installed.
Heya Caribdis. I finished 0.4 like, the day before yesterday I think, it was fun. I did notice something which was a bit weird though (on android), and it's that almost every animated scene, specifically the ones where the camera moves, had powerpoint-presentation framerate. I don't know why that is, because I hadn't had this problem in the other versions. I tried turning off battery restrictions for the game but that didn't make much of a difference.
As long as the camera is static, the framerate is smooth as butter, but as soon as it starts moving it gradually drops to like 3 seconds per frame, and it's not just slow either, it just skips most of the frames so I can barely see what's going on. I didn't have performance issues with any other parts of the game, but I was unfortunately unable to fully appreciate the animations lol
Do you have any ideas on what could be causing this? you can hit me up on discord if you want (haomakk#2249) because I don't check itch.io often lol
Unfortunately… I don’t know why that happens either. Just a few Android devices have that problem, and I don’t know what differentiates them from the others.
I’ll keep trying to find a fix. Sorry about it
When the camera angle changes, the bitrate goes way up, so it could either be a disk I/O performance bottleneck or a decoder maximum bitrate bottleneck.
I'm assuming that the APK content is the same as what's in the desktop edition. If so:
VP9 isn't even supported in hardware prior to about 2015 or so, and probably not consistently even then. Devices without hardware VP9 support won't be able to decode it except on the CPU. For higher bit rates, that's likely to stutter badly (not to mention eating the battery).
The relatively high maximum bitrate of 12 Mbps might be a problem for devices with high write count on the flash, which causes read performance to slow down. Or you could be hitting hardware decoder performance bottlenecks from having too many I-frames or something. Either way, the official Android recommendations for VP9 bitrate from Google are just 2.6 megabits per second maximum bitrate for streaming content at 1080p, and you're at almost 5 times that.
Recompressing the content with more modest codec settings should help. Try H.264 main profile (or even baseline profile) for 1080p30 content with 8 bits per color channel, with a maximum bitrate to somewhere around 1.5–4 megabits per second.
It is also possible that VP9 is supported broadly enough at a more modest bitrate that nobody will complain about it, so you might try building two APKs — one with VP9 and one with H.264, both capped at 4 Mbps or so — and see which one works better for the folks who are having trouble.
So..my friend had bought this game. She let me borrow her tablet to play it. I am 1/4 of the way through and I have got to say...the story to this game is amazing. I would honesty play any game you make if has this amazing of a story even if there was 0 nudity in it. I plan on buying this game myself during income tax time, especially since she wants her tablet back 😅. Please continue your amazing work. The humor, the romance, the story, the epic music and of course the adult content is insanely good. I give this game a 10/10. I don't know if this comment will help sway others into buying and supporting, but I truly hope it does. I truly hope that there will be more in the future.
Honestly love this game, I played OIAL not too long ago and loved it, was a little sad that the pregnancy content was more implied then present. but no less a good game. But I have to say, the vast improvement in animation, writing, and game design is amazing. Cant wait to see more, might be subbing to the Patreon soon XD
Curious, what program do you use to build your models and backgrounds in? Wanna look into it to really appreciate the level of effort that you put into your masterpiece of a game XD
I've never "played" a VN game before. Never really been into super NSFW kind of stuff cuz generally they're a bit tacky. This was the first time I've ever played a game like this. It was a random recommendation I found on a random Reddit post in the comments somewhere. They said it was *hilarious*, good story with some mystery and thrills and "some" NSFW stuff. It was highly recommended. I was bored. Clicked the link. It went directly to the download page, so I never even saw the thumbnails and Gifs on the side of the actual game page.
I. Couldn't. Stop. Reading.
Jesus Christ this game is hilarious. It's 1,000,000x more than anything I'd expect it to be. I pulled an all-nighter the night I downloaded it and had to work the next day. It was rough. But worth it. When I finally finished the current content, I was really sad but suuuuuuper looking forward to what's in store next.
I just don't understand how a game with this "NSFW" content as it is (which is honestly a fairly small part of this game in particular, which is great to me, cuz I just love the focus on character and moment to moment dialogue and story progression) hooked me in as much as it did. I don't really know what to say, man. This game blew me away.
I just finished Once in a Lifetime a bit ago and while it's... more "extreme" in the NSFW department and a little eye-roll-y convenient to get certain "situations" to happen, I fucking loved the shit out of it too. It was "less". Less everything (except the NSFW stuff). But it was your first game (I'm assuming? It's the only other one you're advertising that I can see?) and I can really, very much so appreciate how far you've come and are pushing in Eternum.
Sorry for the long wall of text, but I just felt a bit empty inside after finishing Once in a Lifetime. Tom. Stabby Mike. Jack. All the girls. The story. The hilarity. But more importantly, the characters. In Once in a Lifetime and Eternum. Amazing. Just perfect. Keep it up. You've more than earned another fan.
For anyone reading this: Any other recommendations? (lol, sorry if I can't ask that here. Literally just signed up to itch.io to leave this review.)
Hero's Harem Guild is more of a story the name would imply. The game hasn't had an update in a while because the creator decided that the game would have 4 chapters and they would would release it in 1 chapter chunks and each chunk is 6-10 hours of play time.
My bully is my lover and life changing choices. Are 2 from 1 creator that you might like.
It all depends on the story setting and how much NSFW you want.
Once in a Lifetime was borderline too much NSFW for me. It was a bit forced. But I get it, I guess, cuz it was that kind of "sex fantasy" story or whatever. But I still really enjoyed the game cuz the romance and love was real and the characters were amazing. Eternum is just right, so far at least. Plenty of "will they, won't they" with realistic progression in character arc and romances. I'm not a prude, I don't mind or care for the NSFW stuff, and actually encourage it *because* it's real. That's mostly what I want as far as that goes, I guess. Some realism.
