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Thank you Caribdis for this amazing work. I just caught up to what's been released to the end of 0.3 and man I'm dying to read more. I have to say its been a long time since I've been so in love with a story. There's so much comedy, mystery,  and just overall a fascinating setting. Each of the servers visited are all so much fun and the characters are all fantastic. Normally I have a super clear favorite among the characters but you've done such an amazing job that I every time I felt like I got a favorite you make me fall in love with an entirely different character and its gotten to the point where I just super love them all. if this isn't even half the story I can't wait to see what else you got in store for this masterpiece! side question: would you happen to know when you might be done with the story? just really curious and can't wait!


Thank you very much!
And I have no idea how long it'll take, but there's still a lot to tell :]

Okay first of all this game is VERY GOOD as i expected of the creator of OIALT you guys really out did yourself. If OIALT is tier S then ETERNUM is tier SSS+ I definitely recommend this (try once in a lifetime first its really great)

Thanks Kereina!


Hello! I just want you to know that I enjoyed this game sooo VERY MUCH! I have finished OIAL too and I like it too. But eternum is just so unreplaceable. The animation, story, comedy, music, and ambience. All of it was MASTERPIECE!!! my fav scene is when protagonist hold luna's hand in the warthog(lol) arc. Y'all really nailed it.

Please keep up the good work, Im so hyped and eager for the 0.4 version! Thank you very much for this masterpiece!!!

Happy to hear that 💗


Amazing experience upto the current story... Waiting for more

played OIALT during development and played it through again after completion. and its such a great story. honestly loved every second of it. just wish there was more. this is my second favorite but soon to be the best in my opinion. thanks for all your hard work. its amazing.

Thank you very much!


Can we also see the once in a lifetime characters here in ETERNUM? Since they live in the same world. Maybe an older version of them? Like an Easter egg


I use a different software so it's difficult, but there will be some cameos


Well ... let's say ... 12 out of 10 :D

Dude, you're amazing :) Keep on rolling!

I will! Thank you!


just finished the game, omg it was goodie bro.... when the next patch btw

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game, but will there be a 2nd part of your other game?



I haven't played the game yet but take your time with life and everything I'd love to help you with anything like small text errors and such or anything cause I played once in a life time and honestly loved every bit of the story but if the comments are anything to go off of im excited to play this! hope you've been doing amazing and honestly love the work and effort that you put into your games <3 

I hope you like it ^^

will there be a way to carry over save data to newer versions? (Alex best girl imo, Nova's good, but Alex for the win.

If you play on PC, you'll be able to continue no matter what
In Android, you must keep the app installed and overwrite it when the new version comes out

Good to know, thanks! The games is amazing 

your games would make for great movies storylines were great


Can anyone let me know the music that plays on the menu screen, its absolutely amazing I've been looking for it for ages ahahahha

Here you go

i just notice that Iris in OIAL look identical like Nancy 

played both of your games shit was good and the storyline also really well made. top quality shit right here folks

Thank you!

literally the GOAT game on this platform hoping for more my man. 

created an account just to comment 


Awesome game and actually this my first time with this kind of game and to be honest I am glad cause that was such a well made I get bored easily of too much reading but with this never gotten bored not for a second I loved it and the songs were so well picked really thanks for this unforgettable experience can't wait for your 0.4 version Caribdis  

Also made this account just for this 

And also Finished game in one sitting

Forgot to mention the renders and animation top notch plus character designs too loved the game references 

Plus I hate most 3d visual novels cause art looks weird or discomforting but this one had such attractive art

Also question is Calypso going to be added as a dateable char? 



Thank you! Glad you liked it


Horny stuff aside, you're writing is funny and entertaining af

men I frickin love it Im one of your biggest fan if you remember me Ive been here since 0.1 I love all of the games cardibris makes its so good still gonna wait until this game finishes

Thank you!


Dude, just as the description says, this game is even better and more detailed than one in a lifetime. You're doing great Man!! You should publish these games on steam NGL you'll make a pretty good name of yourself. ❤️

I can't wait for the new update. 😭

Thank you!
Unfortunately I can't publish it on Steam because of licencing issues 😭


Aaaa I really wish you can publish it on Steam so I can buy it and show it as a favorite game on profile :(

I literally made an account just to tell you i really enjoyed this game and this was my first time playing a novel game and it was amazing! Thank you for making this!

(Nova is best!)

Indeed the goat

Indeed the goat


@Caribdis, when a update is coming out? Can't wait to see what's next. I keep logging in everyday and get sad to see there's no new updates yet :(

You created something just too amazing and now I'm hooked, dang!

