Hey, I just felt I needed to say this: Thank you. I know it's super weird that I'm writing such an emotional review comment on a porn game of all things, but you are amazing. This game has lovable characters, well written story that I got emotionally invested in, and what h-scenes there are are well animated and enjoyable. I will not lie, I cried or almost cried at least 3 times playing this game. Like, the writing, characters, and animations are some of the best I've seen in any VN and you are doing this for free. You're awesome and I'm so excited for future updates.
idk why but, whenever the animations play it plays in like 3 fps, I don't know if its my laptop or what but, I just recently finished your previous game and the animation ran much more smoother. any recommendation on how to fix it.
from further observation, I determined that I have a potato pc that can't handle dynamic camera movements, also f up did not went with eves path making the "other girls" tab unaccessible.
Hi i love the game (still playing through it right now) but i was wondering if u could help me. im on android (fire 7 gen 9 tablet) and when there is a cutscene it crashes so i was wondering if u could send me a version of the game with better stabilty (maybe make the textures lower res or something) anyway tnx for reading my coment and love the game
I fucking love it! I wanna know how the story will end, the cliffhanger at the end of this version was insane.... Please, tell me when the 0.5 version is programmed to be released!
I can't believe I was away for so long that 0.4 came out! Thank You So much Caribdis for making this awesome game free to pay! I'll be a patreon again in the future but money is being tight recently :(
why when I want to open Eternum, it comes out by itself, is there a way to fix this problem? I really want to play this game. btw i have done once in a lifetime 10/10
So just wondering whats the canon ending for OiaLT. Due to the nature of the 5 endings i feel like it would change the way the game gets played out later. I did a 100% playthough and saw all the endings. 1 of them is very suspicious and if that ending is "canon" then it could change the way this game is being made.
Yes. Go to C:/Users/Sour1999/Appdata/Roaming/Eternum-1610153667 and delete the "saves" folder, make sure you have enabled show hidden files and folders to be able to see the Appdata folder.
All was good, really! Very much enjoyed the game, all but the scene with the Egyptian temple with Nova. Dont know why it was filling like this, actually.
If you saved anywhere before you open the door, you should be able to play 0.4. If saved after you open the door (i.e. Black fade screen and credit screen), try using Back and see if you can go back to that choice or use any save that's saved near that point. If you don't have any, play the game from start.
You know this is the perfect example of type of avn which you wants to get updated soon as possible and even gets a perfect ending but doesn't want it to end ever,i would love to move plot,avn is NXT lvl and everything is perfect,i can't find a single issue but find some years when update ends.
No bro that would be waste of time,money and whole plot since these girls voice over would not be perfect match,but you never know maybe dev pulls even that off
hey good job with the new update! can you please make the etenum guide like the one guide you made for once in a life time? because once in a life time guide had much more information on the choices than etenums.
Yeah buddy i loved that Oial guide or walkthrough pdf much more than many past played top avns,see an avn lvl whose just guide is better than many avns
I thoroughly enjoy your sense of humour, that most of the girls seem different from each other and that all the amazing renders. The story is pretty good and the writing is also pretty good! Cheers to that.
One thing that truly gets to me, and which can't be fixed now, is that the girls labia are so low down/tilted back. Most women, when standing straight up and not pelvic tilting backwards to make their ass look better, have visible labia. Having it so low sometimes makes the models like like mannequins. It almost seems like their labia are where their vaginal opening should be...
That's my only gripe. I did enjoy the ability to change views of your game OIALT but understand that takes a lot of time to do. And these models are much more realistic looking.
My other thought (sorry for such a long rambling mess), is that it'd be nice to see cum stay on the girls for a bit if interrupted before cleaning up or making clothing a bit cum stained.
Caribdis, i just wanted to say this game is absolute gold, and so was OIALT, also i just want to say thank you so much for creating content and i would definitely support the game if i could, and who knows maybe in the future i will support and i can't wait until 0.5
I don't usually theories about games but I have a theory about this game. First at the beginning when the protagonist answers the pay phone and the person mention Calypso I think that mightve been idrea, I think that's her name. The ai woman. I'm a bit tired while writing this comment so I apologize if I got the name wrong. Thanks for listening and please let me know who you think it might've been. And if I should go into depth of why I think it was her let me know.