But all in all, I just really appreciated the humor and the mystery and the characters in Caribdis' games. Was blown away by it all. But then again, this was my first foray into this genre and style of "game".
I'll check out those recommendations! Thanks! I wasn't sure if I was gonna get hits for any. I just stumbled upon this and not sure where to look for further VNs in this nature.
I love this game. I played Onceinalifetime for about 6 hours and while the game is good overall, I felt like something was missing. But I couldn't say exactly what. Nevertheless I already loved the character desgin and humor of the game. After that I thought to myself: lets have a short look at Eternum... I couldn't stop and each day I had to force myself to pause and get some sleep.
Each Girl is special in her own way. The Humor is perfekt and these Reallife references makes my laugh all the time. ( I hope there will be no copyright problems with the Dark Souls 1 Church ingame🤔where you met the dark woman the first time.) The Story is incredible and I already have some theories about certain things. (Chop Chop, Idriel and other)
The idea behind the game inside the game is clever. Every scenario is possible, nothing is lorebreaking. ancient agypt, magic, space, ancient rome. The artstyle is definetly a step forward from Onceinalifetime. I can clearly see your personal growth in game development.
This game is in my top 3 of VN on this platform and I cant decide which one I like most. I would like to see a reunion with Eva.
My score for the game so far (0.4): hmmm ... 🤔 8-9/10 Some story decisions felt forced in regard of the nsfw content. e.g. "If I loose, you suck my dick." "ok." But i get it. A NSFW game has to be unrealistic in some regards to be able to show its content.
I hope I was able to express myself in a understandable way with google translate an my bad english grammar. 😄 Keep it up. I am looking forward to the future of this game.
you see at the two last end credit pictures in the 0.4 version, we can see just before the text is displayed completely after bugging "Heads" and then "or Tails" !!!
it is obviusly referencing to the moment when we talk with the A.I. !!
i don't know what it mean for the futurs update but that's a cool easter egg !
Just finished 0.4. I came across this game after I have finished Onceinalifetime. I definitely saw a huge similarity between the two games. A well-balanced mix between romance, sexual fantasy, humor, adventure and horror. But I got to say, this game is an upgrade to all of these aspects I have mentioned. I rate the last game a 7.5~8 and I am not changing my opinion about the last game. But I got to say I saw so much progress from the last game. Especially, the plot become much more realistic, in the sense that the actions of the characters are much more believable. And the character building is more completed. All the main girls seem complete to me, as I commented last time that some of the main girl in the last game aren't complete. (But I would love to see more Luna in action, she is exactly my kind of girl, but for the moment I am teamAnnie, and I also really like Nova as a character)
I got to say, Eternum at least for now is not my favourite VN (my favourite is Being a Dik for now). As I like VN that give strong emotion and deep meaning, but I can see that this is not the direction you are trying to pursue. I would really consider Eternum is the number one VN for now in term of having the best humor. And also, the background of the game is very utilised, you have created the best vision for metaverse, giving this game a lot of potential for creative content, and have already seen a lot of these contents.
here is my score for the game
Character: 9/10 (Very believable and interesting characters)
Humor: 10/10 (Best humor in VN)
Story:9/10 (Very interesting and well writtern story, but 1 point deducted for my preference for deep story)
music: 7/10 (Sorry, but music is one of the relative weaknesses of the game, not that your music is bad, but just there are some VN with excellent soundtracks)
After finishing the 0.4, it makes me feel sad that I know we probably have to wait for around 2.5 years for the game to finish. And thanks for your good work!
Honestly. Pretty great. Cute, heartwarming, and interesting. Love seeing games with good stories. Would like more stuff beyond oral, but I understand its still very early days. Will have to follow the development. Also, could you give names for all the songs you used? I want to hear them again!
Still cant get over the fucking "CHANG'D" postcard though. Incredible.
Wow. I’ve played through many Ren’py games before but this one is by far the best yet.
The storylines are fascinating, interesting and while somewhat derivative (Ready Player One combined with a couple other fun premises), which is totally fine as I love those stories as well, and putting them into an exciting H-game format is even better.
The animations, coupled with your sound effects and music, just *chef’s kiss*
I actually had to come here to place a review purely based upon this one scenario in the game (no spoilers, don’t worry) when your group first arrives in the Ogygia server and the encounter there. That? The whole thing from start to finish is so goddamned enthralling that I just had to come throw flowers at your feet for a second, is all. I’m still replaying that over and over on auto-play just to sit back and enjoy it as it should be. Headphones, full sound, everything.
Very well done, and I not only look forward to the completion of this story, but anything you end up creating after this as well. Cheers!
first time a game has made me immersed so much in the story that I skipped the sex scenes just to complete the game and then i replayed the game again just for the h scenes (hahaha)
I still haven't got my pocket money yet( I will get once I turn 19) after that I will try to support you on patreon please continue creating the amazing game till then.
also whats the update status of the 0.5 version ? can't wait for it
I’ve been in your community for a few years now and I’m so glad you are finally getting the recognition you deserve, I can’t believe your server already has 26K members, just yesterday I thought you only had a few hundred players and members and it’s been such an enjoyable journey with you and your games. You are such a good story writer and creator and I’m so glad you are doing what you love man! Best wishes for the future!
I can count on 1 hand how many games i actually get mad when i finish the new chapter... this is one of my favorites and im always looking forward to the next chapter. The story and characters are so well written.