(2 edits) (+1)

There's still a lot of work to do sry >_<, you can check the progress bar on Patreon/Subscribestar/Discord

(3 edits) (+1)

I Finish .3 last night I was quite sad to see it end off on a cliff hanger but its find it just mean more excitement for the rest of us to endure for content. Great comedy and music choice and sounds :}) I also love I mean I love the story and models 10/10 game and their is more to wait for

Ps (Nova best girl)! UwU

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it

I love this game so much, it blew every expectation I had! The only time I was disappointed is when Nancy had to leave the MC haha

Haha fair disappointment

Ok, I'm not new to novel games but daaaamn, if Once in a lifetime was really great, Eternum, as I see, it is going to be much better, well they say that one can dethrone his previous work with the next one, and that's what I see here,
From what I've seen is that we have a great story, the models are amazing, the sounds...damn they give it a great atmosphere and they are amazing, each character has a great detailed personality and small but great touch of comedy, it enriches the game a lot in my opinion. 10/10

Simply one of the few games that has everything I'm looking for. I'm really looking forward to the final work.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much, Archi!


Ok, so... I'm pretty new to these novel games but I've played a few and I created an account here just to say this game is simply oustanding!

I was pretty skeptic at first because of the first nightmare (I usually do not like these types of stuff)... But damn! The plot is not simply about nsfw content, there's so much to it. The artwork, the suspense, the sounds fx, everything is simply outstanding and so different from what I've encountered so far. Absolutely thrilling and never letting the player guess! 

I have been eager to play Eternum every time since I first played it, it sure is as addictive as Eternum itself.  

I can't wait to have a look at the final project. Keep this level of detail and I am sure this will be one of the best novel games.

Great work!

Also wanted to add... The simple intro with Annie, hilarious. These little details only enrichen the game!!

Thank you very much, Falcon! <3

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Okay I played the 0.2 version I think, which instantly made me fall in love with the concept. Knowing it was still under development, I felt a crunch in my heart for having to wait till it's finished. I came back to your page here to check out how far the game has been progressing (and a little hope that maybe it's finished) :'D

But, here we are.

I immediately jumped to your page and saw your other game, Once in a Lifetime. Boy, oh boy was I excited. Played it all night long and more, I think I finished it in a span of 3-4 days just because I was savouring all the sPiCe and pLoTs. Amazing story, amazing concept. Great job, Caribdis. XD

In any case, sadly I don't use Patreon nor Paypal as I live in a third world country which makes those option kind of hard for me to do, however much I want to donate or help you making the game. I hope you can consider releasing this game (or your previous one) in Steam. I will wait patiently, knowing that you will reward it with another wonder of a game. ;]

TLDR, you are a ray of sunshine in adult games and I am a fan of your work. Hope you can finish Eternum soon and somehow release it on Steam!

Good luck~


Thank you very much erkatry <3
Unfortunately, I'll never be able to release it on Steam (copyright issues) So I have to stick to Patreon/subscribestar/
But no worries, glad you enjoyed the games in any case!


Add more nanncy scene pls btw this is great game!


very good game 10/10 but 0.4 coming? plssss


Great work! Cant wait for the next update!

Please... Put more memes

when 0.4 is coming?...


Even though i dont like nsfw that show mc face(well just my preference) i can say i like this so much its so good

how do i download on ios

You can't. Unfortunately ios doesn't support renpy games

Do you plan on making 0.4 long? Kinda like how you made 0.3.

Yes, it'll have a similar length

STOP PUTTING SUCH GREAT FUCKING MUSIC IN YOUR GAMES!!1!!! I don't want to cry anymore tears of sadness and joy.


Glad you like the music! xD

any femdom in this game and femdom character  name please


word on the street is this game fire 🔥🔥 time to check it out through word of mouth 👀  Onceinalifetime was good, guess this one prob is too, seems to me he has a good track record👍

Hope you like it ^^


It's been a month since I played the last update 0.3 but I can't get off my curiosity about the ending since it's so mysterious so I've got a theory who's knocking behind the door. My first theory I think its the ghost in mc's dream tho it has a huge plot hole but I consider her after all the mc already could manipulate his power far enough to use it in fights but maybe too early to meet her. Second theory it's Chang because he is the one who makes the plan and I guess he have enough money to buy a neural implant for himself since he has a job. Lastly the third theory it's a npc that they might triggered while in there.


Won't confirm or deny any theories 

My thought was Chang too)

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