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There once was a pair of virtuous swords that got me interested in this game and then I got to the Dark Soul joke at the beginning, which unexpectedly made me laugh way too hard - so in other words: It didn't take me long to be completely hooked by the game.

I can't praise this game too much. It's just Once in a Lifetime, but better. The only inferiorities it has compared to OiaL are, that it is shorter (at the moment)  and it hasn't an incredibly satisfying ending (yet).

Also, Eternum contains the cardinal sin: I have a clear favorite girl. Every single time Nova is on screen you just know you are in for a good laugh, utter chaotic randomness, and a high probability of head pats - and don't get me started about the scene in the tomb. The 5th scene from Eternum already dwarfs some of the OiaL's scenes on the last page.

But every single other girl collectively occupies a close second place. I also love how unique and well-balanced the girls are. There are no clear "levels of importance" between the girls like in OiaL. I especially like *Lara Dorren*, who is among other things, a walking Witcher reference. I only hope she will ascend to the level of a main girl soon and will not be relegated to the sidelines.

Also, the music is great and very fitting. Eternum is simply music-wise the best VN I have ever played. And yes, I am listing to "Run Boy Run" in a loop while writing this.

Furthermore, it seems like you have a background in chemistry as well, which I really like. Some very convincing comments in OiaL and the perfect parody of classical analytic chemistry in Warthogs made me think that. (You even got the dude right, who gives wrong information on behave of the professor.)

In the end, I can't really do much more, than patiently wait for update 0.4. I've already seen Alex in a maid dress / her work uniform in a Patreon preview, so I know for sure, that this update will be awesome - also because the heist cliffhanger will be resolved in this update. You just have to respect a man, who creates a masterpiece and then immediately manages to top it.

In other words: You got this - I'm sure it will be perfect.


Hi! I think you meant "I can't praise this game enough", right? Yeah, I agree with you, but I don't have a favorite girl, I love 'em all!! This game tops Once in a Lifetime by a mile, and that's saying something as OiaL is already a fking great game.
I can't wait to see what is going to happen on the heist. The game got me so intrigued! Who is the founder? Why is the MC 100% compatible? Why was Calypso created and is Eternum really just a "game"? So many questions!!


Questions that will be answered eventually 😏

I can't wait!!!!!!

Thank you so much! 😍

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Eternum 0.3

Sat Aug  6 05:34:04 2022

i am truly astonished with what you have made, at the start i just got it for the porn. now this game is like a tv series that you never what to end. i cant wait for 0.4. thanks.

Thank you for playing!

I'm Vietnamese, and it was the first time I used this much google translation just to understand a 18+ game plot. Your game is great. May be I'm gonna subscribe to your pantreon tomorrow for the 0,4 early release. Thanks for creating such an amazing game.

Thank you so much for supporting 💗💗💗

I'm revisiting this game in anticipation to the 0.4 release. I wanted to revisit some of the scenes and remember there being a 'gallery' or scene selection feature where you could just reload parts you've already seen. I can't find that now. So is there actually a way to do that, or am I confusing that feature with a different game?


I believe that can't be done from the menu, you have to do it during gameplay, only available for completed scenes (obvisously). In the menu where you track your progress with the characters.


Oh right. Thanks. You just jogged my memory lol

Amazing! So glad I stumbled upon this, I can't stop watching more and more. I worry that I'm close to the end of the current content, and already looking forward to more! will be supporting :)

Thank you so much!
Your support means a lot!

I just powered through the story thus far and hoowee I'd have to say that was the most immersive visual novel I have ever played. Especially the sound. I couldn't at least tell there was stereo panning, but I couldn't quite tell if there was directional sound. Great character models and environments as well.

Thank you! I appreciate it


The character of Dalia got blacked out during the "western rome vs eastern rome" episode. Which option did i choose wrong?


Maybe you didn't have enough relationship points with her, at that point, check out the walkthrough attached!


when do you think we will get version 0.4?


This month on Patreon and SubscribeStar
Definitive release dates soon

when i download 0.4 on windows 10 how does my data transfer from 0.3 or does it convert automatically?


Save your file you can see it and wait for update

Is Eternum inspired by the movie Ready Player One (2018) or Sword Art Online?


I took several inspirations of course, including those

Did they plug a jack into their brain in that movie too? I still get disgusted thinking about that. I would never one a hole in my head just to play a game.