Also, magic and demons are canonical in this game, look back at 'Once in a Life Time's they outright mention that eternum is a game using a neural device and that game was coming out after the events of 'Once in a Life Time' I can't explain properly. If you want to know more I recommend playing OiLT it's on equal standing as eternum in my book.
Makes you wonder if eternum (the in world game) is run by someone or something that is either related to the grimoir of Magnus or atleast has powers similar. I noticed alot of what felt to me like hints about the game being more than just a game, take Calypso for example. A supposed AI that can travel between servers. I think eternum acts as a gateway to other worlds, along with worlds created by people to keep up the facade of "it's just a game" that's why the protagonist of eternum has so many nightmares and memories of things that he doesn't know about yet it is connected to eternum a game he never played until the events of this story. And in once in a lifetime we get hints of other demons existing. Such as the demon in the MCs dream with the doors. It wouldn't surprise me if infact somehow the two MCs are connected. Soon I'm gonna play through both games and get all endings possible to put together a proper theory. Also I think the MC of eternum has his "powers" in the real world aswell seeing as how he has almost super human reflexes. (Note the scene when the bully kicks a soccer ball at his head) I think that he is like the OiaLT protag and has some connection to a demon.
Ever since I started the game too much syncs up with stuff from the first game. And the MC of OIAL was heavily implied to have just given up on the book. I don't think he has it. His life was going so well, he likely was distracted by his god-tier harem to make sure that the book was never stolen. Some scenes even implied it was just left out in the open. So yeah, someone has it. Or hell, maybe the MC of OIAL is the person who made Eternum and the company is made super successful by using the book.
Idk if they're the same person but stuff I'd implied to be the same with them. Harems. Cults in newspaper running amok. Awkward obsessions with things most people would shy away from. Like a game with corruption on the level of Las Vegas or a cult of psychos killing people. So for all we know the main char made the game, played it to test it, got bored with it being to EZ and made the game wipe his memory so he had to go in blind to win at the game the hard way as a rookie. Only to find he lost control of the game and now doesn't know that he has it wipe his memory in the first place. Meanwhile people are now playing the game and it's out of control.
Who knows what the hell is going on?
But i know I want the heroes of the game to focus on the real problems and not just dick around. Those gems of doom and this power struggle with the people in the game seems like a distraction to the real problems. Why did the company make a game like this at all that is a cesspool for evil and a quick way to get sued?
I don't think OiaLT mc made the game due to the fact that it was referenced to be in development during the events of the game, I also don't thing the MC of eternum made it either due to the fact that he has childhood friend who would most likely know of it or there would atleast be some proof. Personally with the way the creator looks, I suspect the creator might be a decendent of Magnus he has eternal life so maybe before he became the walking corpse we all know and love he bore a child with a concubine (you know how rich people are, especially for his time) I think the kid grew up and went on his own little adventure to find out more about his father, although I'm also half suspecting the developer to be a follower of our beloved protagonist or atleast one of the 5 princes. You know how obsessed he was with eternal life so what if he was also interested in alternate worlds and thus ordered the development of eternum. Astoroth probably has quite a few connections see as how he supposedly has lived for a long time. It kinda reminds a bit of comic called eternal club. To keep it short the MC is bestowed the power to control time. He can manipulate it aswell as store and give years of life time to himself or others. In the comic his organisation eternal club is working on creating miniature worlds with ecosystems and life of its own by using his control of time to speed up the process of development on said "small world". It makes me think about what astoroth may have done to learn of eternal life and what kind of experiments he did to create or simulate eternal life. So yea personally I think the creation of eternum is connected to astoroth. Plus with MC in OiaLT leaving the book in a random edge it makes on think of the power in the universe. Makes me excited for 0.5 after that ending in eternum. I hope I'm right about this to be honest.
exactly. Chang is a guarantee everytime I see him to be funny. He is a good addition to a cast that for the most part only revolves around Orion. But when he pops up you discover Chang is having little crazy adventures off screen.
← Return to game
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Hey, I just felt I needed to say this: Thank you. I know it's super weird that I'm writing such an emotional review comment on a porn game of all things, but you are amazing. This game has lovable characters, well written story that I got emotionally invested in, and what h-scenes there are are well animated and enjoyable. I will not lie, I cried or almost cried at least 3 times playing this game. Like, the writing, characters, and animations are some of the best I've seen in any VN and you are doing this for free. You're awesome and I'm so excited for future updates.