This entire game makes me ask the question of what is true in the world. Like a simple glance can change a scene and cause me to second guess a decision. I have to wonder what turns the story will have next. Not to mention it makes me wonder if the 'game' is really a game and not just a bunch of different dimensions strung together. It's worse that my exact thought is also brought up in game. I feel like a conspiracy theorist. But hey, a good game should make you question it's reality out of intrigue for what it all means in my opinion. Can't wait for 0.5 to come around and put my heart in my throat with that meeting.
There is no way.. there is no way that this game.. literally made me reconsider life. It caught me so off guard, the references, the humor, the storytelling, the transitions?!? And dare I say the heart touching scenes were hitting?!?
The first piece that made me go back and laugh was Mikaela’s intro. When I saw the DS reference, I was like wtf just happened? Did I just laugh? And then from there, I was just engrossed by the story. Every slide made me say there’s no wayy this game can surprise me and Boom! Im invested in a fake heist scenario, horror level, Warthog academy, and basically ALL of the “arcs.”
But aside the great story/plot, the characters are soo good. I did not expect to remember these characters better than shows I already know. Not just the girls, they’re a bonus, I mean chop chop is fckin hilarious! Jerry dying gag! And each girl’s personality! No wayy I am hooked to this!? And the FUCKING MUSIC SLAPPPS! Caribdis your music taste is GODLYY! The comedic tone and music always hype me up.
Hi, I just finished playing this game and absolutely loved it. The ending made me so annoyed because I was so heavily invested in the story and right at a big plot twist the game just ends (trying to not give spoilers). I was only annoyed because I got so invested in the game due to it's quality. This game is incredible and the story is absolutely amazing! I saw this game was version 0.4 and had never heard about it before so I thought there would be very little content and decided to play it in the meantime whilst waiting for an update of another game I like to come out and thought nothing of this, yet it turned out to be one of my favorite games i've ever played. I love the VR and worldbuilding of the story, I love the dark powers and mystery thrown in there, and of course I love the girls too. Thank you for making this game and I hope you keep releasing updates and stick with it until the end!
Yeah, the game is great. When they released 0.2, I was surprised the game had so much content at that early of a stage. Was very impressed and is the best game for story in a porn game I have played.
If i download 0.4 will my progress from 0.3 transmit into it automatically? Btw you guys made AWSOME job. Excellent. One of the best atmospheres i've seen in games. You guys have to be proud for this.
Hey buddy, I just downloaded the new version, and had v3 still on my phone, saved right before the end. Downloaded the new one but won't install. Keeps saying "app that is not installed as pack seems to be invalid" or so translated from Dutch. Hope you can help me, and thanks in advance!
I guess you mean updated? I have, I think. I'm not that much of a tech guy, and being dutch makes translating a bit of s thing. Can you see my email, and maybe pm me some instructions? I had version 0.3 on my phone, with save game just before opening the door at the end. Thanks!
did u know, that in my language "Luna" means "moon"? funny. hey, just read my nonsense below. pls.
ok, created this acc only to leave the comment for u, cari. played this game since 0.3, when war wasn't in progress. sorry for my political comment(only 1 sec, continue reading), I'm from Russia and I hate my country, u know. don't wanna live here. so, because of these "actions" of "my most favourite country" i can't buy the game or I can't donate to u... sorry, but I've played 0.4 downloaded it for free. I didn't want to do it, I just can't buy it. I'll donate u a lot, if I can... If my student's 50$ count, xd. oh... I started it not for monologue like this, lol. I just wanna say that I love your game so much and it so happened that tomorrow I'll kill myself :). no doubt that this game was the best single-player game that I've played since all my life. u may think that I'm pathetic, weak. but... hey, cari, I love your game and goodbye. (BTW, my actions, which I described at the end, do not border on your game. all events just coincided. I'm glad I found out about this game and about you.) soooooo, see ya, I guess. how even I can say "goodbye" for the first and for the last time at the same time? :)) oke, see ya in eternum, one time.
Yes, as DaShakes said, we all can go through some terrible moments in our lives, and even if it seems that things won’t get better ever again, they will. They always do, trust me.
Sorry to hear that you’re in such a bad moment, remember that there are always alternatives and people who can help you.
A day ago, I returned from a mental hospital, spent more than 4 months there - from the day the post above was written. I hope that I am healthy, but the scars on my body and on my heart will remain forever. But I'm alive. And I will live. Thank you all for the comments! So... now I can play new version of your game, yeah? Life is full of pluses. I'm sorry about my previous post.
I usually try to avoid any political comments, but this one is too tragic, so I had to create an account as well, just to reply to this comment. However, I am somewhat reluctant to continue the political part of it, which is, unfortunately, the biggest part of my thoughts. So, dear Caribdis, I would like to ask your permission to do that.
In the meantime I will just say that I hope you will be fine. I do understand your feelings, I had similar thoughts (about suicide) in February, but I just moved on, even though devastated for some time. There are things worth living for, even if it does not seem so. That is what kept (and still keeps) me alive.
Stay safe, mate
Edit: It has been a couple of hours now since my reply, and I now realized that talking about politics would be wrong, so I am not doing it. I just hope you will be fine. That is all that matters now.
Look, I was suicidal for a while, and I just have to tell you that even though it seems it won't get better, it will. I don't like talking about this part of my life but it feels worth it if I can help someone else. I had it bad, maybe not as bad as you, maybe worse, we'll never know. But for a while I was very close to just ending it. And now, about 2 years later, I'm so glad I didn't. No matter how bad it seems. it probably feels like it can't get better, that there's no way. But trust me, there is. You have to try and create change, and then, you just have to be patient. Whether it takes 5 years, ten years, or just a month, things can and will change. Unexpected things happen, whether It's for the better or worse only time will tell, but change always comes. It feels weird saying this, but... hang in there, with time things will change, and If you feel you are about to do it, please, please call a suicide hotline (495 625 3101) (I'm not sure if that one works bcs I'm not from Russia but it might (https://www.therapyroute.com/article/suicide-hotlines-and-crisis-lines-in-russia)) You matter, even if you don't think so.
