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Is there more Eternum to be had than just 0.2? If so where?


Only on Patreon and Subscribe-Star? I guess I'm out then.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+6)

Concerning the Game Eternum:

Of VN Games, I've played my share. I've played what I consider to be really good ones, and really bad ones. And while generally speaking Haram/lovey dovey games aren't really my goto's or speed, this game is hands down one of the top 5 games I've played to date (I've played around 60+/- VN's). Eternum's not without flaws. There are scenes I'd like to see smoothed and or fleshed out. There are things I think could be done or handled better. But having recently (last 5 months) started to dabble in the world of creating a visual novel of my own, and now having a solid appreciation for the sheer amount of effort and money required to make these things, any criticisms I may have of Eternum V0.2 are to be understood from that context. Or more simply, the creator is doing an excellent job and one needs to keep in mind perspective. If you don't know what goes into making a visual novel, I suggest going ahead and jumping in. The tools you need are basically free up front. You can learn A LOT about making a VN without spending a dime. And you will quickly learn that making a VN of even the crappiest quality is not exactly easy. Making a Top Quality VN is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well lets just say you have to be a special kind of person to do this work. So while I have criticisms, I'm also acknowledging the incredible work that's been done on Eternum. It's certainly one of the top five VN's i've played. 

I was not at all excited by the synopsis of this game when I ran into it months ago. In fact, the only reason I decided to give it a try is because SadCrab suggested it and I've found that if SadCrab suggests something, it's probably worth having a look at. And boy was I glad I did. The premise of this story is actually brilliant if you think about, because it could be epically huge. The creator could spend the rest of their lives making content for this if they wanted to. There's also the potential for hundreds of spin off stories in this universe. Being a once upon a time World of Warcraft addict, I'd love to see a story based in this universe seeing these or even different characters journeying through adventures while leveling up for example. 

As it is, there were genuinely emotional moments in 0.2. It's not often that I'm emotionally impacted by VN's. It's not exactly a nonstop attack on your senses. But it doesn't need to be. There have been many what I would consider to be worthwhile VN's that didn't have an emotional impact on me whatsoever. In the case of Eternum, there were a few moments when I genuinely chuckled, and there were a few moments when I was genuinely empathetic to a character. I don't know if I can express how rare that is for me and one of these VN's. While emotional impact is not a prerequisite for me in any VN, moments like this certainly seperate "Good" VN's from "REALLY GREAT" VN's.  While I'm typically more into the darker VN's that focus primarily on porn content, I was struck by how I was pulled into this story for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well, the story. I haven't felt that way about a VN since DMD.  I binged this VN to the end of 0.2 and I was disappointed that there wasn't more. Frankly, I can't wait for 0.3.

If I have criticisms,,,, (I don't know if criticism is even the right word here but I'm at a loss), then it's down to how little x rated content there actually is. Given the nature of the story, I'm not suggesting that there should be LOADS MORE. But the x rated content is a bit sparse in my opinion and what you do have is sort of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well I guess I'd say that it leaves me wanting in the best cases. In the worst cases, the x rated content is sort of wonky in that it feels out of the blue or sort of forced in. Almost like the creator realized "holy crow it's been a while since we had any boobies so better stick some in here". It can be somewhat jarring in particular moments. In other cases its like a bit more chilli powder would really be appreciated. 

In a weird way, the story is so good, the way the porn aspect is handled is almost awkward. No,,, I think it IS awkward. It's like have you ever been to a Tilted Kilt restaurant (google it if you don't have one in your area)? Nobody likes to see crazy sexy woman wearing next to nothing more than I do. But there is a time and a place. In fact, my experience at our local Tilted Kilt was so awkward that I never went back after the first visit. The poor girls are just trying to serve you a burger and fries and everyone is either too embarrassed to look (which is the whole damn point), or otherwise guilty of looking,,, (which is the whole damn point). As it turns out, I don't want a beautiful young scantily clad woman to serve me a burger and fries in the middle of the afternoon while TOTALLY objectifying her. Even a friggin total pervert like me has lines that I won't cross. I just felt bad for them and I felt ashamed for even being there in the first place. And that's sort of kind of sort of how I feel with Eternum. The x rated parts and the story seem to me to be a bit out of sync. Compare this with HBO's game of thrones (the good seasons). They blended porn with a great story and it WORKED! (until it didn't work). So an epic story and porn are not mutually exclusive. In fact,  porn can when done well, elevate a story to new levels. Many would say that G.O.T the story was a great story (until it wasn't). Very few people would argue that the porn scenes were unwelcome in G.O.T and a detriment to the story. A great story with great supporting pornography? I'm all in. I feel like Eternum could use some help blending these two things a bit better. That of course is just one man's opinion. 

