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Nice game bro and I already tried Once in a lifetime, and its the same dev, I already knew eternum is going to be good, cannot wait till' 0.4!


(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome and beautiful game.

I already played through "Once in a lifetime" and now this one. 
Loved both of them. Cant wait for next part of Eternum, 


(1 edit) (+2)

Caribdis you really are an amazing visual novel creator i cant even imagine the hardwork behind this game but eternum is surely a game thats so realistic that i feel im actually in the game..i wish you all the success and hope you get everything and treat all of your fans with your amazing content


Thank you ronny!!

Hey Caribdis, got to say i'm a huge fan. The dedication to creating a good dialogue, humor and story is amazing! Keep up the good work!

Is there any way to contact you directly in a professional aspect regarding the development?

You can DM me on Discord

Haven't quite been able to find your tag and numbers. Am i looking in the wrong place?

join his discord and you'll see him

haha, of course, cheers mate, silly of me to not think of that

Hello creator I really enjoy the game so far so good But I look into the Heart thingy and Alexandra's Picture is gray i tried going back try the other choices but it still gray is it a bug or did i do something wrong?

You probably did something wrong, you can download the walkthrough and see if there's any choices you missed!

I didnt asked her everything though i thought it wasn't important

it is actually, makes her cozy up to u a little bit, d one data takes u above and beyond is standing up to her father on her behalf


This is great! Really enjoying it

(1 edit)

"Merchandising" When the patreon reaches 6000 . If so , can we order the plastic 3d models or get them as a higher tier and long-time patreon ?

<spoiler> And I have a question , fox maiden said they are a gift from Mr.Hiromi ( a mafia guy in OIALT ) , so will the characters from OIALT appear in Eternum ?

Anyway, I wish you and your colleagues will achieve the goals set out . Can't Wait  for [0.4] . Love you so much <3 

( I used google translate but i hope you understand this comment ) 

Lmao I'm still not sure what kind of merchandising, so maybe haha
They can't appear directly because I use a different software, but there'll be references


Man, I've been playing this kind of games for a while but writting here is the only reason I created an account here. Once in a lifetime was a GREAT work and now you come with Eternum.

You fcking made me cry with the Alexandra's grandmother memory. You're great. Keep going.

Thank you very much!


Enjoyed all of Eternum! Such a great experience of a game. There were times I laughed out loud out of nowhere lol. I CAN'T WAIT for the the  story to continue man what a cliffhanger. 10/10

Thank you King!


Worth every penny and more. Come for the "plot" and "backstory", stay for the, er, ya know, actual plot.


Haha thank you!

(3 edits) (+1)

This game is really different from all the other ones I've played. I am in awe at the effort you have put into all of this. This, like Eternum, isn't just a game, but an experience! Evertyhing is so well done and I am just... in awe and how well this game is made. Animations, Story, Art, god damn its  beautiful.

My only complaint is that theres little free will, for now. No money making schemes or vistiting the city, but I guess this wasnt meant to be that in the first place. More like a movie I'd say

Edit 2 : The horror segment was so good oh my god.

Thanks Fabio! I'm glad you liked it


Edit 3 : Just got the Hogw-- I mean wartshog part of the game and the part with Luna in the Dark Arts class is really good. Are you a genius? God damn. If I had any money I'd give you some. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I rarely leave comments... but this game made me laugh so much I can't man.
<spoiler>First of all, I got jumpscared by Nancy entering the room, not by the actual jumpcsare. Second, so far, the Dark Souls/Jojo Micaela Refference made me lol fr.</spoiler>

Glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit) (+1)

I remember downloading OIALT thinking it was just another hentai/porn game. But that wasn't even close to what it was. I played for 9 HOURS in just one sitting and somehow you've made yet another masterpiece and I am absolutely looking forward for more updates on Eternum. I wish you the best.

Thank you! There's still a lot to come


I've been lurking on for ages now, but have finally made an account to solely say this game has been fucking incredible. I've literally played nothing like it, and am so glad you've graced this site with such a masterpiece. I hope your name is written in fucking golden ink on's credits page

Haha thank you very much


10/10 absolutely loved it! This game is awesome especially the music, the references, and the memes. It's entertaining, interesting, and just overall a very fantastic game!

Much appreciated!

I have to say I absolutely fell in love with your game. It is really awesome. The story is captivating, the main characters so far have been very charming, and so likeable. And the production quality has been incredible. This is probably one of the best visual novels that i've ever played. 
Really looking forward to the next update. I'm sure it will great, keep it up!

Thank you very much!

How to open for forbidden fruit? Please tell me

Download the walkthrough attached if you have trouble 


best game for me. Really great plot and interaction with girls with every girl being likable and interesting. Love Nancy and Dalia the most though (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Happy to hear that! Thank you!