Please, please live, for the people around you, for the things you might create or enjoy in the future, please live. because, if you can make the world just a little bit better, that's worth hanging on to.
That's so true! Although... one day has passed. I just pray he was cracking an unfunny joke, here's for hoping. If he didn't take what you all said into consideration, we might have lost a friend. Sometimes, even the comment section of itch.io makes me concerned for the commentors. Everything will be alright, it's God's plan, everything becomes alright in the end, no matter how distant the end of the path may look (or close, for this..). Except for some people... people who've commited atrocious sins, not this guy, though. Just don't think about those topics... try and find the light in Russia's darkness, find a hobby, something you like or might like to do, and the money? Least of anybody's worries. It was uploaded for free in this 'ere website. Not donating doesn't mean you're a bad guy. Donating just means you showing your respect in a different way. Just.. pull through. Everything becomes better, all in due time, son. All in due time. (And this comment was directed to vamiss, not you, MoonDream! No offense.) Just remember, all in due time.
A day ago, I returned from a mental hospital, spent more than 4 months there - from the day the post above was written. I hope that I am healthy, but the scars on my body and on my heart will remain forever. But I'm alive. And I will live. Thank you all for the comments!
A day ago, I returned from a mental hospital, spent more than 4 months there - from the day the post above was written. I hope that I am healthy, but the scars on my body and on my heart will remain forever. But I'm alive. And I will live. Thank you all for the comments!
Привет. Я из Украины. Во-первых, хочу сказать огромное спасибо за твою позицию. Во-вторых, надеюсь то, что ты написал, было просто глупой шуткой. Если же нет, и ты не сделал то, о чем говорил, то послушай. Меня за последние 7 месяцев очень часто посещала мысль о самоубийстве. Но я этого не сделал, и ты не должен. Я не знаю, какая у тебя причина, но пойми, что оно того не стоит. Жизнь - самое важное, что тебе дано. У многих людей ее забрали, некоторые не могут вести полноценную жизнь из-за рака, инвалидности, паралича и тд. Они бы многое отдали, чтобв иметь ее. Так что не нужно просто выбрасывать жизнь ни за что. Надеюсь, ты прислушаешся к моим словам. Тебе может помочь это: https://www.therapyroute.com/article/suicide-hotlines-and-crisis-lines-in-russia
День назад я вернулся из психбольницы, провел там больше 4 месяцев - со дня написания поста выше. Я надеюсь, что я здоров, но шрамы на теле и на сердце останутся навсегда. Но я жив. И буду жить. Спасибо всем за комментарии!
the most exciting game I've ever played, a very cool plot with horror, just a bomb 100/10 and please, someone, give a link to the Discord group, and it's not a working link, I'll be grateful in advance, thank you!
This game is a masterpiece, storytelling is great and sometimes very funny. It isn't the same nsfw game where you fuck everything all the time, it has a plot far better than those hollywood movies and far more interesting. You can find the hand of mr. Caribdis, as he has his own style of 'breaking the ice', and it's visible that he loves making these games.
Thank you for making another masterpiece, the only way I could be more impressed is if at some point Stabby Mike makes an appearance :)
I wish I could make a fandom page for this. But I don't get the time to do any of these things at all, but saved five days of my time to play this. Ah, a NSFW game that doesn't have you ****king everyone right at the beginning. And the branching is brilliant! There is so much to miss on. By the way, what is the maximum number of "hearts" you can get for a character for v0.4? I got 4 hearts with Nancy, and 3 with everyone with Dalia. It will be weird if you can make every character pregnant, feels... uh. Whatever. Keep doing what you are doing! God bless!
Thank you!
That’s the maximum right now, yep!
And in the future you’ll be able to make pregnant the girl/s you want to, just… you know what you shouldn’t do xD
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How to update the game while keeping the save?
On PC you’ll be able to continue your old saves with no problem. On Android you also should be able to, but you must have the old version still installed.
Heya Caribdis. I finished 0.4 like, the day before yesterday I think, it was fun. I did notice something which was a bit weird though (on android), and it's that almost every animated scene, specifically the ones where the camera moves, had powerpoint-presentation framerate. I don't know why that is, because I hadn't had this problem in the other versions. I tried turning off battery restrictions for the game but that didn't make much of a difference.
As long as the camera is static, the framerate is smooth as butter, but as soon as it starts moving it gradually drops to like 3 seconds per frame, and it's not just slow either, it just skips most of the frames so I can barely see what's going on. I didn't have performance issues with any other parts of the game, but I was unfortunately unable to fully appreciate the animations lol
Do you have any ideas on what could be causing this? you can hit me up on discord if you want (haomakk#2249) because I don't check itch.io often lol
Unfortunately… I don’t know why that happens either. Just a few Android devices have that problem, and I don’t know what differentiates them from the others. I’ll keep trying to find a fix. Sorry about it
When the camera angle changes, the bitrate goes way up, so it could either be a disk I/O performance bottleneck or a decoder maximum bitrate bottleneck.
I'm assuming that the APK content is the same as what's in the desktop edition. If so:
Recompressing the content with more modest codec settings should help. Try H.264 main profile (or even baseline profile) for 1080p30 content with 8 bits per color channel, with a maximum bitrate to somewhere around 1.5–4 megabits per second.
It is also possible that VP9 is supported broadly enough at a more modest bitrate that nobody will complain about it, so you might try building two APKs — one with VP9 and one with H.264, both capped at 4 Mbps or so — and see which one works better for the folks who are having trouble.