And lastly on the criticism list, while I genuinely LOVE the Eternum story, I do feel like parts of it could be fleshed out a bit better. Parts of it feel a bit thin and bare. One of THEE BEST scenes in Eternum thus far was the whole Red Herring house Sequence. Just spectacular. Another scene worth mentioning was the sequence with Alex and her grandmother. I actually had to stop for a few minutes and compose myself. I mean to say, no VN has the right to have such an emotional impact.  But the fact that it did, when I finally got back to the VN, I was like "Holy SHIT that was good". My paternal instincts were yanked on super hard for this pixelated bit of artwork. In that moment, I've rarely ever wanted to white knight someone so hard. Well Played sir, Well played. Juxtapose scenes like these against other scenes in the story though, and you will see what I mean about some feeling thin and bare. Once you set a bar height, it's obvious, sometimes painfully obvious, when other scenes fall well shy of that mark. See, this is genuinely a great story already, but with more work, the bits we have already could be even that much better. I recognise what I'm suggesting isn't just a trivial ask. Fleshing and rounding out the story we already have would require a significant additional investment of time. And I understand that every creator has to draw lines in the sand. But the story is so good, as a reader, you can't help but want to see the story reach 100% of it's potential. And right now (somewhat arbitrarily) I'm saying the story we have is only reaching like 80% of its potential. 

Anyone that likes VN's of any description should give this VN its due. It's worth your time. It's easily one of the top 5 best VN's that I've read thus far and that's even given the fact that this flavor of adult VN isn't normally in my wheelhouse. I'm looking forward to following this project through to completion. 

(1 edit) (+3)

Thank you very much for your comment Palladin, good points ^^


this is one hell of a cliffhanger. cant wait for season 3. cant wait for nancy and alex scenes

Well im still waiting for the next update

Deleted post

Yes, there's only one version available of 0.2, and it's public for everyone now

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Coming out this April! (early release on Patreon and Subscribe-Star)

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I'm not sure yet about the dates, I'll know for sure in a few days.
In any case, there'll be a few weeks of early access yeah, so it'll probably be here late April or early May ^^


This game is EXTREMELY pog 

(1 edit)

I very much enjoyed Once In A Lifetime and from what I've played (which is all of the latest release) I very much enjoyed this one too. Can't wait for the next release.

also I love Nova


Is this open world sandbox game? With open world i mean, like a map that we can choose to where we want to go, or a house?


no, it's a linear visual novel game with some small choices you can make along the way. you may lose interest after I said that, but like with all the comments up here, caribdis has great writing so it's honestly worth checking his games out

Nice profile 👍

yo this game is insanely good, cant wait for next  release


Is this a sandbox game?


This game just soooo well written.. The best 18+ I played so far can't wait for more

Come for the story n stay for the story keep up the great work 😍😍😍😍

Thank you!


This is just too good, i have played this and once in a lifetime a cuple of times and i don't get bored of any of it.

Glad to hear that!


I played eternum before onceinalifetime and I just last night finished onceinalifetime, both quickly shot up to the top in my personal game rankings, unironically these are both masterpieces.


Update for 110 days later. Just got back to the game and realised there'd been an update, downloaded instantly and finished the entire game from scratch in 2 sittings. Man I still can't get over how peak this is, i replayed OIALT a few days ago and just as good as I remember. Thankyou Caribdis <3

Thanks Secure!!


When I finished playing Enternum 0.1 and then played Once in a life time, i have to say this is the best game I have ever played, the plot and the way to create the character story situation are very unique. especially President Mike 😂😂



Mike McStabby is my favorite character of all VNs


Played Once in a Lifetime for the "Plot" stayed for the Plot. Hopefully Eternum will live up to its predecessor :D

Caribdis' story telling skills are unrivaled from what I've seen thus far lol.


So.....when's the next update? Love it so far.

(2 edits) (+4)

April (early release on Patreon)


April 14-16.


I can't believe this is only version 0.2, there is a surprising amount of content and the quality out does a lot of the other games I've seen out there. A lot of interesting characters, there's good comedy as well, there isn't a ton of sexual interactions yet but far more than I expected out of version 0.2. I would definitely pay money for this games full release. I'm definitely joining your Patreon to get the new releases. Keep up the good work and expect to see me on your polls.


Thank you so much for the support Zskeleton 💗💗

(1 edit) (+2)

I have played many games but this game is out of this world i haven´t played such an good game this is literally the best and i can´t wait too play this game when the next update will be realesed. 


Thank you so much <3

Well this is my highlight of the year and i can't wait until next update. Dude you have outdone yourself with this masterpiece so far. Pls keep up with this high-level performance.

I love it 💕😍💕

I'll try my best!


I would die for Luna


Loved Once in a Lifetime and I just started Eternum today. I'm not even 5 minutes in but I gotta say Congratulations to President Stabby Mike!! He's not the man we deserve but the man we needed. 


Indeed! Haha


Your humor is on point for me and the art you've created is fantastic. Your work is awesome Caribdis and I hope you're doing well in these dark times. 

man i love how you shape the plot,your girls,the world and the humour, but dang i cant explain how much i hate MC's hair style

Deleted 337 days ago

Thank you so much!
Yeah after that scene you lose her path unless you have a perfect score with her (you missed some points with her before) That's not supposed to happen, though. It'll be fixed in 0.3

Hey! Recently got the latest update. Regarding Alexandra's relationship status turned grey, do i need to back track to get perfect scores with her? Bcs it's still grey on latest update 0.3. God im so in love with her character. Thx devs!