Really the best

could we get an estimate of when the next update is coming? 

please join the discard room bro where working progress (percentage) is updated and shown regularly 

(1 edit)

Dude i cant get over how good eternums' art style is. I though i liked once in a lifetime but im loving how eternum looks and feel

Glad you like it!


A excellent Visual Novel, great scenes and interaction 10/10


(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I registered itch for this game because it's really one of the best quality games of the same type I have played so far, and I really want you to know that and keep updating the game. 

I also wanted to ask a possibly selfish question, would you consider putting ETERNUM on Steam in the future? I really want to be able to buy it on Steam and add it to my inventory. But I also found that there may be some copyright elements in the game such as some brand images or names. So I was wondering if you would consider this? 

But anyway thanks for your game, it gave me a perfect experience!

 (Player from China, Google translate, hope the meaning is conveyed correctly)

Unfortunately, I can't because of, as you said, copyright issues (mostly with the software I use to create the renders)

Sad to hear that. But that doesn't prevent me from still looking forward to this game, wish you all the best!


man i was waiting for the v 0.4 for so long i wish it will be worth the time cause i love you're game

When is the next release? Btw character design is amazing and story is amazing too

This game is crazy good, did not expect it to be so good


Best game ever! I am so fcking in love with Annie, can't wait for the coming update>

More Annie Soon!

What is that title music? It is so damn good that I wanna learn it. Also really good update! Each version is better than the last, especially with the story! Keep it up!


Thanks! Do you mean the menu music? 

When is the gallery coming?? Can't wait for 0.4!

There's a gallery already, just click on the heart icon at the top left corner

love the game so far!! But plz tell me I can kill that annoying rich person and his gang

lol...i also want that feature but i can

Wow the Best game

Got the game for the adult content but stayed for the great story. Man! I was so enthralled by the comedy and characters. I feel in love with the girls and plot and when I reached the end, I was devastated. Man I cannot wait to see what the end product is. I wish the character models where available for Honey Select 2. But Great Job!!! Ill definitely be supporting this game

Thank you very much Carlos!!

your game make me fell alive bro like id geting empty life and this game save me,ill join your patreon soon i waiting for 0.4 .and i have to open nancy part ihave open all part like dalia shower show,penelope perfect shot,annie for midnight comfort nova for devious games,blurred realistis and egyptian plunder, but for nancy part its  still locked,,,,,,,,,,,,i wish ur reply my coment and ill waiting for your answer.

Thanks for your support!
There's a walkthrough attached, you can follow it to get all scenes


when is the next new content update?


Came for the porn, stayed for the laughs. Funniest visual novel I've played full stop. Can't wait for the next update.


this game ( so far at least ) is so amazing that i read this over my actual novels even though it was an adult game and i really hope to see more in the future, also the comedy and story line are pure gold and right now seem better to me than oial by quite a lot, honestly i like this more as a game than just as something erotic even though the sex scenes are also amazing

Thanks drotis!


Man, even though your first game was really good, I wasn't expecting this to be as good. But here I am, writing this comment after shedding tears at Penelope's experience with the reminiscecombobulator. I think the last time I cried when playing a game was ori and the will of the wisps. I mean, I didn't cry as much here as I did then, but still. The fact that a dumb porn game with admittedly really good shitty humour could make me shed a tear is surprising.

Happy to hear that, Daverly. Thank you!


This is not just "a dumb porn Game" it's a Masterpiece ( ◜‿◝ )♡


I don't know how you do this. I expected a game i can play for max. 30 min and then be bored because it's my first time playing visual novels like this but I just played everything the game has to offer in terms of story that is released till now in one night. I think it is one of the best games I played since one year or so storywise. The humor is also top tier. I laughed so hard at the Sniper Elite reference.

Keep up the great work. :)

Thank you very much!!!


I finished the game and I must say, it is fantastic. The only issue is that the story was so good that I forgot to rub one out. I would suggest that you add a gallery where we can view the sex scenes and sexy photos that we have already seen while playing. 


There's already one, check it out clicking on the heart icon (top left corner)

oh, I'm a bit of a dumb dumb, didn't see that lol. Thanks for letting me know


I am beyond impressed with everything in this game so far.
After finishing 0.3 i decided to take a look into your other game Once in a Lifetime and it completely blew me away. The Characters, the Story and everything between the sex scenes and the cute and intense moments you have with each and every character is just wow... Absolutely astonishing work, Caribdis. 

It's very clear that you enjoy making these games, Eternum visually and from the story we currently have is such a large improvement over your previous game (not to say that OiaL wasn't an absolute masterpiece), everything in it feels so real... even more real than real life.

I never would have thought i would say this about an adult-orientated comedic, erotic Romance story but this Game is an undeniable 10/10 already.

I appreciate it a lot Juggle, thank you <3

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