Android versions use VP8, actually
What's the specs of your android?
Why I cannot open this game ? When I wanna open it will suddenly close automatically. (Android Version)
Have you tried the other version uploaded?
What's the difference between the 2gb android version and the 1gb version??
They’re the same, but try the first one first
When is Eternum 0.5 going to be released?
Possibly the best visual novel i've played. Fantastic work, so excited to see more!
Thank you so much!
So..my friend had bought this game. She let me borrow her tablet to play it. I am 1/4 of the way through and I have got to say...the story to this game is amazing. I would honesty play any game you make if has this amazing of a story even if there was 0 nudity in it. I plan on buying this game myself during income tax time, especially since she wants her tablet back 😅. Please continue your amazing work. The humor, the romance, the story, the epic music and of course the adult content is insanely good. I give this game a 10/10. I don't know if this comment will help sway others into buying and supporting, but I truly hope it does. I truly hope that there will be more in the future.
I hope it does too! Thank you so much 🥰🥰🥰
Honestly love this game, I played OIAL not too long ago and loved it, was a little sad that the pregnancy content was more implied then present. but no less a good game. But I have to say, the vast improvement in animation, writing, and game design is amazing. Cant wait to see more, might be subbing to the Patreon soon XD
Thank you so much for your support! 😍
Curious, what program do you use to build your models and backgrounds in? Wanna look into it to really appreciate the level of effort that you put into your masterpiece of a game XD
Honey Select 2 :)
That is crazy impressive, your Male is not bad looking and they are notorious for bad in Honey Select
How...? I don't understand...
I've never "played" a VN game before. Never really been into super NSFW kind of stuff cuz generally they're a bit tacky. This was the first time I've ever played a game like this. It was a random recommendation I found on a random Reddit post in the comments somewhere. They said it was *hilarious*, good story with some mystery and thrills and "some" NSFW stuff. It was highly recommended. I was bored. Clicked the link. It went directly to the download page, so I never even saw the thumbnails and Gifs on the side of the actual game page.
I. Couldn't. Stop. Reading.
Jesus Christ this game is hilarious. It's 1,000,000x more than anything I'd expect it to be. I pulled an all-nighter the night I downloaded it and had to work the next day. It was rough. But worth it. When I finally finished the current content, I was really sad but suuuuuuper looking forward to what's in store next.
I just don't understand how a game with this "NSFW" content as it is (which is honestly a fairly small part of this game in particular, which is great to me, cuz I just love the focus on character and moment to moment dialogue and story progression) hooked me in as much as it did. I don't really know what to say, man. This game blew me away.
I just finished Once in a Lifetime a bit ago and while it's... more "extreme" in the NSFW department and a little eye-roll-y convenient to get certain "situations" to happen, I fucking loved the shit out of it too. It was "less". Less everything (except the NSFW stuff). But it was your first game (I'm assuming? It's the only other one you're advertising that I can see?) and I can really, very much so appreciate how far you've come and are pushing in Eternum.
Sorry for the long wall of text, but I just felt a bit empty inside after finishing Once in a Lifetime. Tom. Stabby Mike. Jack. All the girls. The story. The hilarity. But more importantly, the characters. In Once in a Lifetime and Eternum. Amazing. Just perfect. Keep it up. You've more than earned another fan.
For anyone reading this: Any other recommendations? (lol, sorry if I can't ask that here. Literally just signed up to itch.io to leave this review.)
Hero's Harem Guild is more of a story the name would imply. The game hasn't had an update in a while because the creator decided that the game would have 4 chapters and they would would release it in 1 chapter chunks and each chunk is 6-10 hours of play time.
My bully is my lover and life changing choices. Are 2 from 1 creator that you might like.
It all depends on the story setting and how much NSFW you want.
Once in a Lifetime was borderline too much NSFW for me. It was a bit forced. But I get it, I guess, cuz it was that kind of "sex fantasy" story or whatever. But I still really enjoyed the game cuz the romance and love was real and the characters were amazing. Eternum is just right, so far at least. Plenty of "will they, won't they" with realistic progression in character arc and romances. I'm not a prude, I don't mind or care for the NSFW stuff, and actually encourage it *because* it's real. That's mostly what I want as far as that goes, I guess. Some realism.
But all in all, I just really appreciated the humor and the mystery and the characters in Caribdis' games. Was blown away by it all. But then again, this was my first foray into this genre and style of "game".
I'll check out those recommendations! Thanks! I wasn't sure if I was gonna get hits for any. I just stumbled upon this and not sure where to look for further VNs in this nature.
Thank you so much for your great review, I’m so happy you liked the games!!!
You're very welcome! Thank you so much for making them!
when is the next update going to be out?
I can’t give an ETA yet, check out the progress bar regularly!
And where might I find this progress bar?
On my patreon or Subscribestar pages, pinned public post
I love this game.
I played Onceinalifetime for about 6 hours and while the game is good overall, I felt like something was missing. But I couldn't say exactly what. Nevertheless I already loved the character desgin and humor of the game.
After that I thought to myself: lets have a short look at Eternum... I couldn't stop and each day I had to force myself to pause and get some sleep.
Each Girl is special in her own way. The Humor is perfekt and these Reallife references makes my laugh all the time. ( I hope there will be no copyright problems with the Dark Souls 1 Church ingame🤔where you met the dark woman the first time.) The Story is incredible and I already have some theories about certain things. (Chop Chop, Idriel and other)
The idea behind the game inside the game is clever. Every scenario is possible, nothing is lorebreaking. ancient agypt, magic, space, ancient rome.
The artstyle is definetly a step forward from Onceinalifetime. I can clearly see your personal growth in game development.