Thank you so much!! 😍
I'm happy to read this
You should check out their other game, it’s equally as awesome.
idk why but, whenever the animations play it plays in like 3 fps, I don't know if its my laptop or what but, I just recently finished your previous game and the animation ran much more smoother. any recommendation on how to fix it.
from further observation, I determined that I have a potato pc that can't handle dynamic camera movements, also f up did not went with eves path making the "other girls" tab unaccessible.
It says I'm unable to install when I have 0.3 installed
You mean "App Not Installed"? Make sure you have enough storage space, preferably 6~8 GB available.
I have 60gb free
This game is insane i really looooooove this game please hurry and relese 0.5 of this can't wait.....
I just finished playing this game again, this is amazing and thank you Caribdis for leaving this free to play. Can't wait for the next update!
Glad you liked it!
I really liked this game, especially the ending that made me wonder. Eternum Is it really just a game or is there something greater?
Hi i love the game (still playing through it right now) but i was wondering if u could help me. im on android (fire 7 gen 9 tablet) and when there is a cutscene it crashes so i was wondering if u could send me a version of the game with better stabilty (maybe make the textures lower res or something) anyway tnx for reading my coment and love the game
Did you download the 2nd version uploaded? I'm not sure I can do more
I fucking love it! I wanna know how the story will end, the cliffhanger at the end of this version was insane.... Please, tell me when the 0.5 version is programmed to be released!
I can't give a date yet! Keep an eye on the progress bar!
Surely I will, I'd like to help by donating but unfortunately I can't.... Maybe an Italian translation? xD
No matter what I do, I can't seem to unlock the relationship with Alex. Anyone knows what is the problem?
Once you lose it, you can't get it back
Make sure you follow the walkthrough!
My advice if you want to avoid spoilers with the walk through, would be to be funny, take an interest and just don't butt kiss
I wasnt expecting to see Falazio from fates collide!!! IM ON SOME FUCKIN PLANET AND HERE COMES THE TEQUILA MADMAN FALAZIO
I can't believe I was away for so long that 0.4 came out! Thank You So much Caribdis for making this awesome game free to pay! I'll be a patreon again in the future but money is being tight recently :(
🤩🤩 🤩🤩
No worries!
Thank you very much!
Im playing on android but the animation is so laggy how do i fix this?
In the main menu, go to preferences and enable hardware acceleration.
Hardware acceleration doesn't exist in official Android port... Not to mention it's buggy in Android.
Try downloading crash fix version.
The girls are gorgeous.
The plot is elaborate.
Noah and Raul are hilarious!
Great job all around.
So just wondering whats the canon ending for OiaLT. Due to the nature of the 5 endings i feel like it would change the way the game gets played out later. I did a 100% playthough and saw all the endings. 1 of them is very suspicious and if that ending is "canon" then it could change the way this game is being made.
Harem ending is the canon ending, it is obvious.
Is there a way to delete saves on Windows? I have tried deleting them in the "saves" folder, but they just stayed there.
Yes. Go to C:/Users/Sour1999/Appdata/Roaming/Eternum-1610153667 and delete the "saves" folder, make sure you have enabled show hidden files and folders to be able to see the Appdata folder.
Former President Stabb cracked me up! Great work!
All was good, really! Very much enjoyed the game, all but the scene with the Egyptian temple with Nova. Dont know why it was filling like this, actually.
All other things are amazing
The Egyptian temple scene was if not THE best, one of the best scenes in the game. Hated the roman bath scene tho.
ImMeTho totally agree.
Here ya go. Found this while trying to find the game soundtrack.
Oh how I love ones in a lifetime but now I feel in love in eternum I would like to now when will the next update \ 0.5 while start
P.s love the cliffhanger BEST GIRL . LUNA AND ALEX
Is caribdis on leave??He didn't responded anything in last 2 weeks
He's on vacation.
Does the game end at 0.3 if you start the game from beginning. Otherwise, it sounds like you saved at wrong spot.
If you saved anywhere before you open the door, you should be able to play 0.4. If saved after you open the door (i.e. Black fade screen and credit screen), try using Back and see if you can go back to that choice or use any save that's saved near that point. If you don't have any, play the game from start.
Transfer your save files from 0.3 into the 0.4 version
This new cliffhanger is freaking cruel bruh. Fck you Cardibis and EAGERLY WAITING FOR NEXT UPDATE.