(1 edit) (+3)

Eternum is really a great improvement from your previous installment. The dialouge, the pacing, the comedic timing is superior this time. I love Once In A Lifetime due to how crazy it is but this, Eternum, is no holds barred gag novelty in a great way. The way you transition the comedy is so well done that I can't help but laugh all the way through every scenes and choices. It is almost I forget that there are s*x scenes in this game but due to how your storytelling is fun, I am hooked to wacky shenanigans instead and the spicy scenes are just a bonus.

Also, dude, any plans for a cameo of OIAL in Eternum? I wanna see President Stabb or the dildo man again.


Thank you pabyan! Glad you liked it
There will be more OIAL references yeah

Bring back Stabbs and the dildo Man.

MORE POWER TO YOU CARIBDIS, take your time to make it more top quality


I'm new to Visual Novels. But wow, I got hooked on this. I registered an account on itch just to tell the developer and potential players what a masterpiece this is!

I think (and hope) I'm just at the beginning of the story (I'm right after the contest for the device). The music fits so perfectly; I've shazamed almost every song. The characters and the story is amazing.

What an immersion - unbelievable! I head straight to Patreon for a subscription!

Thank you for supporting! 😍
And hell yeah, you're just at the beginning ^^

I played both of your games, they are really great, but I was wondering about something, with which program did you make the character of in a life time jasmine ?

I used Honey Select

Do I need to start a new game when update to 0.4 or I can just play where I left off?

You should be able to continue your saves

How can i download 0.4? Is it available only to patreons now?

I would rather prefer buying your game on steam if available. Is it?

Not yet, I'll announce the date beforehand
And unfortunately no, I can't publish it on Steam because of copyright issues

Really? Is this because of the soundtracks only, or are there more copyright things in it? I thought the soundtracks were copyright free. 


They are, it's because of the software I use to create the renders

(1 edit)

On windows RenPy games save in AppData, you could delete your game if you wanted to the save is still there.

On Linux,mac,android i have no idea


The story, graphics and everything else was amazing. Pls tell me when new version is out


This month on Patreon and SubscribeStar

New version when


storyline is awesome dude 


a very exciting game, hoping for the next update to be soon. I was like waiting for over 80 days already Lol. hahaha


This is a masterpiece, i been playing lots of games and this is the Best in My opinion, good history, interesting characters, good graphics, good optimization, don't get repetitive and much more to Say i gonna keep waiting more uptades. 



This game is perfection. Not much needs to be said. That's literally all you have to say.

Also, that little angel/devil from hololive easter egg? I love you already! Can't wait for future updates :)




It's the best of these slg game i've ever play. Story is fantastic and cg is the icing on the cake.Music also well.I just love everything in this game except the elements of horror is a little bit much for me. Anyway,can you have more pay channel to support cause i cant open patreon website.I'd really like to support you if i could.


You can also support the game on SubscribeStar or here.
Thanks in any case!

Just wondering if the new update arrives 

How can i update the game?

I only know how to update on playstore

Keep the old apk installed and overwrite it 

(1 edit)

Well I don't think much of most of the games on here, though I know even bad games are a lot of work.  Gotta say I'm pretty impressed.  It's the type of game I might keep playing after I nut because I'm so engaged with the plot.  

There is in particular a quality of pacing and mood that sets it apart.  Very immersive, well done (though I know it's still in development)

Thank you very much!

bro I need the new update fast!!! This is game is so good and I think a new update is needed  pls release it I’ll be one of the first to play it nice game !

Hi, my game happens to drop after that guy on roman server asks if i want to buy ticket for 200e. The next render is jist on a half of my screen and that the game dropps saying theres an unknown file format. Any ideas how to get around that? Thanks a lot

I've never heard of that error, what version did you download?

Just finished Once in a Lifetime and playing Eternum afterwards has been great! do you use Blender for the character design? 

Great game!

I use Honey Select 1/2! :D


Your character designs are really good lol, I thought u used blender! Keep up the great work man!


Epicanthic folds for the win!

This Game Is Really Really good the plot is good just like your previous game and The Jokes are hilarious too and also this games graphics Are Hella awesome too really hyped for the next Update keep it up your games are Really good so keep it up Caribdis!



I like How your replying on the comments in both of your games XD

the cockblocking from the guard made me so mad istg



Watch it be Chop Chop lol


Chop Chop is the best!

will you help us

gather the three weapons

find the ten gems

write your own fate

Is this a message about the update?