This game is in my top 3 of VN on this platform and I cant decide which one I like most. I would like to see a reunion with Eva.
My score for the game so far (0.4): hmmm ... 🤔 8-9/10 Some story decisions felt forced in regard of the nsfw content. e.g. "If I loose, you suck my dick." "ok." But i get it. A NSFW game has to be unrealistic in some regards to be able to show its content.
I hope I was able to express myself in a understandable way with google translate an my bad english grammar. 😄 Keep it up. I am looking forward to the future of this game.
Thank you very much! Glad you liked it :D
Ive played both of your games and theyre amazing!! Thank you<3
Thank YOU for playing!
Best game ever! Could I please have the discord link?
I'm not sure why but the invite does not work for me.
you see at the two last end credit pictures in the 0.4 version, we can see just before the text is displayed completely after bugging "Heads" and then "or Tails" !!!
it is obviusly referencing to the moment when we talk with the A.I. !!
i don't know what it mean for the futurs update but that's a cool easter egg !
really? I thought it was a Jojo reference 🤔
oh yeah maybe i don't watch jojo so i don't know but i think that this is referencing to the AI
I was joking
i know, i was joking too ^^' and yeah your joke was really cool and well place
hey Caribdis !
first of all, i love eternum and once in a life time, they are so good! 10/10
but i have a question... i've been trying for day to find the s scene called "Fancy Evening" and i can't found it TwT
Can someone help me please ^^'
PS: i'm native french so if you want some translating i'm here :)
Have you tried following the walkthrough? All correct choices should be there
Make sure you’re in Alex’s path when you are in the Eternum dinner at the end of the current content!
hey, yeah i found the walktrough and i made it, ty ^^
i think the game creator is oialt mc
Just finished 0.4. I came across this game after I have finished Onceinalifetime. I definitely saw a huge similarity between the two games. A well-balanced mix between romance, sexual fantasy, humor, adventure and horror. But I got to say, this game is an upgrade to all of these aspects I have mentioned. I rate the last game a 7.5~8 and I am not changing my opinion about the last game. But I got to say I saw so much progress from the last game. Especially, the plot become much more realistic, in the sense that the actions of the characters are much more believable. And the character building is more completed. All the main girls seem complete to me, as I commented last time that some of the main girl in the last game aren't complete. (But I would love to see more Luna in action, she is exactly my kind of girl, but for the moment I am teamAnnie, and I also really like Nova as a character)
I got to say, Eternum at least for now is not my favourite VN (my favourite is Being a Dik for now). As I like VN that give strong emotion and deep meaning, but I can see that this is not the direction you are trying to pursue. I would really consider Eternum is the number one VN for now in term of having the best humor. And also, the background of the game is very utilised, you have created the best vision for metaverse, giving this game a lot of potential for creative content, and have already seen a lot of these contents.
here is my score for the game
Character: 9/10 (Very believable and interesting characters)
Humor: 10/10 (Best humor in VN)
Story:9/10 (Very interesting and well writtern story, but 1 point deducted for my preference for deep story)
music: 7/10 (Sorry, but music is one of the relative weaknesses of the game, not that your music is bad, but just there are some VN with excellent soundtracks)
After finishing the 0.4, it makes me feel sad that I know we probably have to wait for around 2.5 years for the game to finish. And thanks for your good work!
Thank you very much!
Glad you liked it
If a new update comes out will my entire save be refreshed?
You should be able to continue your old saves
Thanks for letting me know
Honestly. Pretty great. Cute, heartwarming, and interesting. Love seeing games with good stories. Would like more stuff beyond oral, but I understand its still very early days. Will have to follow the development. Also, could you give names for all the songs you used? I want to hear them again!
Still cant get over the fucking "CHANG'D" postcard though. Incredible.
Thank you very much! Don’t worry, plenty of “full-on” scenes will start coming in the future updates
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Thanks for the nice game. But the face shadows are not drawn as desired but it is pretty decent for me.
Thanks for playing :)
I just want to thank you for another amazing game.
Its not just the lewd Scenes that i enjoy. I mean sure i enjoy but the story, the plots and the funny situations are amazing as well.
Honestly - i love it.
ps.: Im native german - so if you want to translate it ... dont hesitate ...
Thank you very much! I’m glad you liked the game
Wow. I’ve played through many Ren’py games before but this one is by far the best yet.
The storylines are fascinating, interesting and while somewhat derivative (Ready Player One combined with a couple other fun premises), which is totally fine as I love those stories as well, and putting them into an exciting H-game format is even better.
The animations, coupled with your sound effects and music, just *chef’s kiss*
I actually had to come here to place a review purely based upon this one scenario in the game (no spoilers, don’t worry) when your group first arrives in the Ogygia server and the encounter there. That? The whole thing from start to finish is so goddamned enthralling that I just had to come throw flowers at your feet for a second, is all. I’m still replaying that over and over on auto-play just to sit back and enjoy it as it should be. Headphones, full sound, everything.
Very well done, and I not only look forward to the completion of this story, but anything you end up creating after this as well. Cheers!
Thank you very much!! I’m happy you liked it :D
been on the game for a few years now, the game is still great but dont let us Luna lovers hanging 😭
More Luna soon :)
I hope in 0.5 :D
came across this game yesterday
here is my review
art: 11/10
story: 9/10
sex animation scenes: 9.5/10
in-game mini games: 9/10
music: 8.5/10
first time a game has made me immersed so much in the story that I skipped the sex scenes just to complete the game and then i replayed the game again just for the h scenes (hahaha)
I still haven't got my pocket money yet( I will get once I turn 19) after that I will try to support you on patreon please continue creating the amazing game till then. also whats the update status of the 0.5 version ? can't wait for it
Thanks! It’s currently at 38%, check out the progress bar on my patreon or Subscribestar regularly
I’ve been in your community for a few years now and I’m so glad you are finally getting the recognition you deserve, I can’t believe your server already has 26K members, just yesterday I thought you only had a few hundred players and members and it’s been such an enjoyable journey with you and your games. You are such a good story writer and creator and I’m so glad you are doing what you love man! Best wishes for the future!