Now you don't need a perfect score, but you still need some points with her. You must go back to that scene at least, sorry for the trouble. (Download the walkthrough if you wanna see where you missed points)

What's The ETA for 0.3?

Mid-April on Patreon, probably

I just finished Once in a life time and man the only thing I have to tell you is that you're a fking genius I needed more so here I am xD how often do new updates come out? Thank you for your work man you're the best!!

Thank you! Usually every 3-4 months

Here after 80 days, to communicate that my heart is beating hard in anticipation for the release of the next version. Same question I asked you. Do you already have a return forecast my friend? Note 10, I'm looking forward to it! <3Em

Mid-April on Patreon, probably

This is such a wonderful and amazing game that i have ever played,i love  its plot, music , picture and all of it!Istill remember i searched online to find the bgm run boy run,that's really a nice music!So so so love your game Eternum!!!Supporting you!😍

Thank you so much <3





it's pretty good,i love it so much.It's the best game that i have played!


(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for eternity cool turned out the game I really liked 

Played through Once in a lifetime in one sitting cause i just could not stop, then did the same thing with Eternum. Have played a lot of really amazing VN but Eternum takes the cake, You are a genius Caribdis! Cant wait for the next part going to donate a sack of money as soon as it releases so i can play it ASAP! Keep up the amazing work

Thank you so much for supporting! 😍
Coming out this April!


Oh thats perfect cant wait! Just have to say the humor in both games is pure gold. The dark souls boss fight with Micaela was one of the funniest things ive ever seen i almost fell of my chair! :)

Is this compatible with oculus quest 2?

(1 edit)

The improvements on story, animation and design from once in a lifetime to eternum is huge. (not that I didn't like once in a lifetime) The story is so engaging that I forgot its basically a porn game lmao. Kudos to Caribdis and team

And also the characters are very unique and beautiful made me think of whom to choose if I have to in the ending HAHAHA

Thank you!

See, one of the struggles of being a regular college student with no money whatsoever is the wish to support my favorite creators combined with the knowledge that whenever I DO get a stable income I'll have to make many difficult choices regarding WHO I'm going to start spending money on first, especially considering the list just keeps on growing. However, one thing I can 100 % be sure of is that you are certainly going to be the first on my mind!

After playing OIALT, I was already excited for this game. Yet, with only v0.1 and even more so with v0.2, you managed to take those expectations and not only deliver on them but make them look like a parking lot from the perspective of an airplane!

Thanks Charlie, I appreciate it <3

Its awesome how active you are with you're community. Lots of developers and creators don't do that as much but you're always staying up to date with you're community. That is very cool to me and makes me want to play all you're games even more.


It's the least I can do :D

(3 edits)

Just finished One In A  Lifetime and   I saw you were making another game before  I start playing I was wondering if there was any NTR? I have never been good with it... at all.

Edit: or well  rape too not a fan of that either


None of that

Thank you for the reply!


Oh the wait for 0.3 is killing me. Struggle is real my dudes haha. I've replayed .2 like 2 or 3 times while I wait. This game is honestly one of the best out there


It's almost here! Coming out this April


Can't Wait!!! I'm  hoping Calypso would be the last girl on the list, but for now, I'll stay with Luna and Alex😂😂😂

I have few things to say about this game, 

1st: Fuck you for making a cliffhanger. 

2nd: I absolutely loved every second of playing this game. 

3rd: If I'd have money in my PayPal I'd definitely support you, so that the update would come faster. 

Yeah.. Overall I enjoyed everything: the story, characters, visuals, sounds, and so on.. Keep it up!


Thank you so much!

Hey, can I ask in which program you do create scenes ?


(2 edits) (+3)

This Game is amazing, as much as i want to support this game, I'm currently a useless bum who has no money and still studying, i promise that the moment i got some money to spend, i won't hesitate to give this SS Class game a huge offering. 

Definitely a complete hidden gem, i hope to see more of it, and it will continue the consistent high quality tier in both story and character design, especially the (i came for the plot) one, just hope that the next release will have more of "that", scenes between characters since i guess it's also about time for them to do "it" anyway the GAME IS LIT, 100$ for you soon, if somehow i found a job in a few years. The Future of this game is definitely bright, GOOD JOB TO THE DEVELOPERS, Glad I searched this game.


Thank you so much! <3

(1 edit) (+1)
i really like your game, it left me with a lot of emotions through the characters' expressions, facial expressions, gestures, and the animations of the scene made me have a really great experience while playing your game, thank you for making it, i will support you one day. AND I LOVE LUNA ^^

Thank you! Glad to hear that

how long till the story is finished? beause I'd rather wait for the full story than playing the uncomplete version because I'm dying for more


Oh im pretty sure that you have to wait a pretty long time as the game is still in an early phase of publishing. But dont worry, its worth the wait !

(1 edit) (+2)

It'll take years until it's finished. It'll be a big game.

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