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I installed this because of the great reviews but I never expected it to be such a fantastic game. This is my first and probably last comment on this site and its to tell you to keep up the great work!!!

Thank you!

I cant remember if i played .3 or not lol. Was it .1 or .2 that ended in the snowy area? Trying to be as vague as possible.



I love the game! Waiting for next updates


If my man Chang doesn't get to beat that Dark Souls final boss at least once I'll cry. Very good game though Caribdis! You got me totally hooked! 

Petition to turn Micaela into an in-game (Eternum) raid boss.

Haha thank you! xD

This game is absolutely great buddy love the characters alot man can't wait for next update due to have any date when will be the next update so that I can download it first

Check out the progress bar on Patreon/SubscribeStar/Discord regularly 


Literally had to make an account here to say how incredible this game is. Updates can't show up fast enough!

Thank you very much!


Damn this is good


Are there music credits somewhere? Because there are some absolute bangers in here

(1 edit) (+1)

You can find some of them here


This is so dope, hope you update faster, thanks bro, you did a great work ☺


I've finished part 2.0 a few months ago, and with the release of 3.0, I want to continue from where I left off. How do I do that without deleting the game and downloading 3.0 and starting from the beginnining. I'm mobile by the way.

When you download 0.3, it should overwrite 0.2 and you'll still have your saves

I hope no ntrs time to dive in eternum after finishing once in a lifetime


Dude, you are just so good with the story making, my god Ive now almost cried three time playing this. thank you for this amazing amazing game :)

Glad you enjoyed it!

So my game doesn't continue. Just says the same ending like "rest of the game is 0.3" but when I click launch, It says 0.3 but doesn't continue. Do you know why?

Not really, make sure you're not using external mods and maybe download it again


Good day/afternoon/night/evening Caribdis, I was in excitement that the long awaited update was release not too long ago, but my previous laptop broke down, luckily I transferred my 0.2 files to my other gmail accounts just incase I wanna play the game again because my previous laptop's space was quite poor. I mostly opened Eternum with WinRar just like any adult games that I encounter(also used the transferring files method). I am in need of your assistance because when I downloaded the 0.2 back to my current laptop, I played for a bit, saved the files after exiting the game, downloaded 0.3, and the saved files were empty. But when I downloaded 0.2 back, the files are there, I was at the last part of the 0.2 eternum, so please assist one's unfortunate event. :D

I don't really know what's the issue, I'm sorry >_<
The saves should be there 😕

Bummer D: looks like I have to speedrun until the ending of the 0.2 and enjoy the 0.3 chapter, but I still thank you for trying to help my case, arigato gozaimasu :D

I've been following your work only for a week and I just want to say, I love it. I've played Once in a Lifetime, and it seems incredible, a little slow at first, but rest of the story is perfect. And Eternum has improved those aspects in addition to improving the backgrounds, more ambient music and better designed characters.

And this goes to you Caribdis. You're incredible, I think it's precious that you don't rely only on adult scenes. You focus on the main story and the evolution of its characters, in addition to the extra ( horror, comedy, references... ) inside the game, that makes me know that you make these games with love and desire.

Thank you Caribdis for these beautiful stories.

I will look forward to your future games.

Thank you Screamy <333

I finished the game a few hours ago and I must say that it was a bit disappointing because the game it's just so amazing I nearly became addicted to it. It's just makes you feel like you're living within the game , long story short , it's the best game ever so perfect. I'm dying for the next update I hope it will be released soon . Keep up the amazing work 👌🏻

I will! Thanks!

Just finished the game and I gotta say this was an amazing journey and can't wait for the next update by far the best adult game I've ever played keep up the amazing work!


Any clue when's the next update...waiting for it.....and btw finished once in a lifetime just yesterday and it was very good..keep up the good work

Just finished this game awhile ago and I can't wait for the next update 

I'll try Once In A Lifetime while I'm waiting for the next update

Btw this game is 10/10 for me, honestly this is the best adult game that I played 


Deleted post

Thank you very much Daniel!! 
Happy to hear that


Having finished Once in a Lifetime  a bit ago, I had my expectations high going into this, but damn, this one has seriously raised the bar. Best use of CGs I've ever seen in the genre, and tugs at your heartstrings. It's also the first time I can neither say I have a favourite (because the girls are good - I'm torn between Luna and Nova for best girl) nor that I have one I dislike (normally Alex and Penelope wouldn't be my type, but I've been won over). I seriously appreciate all the attention to detail and the little touches here and there. Fantastic work.

PS: The childhood flashbacks are great. Nova and Luna are best girls.

Thank you very much, Liam! <3


No, thank you! And if this has a battle harem ending like the last game, I'll love you forever.


Do you plan on adding a scene gallery?

There's already one, just click on the heart icon at the top left corner

I  see, thanks

May I ask what game engine and 3d software do you use to make this game ?. I'm a beginner Game developer and I am interested in visual novels. Thank you.

