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Also Discord Link is invalid


The discord is closed for now.

Deleted 2 years ago

Because theres like 20k people on there and a lot of scam happening. Not sure fully but that's what I heard. 

Really good, played with a few friends! The story is downright incredible and the memes are funny, looking forward to 0.4

Thanks! Glad you liked it!


What an amazing game. Really looking forward for 0.4. Hope we get more luna and Alex screen time

There will be, yeah ^^

caribdis when do you think the version 0.5 of eternum will be?

(1 edit)

0.4 isn't even out for public yet, buddy. Chill out and let Caribdis do things on his own pace. 

Hello, this is an amazing game. I love every second about playing it. im just wondering if there is a sex scene with Luna? or if there will be one in 0.5. thanks and have a great day.

Luna's story will progress slowly and steadily so you shouldn't expect anything to happen sooner ;) 

ok thanks Legend

Can't wait for 0.5 you guys are amazing. keep up the amazing work. can't wait for September 3rd

I'm not the developer tho, lol. But yeah, Cari does an amazing job with the game. 

I'm an Idiot lol. Thanks for your help


I love it, I love it, I love your work of eternum I hope you continue to delight us with this great story my friend congratulations this time you surpassed yourself



Dude, im speechless, im not done with the game so far but from what ive seen, this is truly just amazing. Keep up the awesome work

Thanks Kyrox!

What is the password of the safe?


Everything you need is inside walkthrough.

Two dinosaurs, three candles and eighteen sticks. I really don't know. I need help

Doesn't that solve the problem? You don't type them all at once, just separately.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I really liked "Once in a Lifetime" and I have finally started playing Eternum.  I'm already hooked.  You are a very good storyteller.

Thank you!

The game just ends at opening the box at the end, why doesnt it continue, i see the walkthrough continues but my game does'nt. please help


Make sure you download the game here and you're not using any external mods

Deleted 2 years ago

How is this game so good??

It's not even close to being finished and it's already by far the best visual novel I've played (with once in a lifetime in second place)

Your games honestly inspire me to make my own... Do you have any tips?

Thank you!
I don't really have any tips sorry haha


Great graphics, engaging storyline . Good job , Caribdis .
I will support patreon for you after completing the VISA card
I hope in the next parts , I can see the characters ride on the "cyberpunk-motor" or the beast (unicorn, eagle ...) than just walking .

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for supporting! 💗

Hey i'm a big fan of your game, what programs do you use for your models/animations ? I'm going to a gaming school soon and would love to try and make animations like these in my own time. Also Egyptian lunatic best girl no cap.

(1 edit)

Carib uses Honey Select 2 for renders. 

Ah thank you !


Yeah, HS2
Glad you like the game!

May I ask,  is version 0.4 the last version, like a full release?


The game is far from finished, it will take a long journey to finish.

It will go beyond 1.0 so expect the game to be not finished anytime soon

will there be a scene with the elf princess tho



I would like to say Thanks for this masterpiece. TEN OF TEN.

Caribdis <3


Thank you! Glad you liked it!

When is the next release date


Sept 3rd

Can you give me your discord server link @Caribdis

He already replied below that Discord is closed for now...

Deleted 2 years ago

Wow! You out done yourself Caribdis the characters, story, effects, animation, and the music is so addicting it keeps playing on my head time to time 

And just one quick question :

How many maidens are you planning to put on my guys Harem?


All of the main girls have been introduced already, there are 7 of them


really? there is a last empty space... i would assume that the last girl will be a surprise ;)


The more i play this, the more i think Caribdis is a true genius. 

It's sooooo good. 

Just like OIALT. 

if i could give 10 stars, i would give you 15



Hi. Just wanted to say that I've played Ethernum and I loved it! I'm looking forward to the next update! One question: I've been hitting the Discord button and it keeps saying that my invite in invalid. I've tried it on both games and here on your main page. Something change or do you need to be a subscriber to join your Discord. Keep up the good work and thank you for this awesome game!

The Discord is closed for now, sorry for the inconvenience!
Glad you liked the game!

Deleted 2 years ago

hey when will it be opened?

(2 edits) (+2)

Hello, this is the first ever visual novel game I've ever played. I must say, the experience was remarkable. I've gotten so immersed and involved into the story and characters, it's nothing like I expected a visual novel game to be. Everything about the game was just great. Sadly I believe I got too attached to the story and characters so I hope you don't plan ending this anytime soon and go welllll beyond version 1.0. (I suggest you don't even stop personally) :)

Great work Caribdis!


I recommend you his previous game too. It's the same visual style and is so good too. 

It's called Once In A Life Time

And that one is finished


Hey, I've totally considered it but I normally don't watch shows or even play story games that I get attached to (only movies or more conventional video games), because I hate the feeling of them ending, and it lingers for a while. Hope that makes sense, thanks for recommendation though! :D


Sure, np. If in the future you play it, im sure you'll like it


It'll go beyond 1.0, yeah :D


Is chop chop related to stabby mike?


Bro chop chop is literally everywhere 💀😭

Hey dev! I have been playing your game since the first update and I absolutely loved it. It is no doubt my No.1 rn. I just have one request though, from the next update can you include a save file from the last update so that we dont have to replay the entire game to play the new content. and keep up your work!!


Thank you!!
It shouldn't be a problem continuing your own saves though, they will be there even if you deleted the old folder!