Thank you so much, Khonsu <3
I can count on 1 hand how many games i actually get mad when i finish the new chapter... this is one of my favorites and im always looking forward to the next chapter. The story and characters are so well written.
Thank you very much!
This entire game makes me ask the question of what is true in the world. Like a simple glance can change a scene and cause me to second guess a decision. I have to wonder what turns the story will have next. Not to mention it makes me wonder if the 'game' is really a game and not just a bunch of different dimensions strung together. It's worse that my exact thought is also brought up in game. I feel like a conspiracy theorist. But hey, a good game should make you question it's reality out of intrigue for what it all means in my opinion. Can't wait for 0.5 to come around and put my heart in my throat with that meeting.
I’m glad the game caused you this effect! Thank you very much!
Honey Select 2 :)
Glad you liked it!
There is no way.. there is no way that this game.. literally made me reconsider life. It caught me so off guard, the references, the humor, the storytelling, the transitions?!? And dare I say the heart touching scenes were hitting?!?
The first piece that made me go back and laugh was Mikaela’s intro. When I saw the DS reference, I was like wtf just happened? Did I just laugh? And then from there, I was just engrossed by the story. Every slide made me say there’s no wayy this game can surprise me and Boom! Im invested in a fake heist scenario, horror level, Warthog academy, and basically ALL of the “arcs.”
But aside the great story/plot, the characters are soo good. I did not expect to remember these characters better than shows I already know. Not just the girls, they’re a bonus, I mean chop chop is fckin hilarious! Jerry dying gag! And each girl’s personality! No wayy I am hooked to this!? And the FUCKING MUSIC SLAPPPS! Caribdis your music taste is GODLYY! The comedic tone and music always hype me up.
0.5 needs to come NOWWW!! Caribdis great job!
I’m glad you liked it! TYVM!
Please take your time with creating 0.5! Id rather keep up with this hype than any manga.
I love you and i love your beautiful game everything is perfect in this game
Thanks :D
Hey, just come to say that I finished your game and love it soooooooo much. Can't wait to experience the 0.5.
Thank you!
Hi, I just finished playing this game and absolutely loved it. The ending made me so annoyed because I was so heavily invested in the story and right at a big plot twist the game just ends (trying to not give spoilers). I was only annoyed because I got so invested in the game due to it's quality. This game is incredible and the story is absolutely amazing! I saw this game was version 0.4 and had never heard about it before so I thought there would be very little content and decided to play it in the meantime whilst waiting for an update of another game I like to come out and thought nothing of this, yet it turned out to be one of my favorite games i've ever played. I love the VR and worldbuilding of the story, I love the dark powers and mystery thrown in there, and of course I love the girls too. Thank you for making this game and I hope you keep releasing updates and stick with it until the end!
Glad you liked it! Thank you!
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Yeah, the game is great. When they released 0.2, I was surprised the game had so much content at that early of a stage. Was very impressed and is the best game for story in a porn game I have played.
If i download 0.4 will my progress from 0.3 transmit into it automatically? Btw you guys made AWSOME job. Excellent. One of the best atmospheres i've seen in games. You guys have to be proud for this.
Thank you! Your old saves should still be there, yes
Hey buddy, I just downloaded the new version, and had v3 still on my phone, saved right before the end. Downloaded the new one but won't install. Keeps saying "app that is not installed as pack seems to be invalid" or so translated from Dutch. Hope you can help me, and thanks in advance!
Have you tried both versions uploaded?
I guess you mean updated? I have, I think. I'm not that much of a tech guy, and being dutch makes translating a bit of s thing. Can you see my email, and maybe pm me some instructions? I had version 0.3 on my phone, with save game just before opening the door at the end. Thanks!
Thank you so much for such a great review, BigGoat 💗
did u know, that in my language "Luna" means "moon"? funny. hey, just read my nonsense below. pls.
ok, created this acc only to leave the comment for u, cari. played this game since 0.3, when war wasn't in progress. sorry for my political comment(only 1 sec, continue reading), I'm from Russia and I hate my country, u know. don't wanna live here. so, because of these "actions" of "my most favourite country" i can't buy the game or I can't donate to u... sorry, but I've played 0.4 downloaded it for free. I didn't want to do it, I just can't buy it. I'll donate u a lot, if I can... If my student's 50$ count, xd. oh... I started it not for monologue like this, lol. I just wanna say that I love your game so much and it so happened that tomorrow I'll kill myself :). no doubt that this game was the best single-player game that I've played since all my life. u may think that I'm pathetic, weak. but... hey, cari, I love your game and goodbye. (BTW, my actions, which I described at the end, do not border on your game. all events just coincided. I'm glad I found out about this game and about you.) soooooo, see ya, I guess. how even I can say "goodbye" for the first and for the last time at the same time? :)) oke, see ya in eternum, one time.
Oh, dear God. Hit me right in the feels. I hope it's a joke and you'll pull through your episode. You will. I know that for a fact. :)
Yes, as DaShakes said, we all can go through some terrible moments in our lives, and even if it seems that things won’t get better ever again, they will. They always do, trust me.
Sorry to hear that you’re in such a bad moment, remember that there are always alternatives and people who can help you.
Take care, man
A day ago, I returned from a mental hospital, spent more than 4 months there - from the day the post above was written. I hope that I am healthy, but the scars on my body and on my heart will remain forever. But I'm alive. And I will live. Thank you all for the comments!