Pretty sure it runs on DAZ



The game is great! A ton of content for a game that is incomplete. some say “too much text” to which I say “maybe” but this has character development beyond MOST vn’s. I bought for $10 but when the rest comes out it will easily be worth $15-$20. This game is worth it! Also…….The women have greatly fleshed out personalities. Keep it up. Can’t wait for more. Oh and that Calypso “weapon” is nice! 


Thank you very much for your support Cogito! 💗


so is it normal that not all caracters have this gallery thing, for example the bath scene cant be repeated so far if i dont have a bug that means

Advice for the future….make a save before the scene happens. Can always load an old save.  Not all VN’s have a gallery unfortunately. 


will there be an option that we have an gallery with all the stuff in some future

(1 edit)

That would be up to the dev. It’s always a nice addition. A common request in other comment/review threads. The quality of the VN (amazing) and amount of help the dev has probably has something to do with it. 

dev says there is one in the 💕 section for your info 🤌🏻

i actually cant find the one for nicole or is it locked behind something ?

disculpen mi ignorancia este juego esta ya terminado o sigue en desarrollo

Sigue en desarrollo.

Actualmente va por la 0.3, como va creo que le faltaria 1 a;o y medio para terminarlo, dependeria de su situacion personal tambien.

Caribdibs, I wanna ask. In your other game once in a lifetime what does Aiko tattoo on his chest translate to?


It's "Love"


Finished the game, so far the characters are well written and after a kinda slow start the story get really interesting, if a bit odd. I love the idea of the game though, I would buy an implant without a second thought if that became a real thing.

Great potential. Picks up fast after a pretty slow start.


No me alcanzan las palabras para describir cuánto amo esos juegos en verdad muchas gracias por darme tan buenos momentos jugando tus juegos en verdad Bro gracias!! ♥


its a cool game, a very nice one, everything is so detailed and awesome, just one problem... so much dialog, so much talking, it really, is a chore, i can handle text, but come on, sprinkle more sexy in between, damn, its a very nice game, it just needs more... sexy


This game is a Visual Novel and based from OnceinaLifetime, which is they're previous game, it's more focused on story than sexy time. Also, it's only 3 chapters, gotta wait for the story to keep forming and character start opening up.


This is meant to be a story-driven novel, if you're expecting a game with a lot of sex scenes and little text, you probably won't enjoy it.

If that's the only thing you're looking for, I'd recommend coming back after several updates have been released, since there will be a lot of scenes by then! ^^

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, you need to choose "Stay". Also you can download the walkthrough.

Deleted 2 years ago


when did stabby mike appear?? i dont remember that 

Yeah i wanted to ask that too, stabby mike is literally my favourite character. tbh it , might be chop chop they kinda look similar but idk, mike was a drug king pin also a privet jet pilot so idk when this story is set, maybe it's before once in a lifetime

In the beggining they mentioned "former president Stabb, which was also shown in one of the endings to be stabby mike.

In the beginning they mentioned "former president Stabb, which was also shown in one of the endings to be stabby mike.

ohhh yeah I think I remember now, just been so long I forgot :)


Just finished Once in a Lifetime, cant wait to play this, I love your work so much!

(Stabby Mike is our lord and savior) 


Man, I've finally taken my time to thoroughly play and read every line of dialogue, and my man, I've become even more fascinated with this game! It's a masterpiece! Everything about it is simply fantastic, I love it! The mystery, the humor (specially the humor), the addition of combat scenes, the H scenes, the character design, the music - everything is so cool!

I am anxiously awaiting the next update.

Also, Luna is best girl.




nah Nova


To me Nova is a close second, but I got completely captivated by Luna

Nova is really cute and funny though, so I can see her being best girl even though I prefer Luna


These are the two best girls, no question about it.


As I said in f95 about OnceInaLifetime, same to this game goes even if it's not finished, but man, just 3 updates and I'm fascinated, this is just insane, the character progression and story, the animation and transitions in some scenes, I really wish or hope that you have a team backing you up in this VN, is actually insane and well done and the story is on another level, when I get enough resources, I will 100% back you up to keep doing great storys like this, even tho it's not even finished.

(1 edit)

Thank you very much! ^^


Hello Caribdis, I made i tiktok about your game❤️check it out if you have time


it sucks lmao 

Lol I'll check it out



Love the game, finished it a couple times now and still enjoying it.

Thank you so much for making this game.

Just wondering the estimated time until the next update

I don't know yet, check out the progress bar regularly on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or Discord

Ok thank you.

(1 edit)

I have to say, your games are fantastic. I played through OiaLT the other day, and I'm now about 2/3 of the way through Eternum I think. The renders and animations are so well done, and I love the art style. I really want to keep playing, but I also don't want to finish it so quickly (no pun intended)! 

Looking forward to future updates...

Happy to hear that! Thank you Jonny

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