I think there are some texts at the end of the game, but I couldn't read it because it went fast. It's weird.

(1 edit)

Hey Caribdis, I just wanted to say that I love your work and to ask when do you think the next update will be ready. Also, the walkthrough guides that you provide are a godsend. Thank you and keep up the great work.


If all goes well, August on Patreon and Subscribestar, September here for free as always

This is one of the greatest Visual Novels I've ever read, but i think that tha main character should be the one to find and claim Hyas because lets face it, he still has no sword and no armour.

I've played this game 3 times already. And I saved it before leaving the game. But the save disappears every time, what happened?

Not sure but I think you're supposed to save before the end where you see the credits if it doesn't work since you know when it ends try saving a couple minutes before the end.

Deleted 2 years ago

Glad you liked it!

Luna best girl. But I guess Nova is the best if you want a character who is likely guaranteed to be bisexual and wanna bang all the women as much as the MC does.

There lacks some information in the game's description: what's the Average session of the game? Or, what's the length of the story (currently)?

Depends on your reading speed.
Without skipping anything, I'd say 5-8 hours

(1 edit) (+1)

i love everything about this game! except maybe some sex scenes. now i dont think there is anything wrong with the animation, art or the hotness, what i hate is the sudden personality shift of the characters when they enter "sex scene mode". it feels kinda unusual you know? one minute they are talking normally, but suddenly they start fucking eachothers brain out. i'm saying this because i fucking love the writing in this game, so it bothers me that the transions from normal to sex mode is kind of unnatural. please dont take this as hate! i would love for you guys to improve upon your work! xx


Thank you!

Glad you like it. That is fair, I'll keep it in mind!


Actually, I did feel similarly.  The writing is solid, with the characters actually having a bit of intellectual competence, and then they sort of degenerate into the typical run of the mill porn-inscribed mono/dialogue.  Nothing wrong with a bit of that, but at times it does feel like the characters’ voices no longer match the personas you built.  Food for thought…but don’t let it bog down the solid work you’ve been producing.


Thank you. I feel like they can stay in character with who they are without just becoming mindless porn. I don't wanna see that happen with Luna. And see Nancy going that way. Penelope is hinted to be really raunchy and it was scary to get hit with that all at once. Annie kinda stayed on topic with who she was before and during sex. But even in OIAL near the end, it just kinda became about group sex in public. Funny stuff always happened. And I loved the cast, just j love these in Eternum. But I don't want them to act like they have a split personality anytime sex is on the table and big dick is in front of them. That's all I'm saying. And I gotta say, to be fair, if a character just always acts super sexual, so be it. I can accept that. But I don't see that in all of them. Not at all.


I'm glad someone else said it. It can be jarring when characters who seem to be not that sex focused suddenly seem to just become a horny lust-driven beast. That happens too much in tons of AVNs. And it can ruin characters. Nova seemed to just become a different person when she was tricked into that nonsense with Maat. And I'm not sold totally with Nancy's change after the advice from the Yoga guy. Sometimes it just seems like a switch is flipped and they just become, for lack of a better word, sluts. Im not into it. That's why I fear some of the scenes that may come later.

well i'm trusting caribdis to look into this a bit more, because they are really good at writing!


The majority of the time the writing is well-done. No lie. Comedy wise, he's unmatched on ITCH. But when it comes to the women dialogue in sex, they act like porn-stars. And I honestly can't see that as who they are. Not even Alex or Nancy. I get it, it's a hentai visual novel. But you can have sex and keep it in character. Or is Caribdis' point with them acting like that, is that that is who they really are? Are they always holding back and pretending to be someone else, but when they jump in bed, they're just thirsty for sex and nothing else? I hope that's not the case. At least not for Luna and Annie. The only person I would buy that would be Calypso, since greek gods are often times said to be into everything including hedonism. 


A great game, whether modeling or game story I have played this type of game is the best one, looking forward to the next version, come on!

Thank you so much! :D


I expected a good story. I expected good artwork. I expected good characters. Not only has this exceeded all the expectations, but is also funny as hell? Who gave you permission to be this funny?!

Jkjk, great game. Can't wait for the next chapters. Although I have to ask, what % of the game is covered by 0.3?


Thank you!
Do you mean of the total I plan to do? I have no idea, tbh
To say something... maybe 20%?


Damn, dude. If this is 20% of the game, I can't wait to see what the full 100% will be. You got a fan in me. 

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