So... now I can play new version of your game, yeah? Life is full of pluses. I'm sorry about my previous post.
Glad you're better now :)
Have fun playing 0.5!
I usually try to avoid any political comments, but this one is too tragic, so I had to create an account as well, just to reply to this comment. However, I am somewhat reluctant to continue the political part of it, which is, unfortunately, the biggest part of my thoughts. So, dear Caribdis, I would like to ask your permission to do that.
In the meantime I will just say that I hope you will be fine. I do understand your feelings, I had similar thoughts (about suicide) in February, but I just moved on, even though devastated for some time. There are things worth living for, even if it does not seem so. That is what kept (and still keeps) me alive.
Stay safe, mate
Edit: It has been a couple of hours now since my reply, and I now realized that talking about politics would be wrong, so I am not doing it. I just hope you will be fine. That is all that matters now.
Look, I was suicidal for a while, and I just have to tell you that even though it seems it won't get better, it will. I don't like talking about this part of my life but it feels worth it if I can help someone else. I had it bad, maybe not as bad as you, maybe worse, we'll never know. But for a while I was very close to just ending it. And now, about 2 years later, I'm so glad I didn't. No matter how bad it seems. it probably feels like it can't get better, that there's no way. But trust me, there is. You have to try and create change, and then, you just have to be patient. Whether it takes 5 years, ten years, or just a month, things can and will change. Unexpected things happen, whether It's for the better or worse only time will tell, but change always comes. It feels weird saying this, but... hang in there, with time things will change, and If you feel you are about to do it, please, please call a suicide hotline (495 625 3101) (I'm not sure if that one works bcs I'm not from Russia but it might (https://www.therapyroute.com/article/suicide-hotlines-and-crisis-lines-in-russia)) You matter, even if you don't think so.
Please, please live, for the people around you, for the things you might create or enjoy in the future, please live. because, if you can make the world just a little bit better, that's worth hanging on to.
That's so true! Although... one day has passed. I just pray he was cracking an unfunny joke, here's for hoping. If he didn't take what you all said into consideration, we might have lost a friend. Sometimes, even the comment section of itch.io makes me concerned for the commentors. Everything will be alright, it's God's plan, everything becomes alright in the end, no matter how distant the end of the path may look (or close, for this..). Except for some people... people who've commited atrocious sins, not this guy, though. Just don't think about those topics... try and find the light in Russia's darkness, find a hobby, something you like or might like to do, and the money? Least of anybody's worries. It was uploaded for free in this 'ere website. Not donating doesn't mean you're a bad guy. Donating just means you showing your respect in a different way. Just.. pull through. Everything becomes better, all in due time, son. All in due time. (And this comment was directed to vamiss, not you, MoonDream! No offense.) Just remember, all in due time.
A day ago, I returned from a mental hospital, spent more than 4 months there - from the day the post above was written. I hope that I am healthy, but the scars on my body and on my heart will remain forever. But I'm alive. And I will live. Thank you all for the comments!
A day ago, I returned from a mental hospital, spent more than 4 months there - from the day the post above was written. I hope that I am healthy, but the scars on my body and on my heart will remain forever. But I'm alive. And I will live. Thank you all for the comments!
Привет. Я из Украины. Во-первых, хочу сказать огромное спасибо за твою позицию. Во-вторых, надеюсь то, что ты написал, было просто глупой шуткой. Если же нет, и ты не сделал то, о чем говорил, то послушай. Меня за последние 7 месяцев очень часто посещала мысль о самоубийстве. Но я этого не сделал, и ты не должен. Я не знаю, какая у тебя причина, но пойми, что оно того не стоит. Жизнь - самое важное, что тебе дано. У многих людей ее забрали, некоторые не могут вести полноценную жизнь из-за рака, инвалидности, паралича и тд. Они бы многое отдали, чтобв иметь ее. Так что не нужно просто выбрасывать жизнь ни за что. Надеюсь, ты прислушаешся к моим словам. Тебе может помочь это: https://www.therapyroute.com/article/suicide-hotlines-and-crisis-lines-in-russia
День назад я вернулся из психбольницы, провел там больше 4 месяцев - со дня написания поста выше. Я надеюсь, что я здоров, но шрамы на теле и на сердце останутся навсегда. Но я жив. И буду жить. Спасибо всем за комментарии!
the most exciting game I've ever played, a very cool plot with horror, just a bomb 100/10 and please, someone, give a link to the Discord group, and it's not a working link, I'll be grateful in advance, thank you!
I registered just to make a comment.
This game is a masterpiece, storytelling is great and sometimes very funny. It isn't the same nsfw game where you fuck everything all the time, it has a plot far better than those hollywood movies and far more interesting. You can find the hand of mr. Caribdis, as he has his own style of 'breaking the ice', and it's visible that he loves making these games.
Thank you for making another masterpiece, the only way I could be more impressed is if at some point Stabby Mike makes an appearance :)
Thank you so much, Steks! <3
I wish I could make a fandom page for this. But I don't get the time to do any of these things at all, but saved five days of my time to play this. Ah, a NSFW game that doesn't have you ****king everyone right at the beginning. And the branching is brilliant! There is so much to miss on. By the way, what is the maximum number of "hearts" you can get for a character for v0.4? I got 4 hearts with Nancy, and 3 with everyone with Dalia. It will be weird if you can make every character pregnant, feels... uh. Whatever. Keep doing what you are doing! God bless!
Thank you! That’s the maximum right now, yep! And in the future you’ll be able to make pregnant the girl/s you want to, just… you know what you shouldn’t do xD
when will the 0.5 be release