Caribdis, do you mind telling me what you guys use to make these visual novels (Eternum / Once a lifetime)
Nah this type of avn with anime style character uses honey or daz or something like that
Honey Select is the tool used for renders.
Ren'py is the software used to create visual novels, which is the exact answer to the question he asked. :)
oh thanks for helping him,sorry bud i tried but i guess wrong information is bad thing my bad sorry bro
Thank you! Do you happens to know like the software that was used to create the scene and characters?
Honey Select 2. OIALT uses Honey Select.
You know this is the perfect example of type of avn which you wants to get updated soon as possible and even gets a perfect ending but doesn't want it to end ever,i would love to move plot,avn is NXT lvl and everything is perfect,i can't find a single issue but find some years when update ends.
Caribbdis if lets say the stars align and your prayers answered will you add voice acting in eternum?
No bro that would be waste of time,money and whole plot since these girls voice over would not be perfect match,but you never know maybe dev pulls even that off
At least the Eternum log on talks
Really enjoy this one. Would you be able to make an iOS version?
I wouldn't count on it. H games aren't liked on the app store and jailbroke iphones are too small of a market.
hey good job with the new update! can you please make the etenum guide like the one guide you made for once in a life time? because once in a life time guide had much more information on the choices than etenums.
Yeah buddy i loved that Oial guide or walkthrough pdf much more than many past played top avns,see an avn lvl whose just guide is better than many avns
hey caribdis! loved both your games. I am wondering can you give us the link to discord because the one here is expired.
The link seems to work for me. Maybe try again?
I did but can you join? because It comes up with the discord server suddenly says it is expired. can you maybe help me with joing by inviting me?
Sorry, I can't do that. Just make sure you are clicking the link that says "Join Our Discord" at the bottom part of description.
thats ok. yeah I tried again unfortunately it says expired
This might be considered a small spoiler? Probably not, but I'll try to keep it vague:
Dude! I Loved the hidden text after the list of patreon contributors, this update was a gem! Fantastic job!
Thank you!
I thoroughly enjoy your sense of humour, that most of the girls seem different from each other and that all the amazing renders. The story is pretty good and the writing is also pretty good! Cheers to that.
One thing that truly gets to me, and which can't be fixed now, is that the girls labia are so low down/tilted back. Most women, when standing straight up and not pelvic tilting backwards to make their ass look better, have visible labia. Having it so low sometimes makes the models like like mannequins. It almost seems like their labia are where their vaginal opening should be...
That's my only gripe. I did enjoy the ability to change views of your game OIALT but understand that takes a lot of time to do. And these models are much more realistic looking.
My other thought (sorry for such a long rambling mess), is that it'd be nice to see cum stay on the girls for a bit if interrupted before cleaning up or making clothing a bit cum stained.
Those are all fair, thanks for the feedback!
WOAH, loved the game. I hope and can't wait for update 0.5, thank you so much for this public release !!
Glad you liked it!
Caribdis, i just wanted to say this game is absolute gold, and so was OIALT, also i just want to say thank you so much for creating content and i would definitely support the game if i could, and who knows maybe in the future i will support and i can't wait until 0.5
Thank you so much, I appreciate it!
Why is the game animations so laggy in android, can someone pls tell me how to remove the lag thanks
That depends on your phone's specifications so it can't easily be solved simply.
But my processor is snapdragon 865 so i dont think specs is the issue
It didn't lag on my device ( helio g96 processor)
this game is just CHEFS KISS, cant wait for 0.5
I don't usually theories about games but I have a theory about this game. First at the beginning when the protagonist answers the pay phone and the person mention Calypso I think that mightve been idrea, I think that's her name. The ai woman. I'm a bit tired while writing this comment so I apologize if I got the name wrong. Thanks for listening and please let me know who you think it might've been. And if I should go into depth of why I think it was her let me know.
Also, magic and demons are canonical in this game, look back at 'Once in a Life Time's they outright mention that eternum is a game using a neural device and that game was coming out after the events of 'Once in a Life Time' I can't explain properly. If you want to know more I recommend playing OiLT it's on equal standing as eternum in my book.
It is true that it is the same world of Earth as OIAL. Stabbs was reffed.