That's the thing, I usually do not download the game. I play it online normally in and for some reason even if I save the game, extract the save file and use it the next time it just doesn't work. I have seen a bunch of videos where they try to show how to export and import saves but nothing works. Thats the reason I thought of telling it to you directly 🙏


Oh I see, well it's complicated to upload a save myself because there are lots of different variables. I'll see what I can do


I mean you can do what evey other dev does. You give us a option to play the new content directly without playing the old content. So like once I start the game I get an option to start directly from the v0.4 and you take all the choices in the starting. In that way all the different variables get set according to the player's choices😃. I mean it's gonna be a hassle to work extra but it's just a request from my side. Thanks for replying everytime ❤️

Just finished v0.3 and man what a game! Amazing art and the story was so wholesome sometimes. It doesn't feel like a porn game at all. That's the best experience about it. Thank you for creating this and really looking forward to v0.4!

Thank you very much!


Snuggles killed me. Not expecting this level of over the top dark comedy.

What do u use to animate and how did you make the characters


It was made using Honey Select 2.


thank you so much. I can't wait for 0.4


Your game had me HOOKED! I truly have no words, I have never played something like this before. The characters, the relationships, the storyline, and everything is just perfection!!! I can't wait for the next update; thank you so much for creating this game. I would LOVE to see this turn into a movie or something. Once I have enough money, I am planning to contribute in any way I can. You deserve it! Kudos!! Aaaaaaaa I'm just so in love with this game 😩 Gonna try Once in a lifetime now! Keep up the insanely amazing work, dev!


Thank you very much Upsy!


I can't wait for the next update


I love your games man, I really do. The story, The Comedy, everything. Keep up the good work man

I'll try my best!

(2 edits) (+3)

This is such a phenomenal adult VN. At a certain point, I stopped trying to fap and was genuinely interested and engaged with the story (but the sexy scenes did help with that).

The writing is solid with some actually funny scenes, cinematography that works incredibly well with the context of the scene, and the sound design and music selection is genuinely what ties it together. The music wraps up the experience with a nice bow on the gift that is Eternum.

The character design is also great. For me, there's not a single heroine that edges out the others, and that's a sign of a well-designed and written cast for a harem game.

I appreciated the little lore bits regarding the rain and the butterflies, it just adds to the story and experience, seemingly giving the city of Kredon a life of it's own.

Excited for when this game finally gets finished.


Thank you very much, Fluffea!

is it voiced?

Nope, not voiced.


Absolutely one of the most polished adult VNs I've ever seen. I'm thrilled you guys are getting the time/resources to make this something special. The cinematography is oddly good and the detail of the 3d scenes bring a level of authenticity to the writing that most games don't have the directing skill or the development resources to do. Many of the choices you've made during development (quality > quantity sex scenes, emphasis on line-by-line storytelling and animation, and SOUND DESIGN most of all) make this game stand out amongst its peers. Seriously - keep licensing good music. It's unbelievable how big of a difference it makes for the player experience.

All these things in mind - have you considered getting the game partially voiced? RAVAGER is a good example of a game that's gotten a LOT of benefit from voicework and I think Eternum can in the same way. There's probably ways to do it where some scenes are voiced/some aren't - as voicing the whole script is obviously unreasonable - but it might be a good stretch goal down the line to enhance the "cinema" feel of the game. There are plenty of places online with people willing to do voicework - /r/gonewildaudio is a good starting point to find actors who can do regular and sexual VAing.  

Thanks for giving us such an awesome game, people over at Caribdis! And, as an amateur Renpy game maker - thanks for setting a high standard that the rest of us can look up to and learn from!

(2 edits)

Thank you so much!
I appreciate it! 

I played the game once myself, and then played it again using the walkthrough. However, the game status shows that I still haven't read around 1800 language blocks.(15563/17388) So... we are expected to miss around 10% of the content when using the walkthrough?  Maybe there could be a more detailed walkthrough like that of "once in a lifetime". I'd like to find out the missing content even if they do not belong to the "best" route. 

I don't think you missed any contents. These missing things are probably just dialogues that kicks you from paths. So unless you wants to see them, you don't need to worry about missing content.

If you don't want to miss ANYTHING, I'd suggest you check other options in the choice menus even if you end up choosing the one the walkthrough says. Some are pretty entertaining too.

I have played both of your games and with a mix of humor and spooks as well as plenty of uh workouts i do have to say that i cant wait to see more of your work.

Thank you so much!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey man, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful game and story that you have created so far as Eternum. However, I also want to let you know that the discord invite is invalid. How do we join your server?

Wonderful game by a wonderful dev, love ya Caribdis!

Thank you Gorcrow :)

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+4)(-4)

Hey Niky, if you're upset about something that happened feel free to DM me on Discord Caribdis#1846.
I'm sorry if that's the case


Great game brotha, i've been here ever since the start of OIALT and have ever since thought of you as the greatest creator of the genre! Do you think eternum's going to be finished in a year or less?


It's going to take more than a year. OiaL took almost a year to complete the game (from 0. 1 to 1.0). Eternum is going to be much much bigger than OiaL so it's definitely taking more than 1 year. 


Yeah! We have reached 0.4 so far, not even 50% of the game yet. But it also depends if Caribdis get enough resources from patreons to expand and hire more people to help till the end of development.

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