Makes you wonder if eternum (the in world game) is run by someone or something that is either related to the grimoir of Magnus or atleast has powers similar. I noticed alot of what felt to me like hints about the game being more than just a game, take Calypso for example. A supposed AI that can travel between servers. I think eternum acts as a gateway to other worlds, along with worlds created by people to keep up the facade of "it's just a game" that's why the protagonist of eternum has so many nightmares and memories of things that he doesn't know about yet it is connected to eternum a game he never played until the events of this story. And in once in a lifetime we get hints of other demons existing. Such as the demon in the MCs dream with the doors. It wouldn't surprise me if infact somehow the two MCs are connected. Soon I'm gonna play through both games and get all endings possible to put together a proper theory. Also I think the MC of eternum has his "powers" in the real world aswell seeing as how he has almost super human reflexes. (Note the scene when the bully kicks a soccer ball at his head) I think that he is like the OiaLT protag and has some connection to a demon.
I agree.
Ever since I started the game too much syncs up with stuff from the first game. And the MC of OIAL was heavily implied to have just given up on the book. I don't think he has it. His life was going so well, he likely was distracted by his god-tier harem to make sure that the book was never stolen. Some scenes even implied it was just left out in the open. So yeah, someone has it. Or hell, maybe the MC of OIAL is the person who made Eternum and the company is made super successful by using the book.
Idk if they're the same person but stuff I'd implied to be the same with them. Harems. Cults in newspaper running amok. Awkward obsessions with things most people would shy away from. Like a game with corruption on the level of Las Vegas or a cult of psychos killing people. So for all we know the main char made the game, played it to test it, got bored with it being to EZ and made the game wipe his memory so he had to go in blind to win at the game the hard way as a rookie. Only to find he lost control of the game and now doesn't know that he has it wipe his memory in the first place. Meanwhile people are now playing the game and it's out of control.
Who knows what the hell is going on?
But i know I want the heroes of the game to focus on the real problems and not just dick around. Those gems of doom and this power struggle with the people in the game seems like a distraction to the real problems. Why did the company make a game like this at all that is a cesspool for evil and a quick way to get sued?
I don't think OiaLT mc made the game due to the fact that it was referenced to be in development during the events of the game, I also don't thing the MC of eternum made it either due to the fact that he has childhood friend who would most likely know of it or there would atleast be some proof. Personally with the way the creator looks, I suspect the creator might be a decendent of Magnus he has eternal life so maybe before he became the walking corpse we all know and love he bore a child with a concubine (you know how rich people are, especially for his time) I think the kid grew up and went on his own little adventure to find out more about his father, although I'm also half suspecting the developer to be a follower of our beloved protagonist or atleast one of the 5 princes. You know how obsessed he was with eternal life so what if he was also interested in alternate worlds and thus ordered the development of eternum. Astoroth probably has quite a few connections see as how he supposedly has lived for a long time. It kinda reminds a bit of comic called eternal club. To keep it short the MC is bestowed the power to control time. He can manipulate it aswell as store and give years of life time to himself or others. In the comic his organisation eternal club is working on creating miniature worlds with ecosystems and life of its own by using his control of time to speed up the process of development on said "small world". It makes me think about what astoroth may have done to learn of eternal life and what kind of experiments he did to create or simulate eternal life. So yea personally I think the creation of eternum is connected to astoroth. Plus with MC in OiaLT leaving the book in a random edge it makes on think of the power in the universe. Makes me excited for 0.5 after that ending in eternum. I hope I'm right about this to be honest.
Loved the update !
The bromance between Raul and Noah & MC and Chang was beautifully hilarous!
It is good to see the guys being funny since I will never find them sexy.
right ? I don’t necessarily want to see them in a h-scene, but I’m at glad they at least provide a very good comedic relief
exactly. Chang is a guarantee everytime I see him to be funny. He is a good addition to a cast that for the most part only revolves around Orion. But when he pops up you discover Chang is having little crazy adventures off screen.
Glad you like them!
Love the game so much!!! oh btw what program do you use to design the characters and cgs? they look so beautiful!
Cari uses Honey Select 2.
You guys are doing a great job! Absolutely a masterpiece!!! I'll support you guys as soon as I get paid! Much love !!
Thank you so much! <3
Is there any way to change my name? After installing the update my name remained the same but my family name reverted back to Richards...
Last name is introduced in this 0.4 update so you have to replay the game from beginning if you want to change last name.
So that's why. Thanks for the help!