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i came here for the "plot", and actually stayed for the actual plot. like holy sh*t man. even the animation/renders are TOP NOTCH. its not like the other games that focuses on nonstop seggs and harem and sub par story. THIS WILL ACTUALLY LEAVE YOU INVESTED. im actually lost for words because this is just so AMAZING. i may have to leave another review when i've calmed down but man... this is so good. i played since 0.3 i guess? or even earlier.

definitely worth waiting for every update. keep cooking chef.


Thank you so much!!

(2 edits)

Even with the horror segments the scariest thing in this game is someone using telnet in production.

Edit: Okay, this is a strange nitpick, but Dalia saying she'd never get a chance to taste buffalo in the real world is off. I don't think Caribdis is from the US so totally reasonable mistake, but I can go buy some from the supermarket down the street from me right now. I'm sure availability varies state to state, city to city, it's by no means uncommon these days though.

Edit 2: I'm dying. I don't know which is funnier, the fact that you included a line to show that Mr. Hernandez would be cool with the harem or how relieved I was to hear it. The girls are great, but having him as a father-in-law is a need.


Yeah I mean you can even get it in the Seattle area, ffs. Bout seven years ago I had my first-ever buffalo burger at a little hole-in-the-wall pub. Was tiny as hell, literally nobody there, kinda grimy place, but daaaamn that burger was good. I don't even fucking *like* burgers.

TL;DR: Buffalo be a thing folks eat.


点Chinese translation


点Chinese translation

How to fix this?


Chinese player

Never thought 3d porn game will be such great

And Chinese translation is so great. It let me can't believe that author is not a Chinese until I came here.

Glory to author Caribdis and Translators!

Thank you so much!


ok i am a first time player so I'll give my honest opinion, i won't spoil anything so here goes
so i was bored since i was done with other games that are sorta related to this game and i was like sure I'll give it a try. Maybe It'll be cool
everything was absolute cinema and the characters? You got me to actually like and enjoy their company, in more ways than one hurr huuuur. Anywaay the way you created the story got me so interested that i could not play anything else
the whole concept of Eternum is a mystery in its own that i will definitely will want to see to the very end. I like the transformation of the main character, i mean like don't get me wrong i did not like the original design but most creators from other games make slight changes, no this was a full make over and i loved it. 
this is already getting too long but this is already a fantastic game, highly recommend if you are into long, deep story games. The ending of this update got me screaming, not for anything else but for the fact that it ended, by god this is a good game

Thank you!!

I've been playing Eternum and loved it since 0.7 but the 0.8 version prevents me from accessing my saved files. It says something about rollback. If you guys have any alternate fix to this bug, please comment. I really appreciate any help. 

The line 499 error happened to me too

我下载遇到slice bounds out of range怎么解决啊


After the new version is released, can the old save files still be used?

I managed to do it by downloading and unzipping the new version then moving the save folder from the older version into the new version. Then I deleted the old version. Hope this helps.

Is there any way to download newer versions and keeping older safefiles?

Move the save folder into the new version.

can someone explain what is going on . I cannot go any further . This cannot load comes up and J cannot win the fight here. How do I fix it.

app version 0.8 

Samsung galaxy a10

try skipping or rollback then immediately click twice see if works or not

"Maybe try adding some clothing elementslike stockings in the intimate scenes?Thatcould make things even more exciting! Justa suggestion though - the game is alreadyabsolutely amazing, a true masterpiece. Keepup the great work, developer!"

The goddamn jumpsacre after getting healed by calypso made me jump good one Caribdis.

(1 edit) (-3)
pls help me black screen every time I open the game

i have the same problem too but i found a solution that works for me. first step is go to nvidia control panel, then click manage 3d setting, then select 'high performance nvidia processor'. hope this helps

When will Eternum 0.9 will come

(1 edit)

I'm guessing somewhere in October(2025)

What that much I was expecting it to be July (2025)

From 0.7 to 0.8 took almost a year. But worth it.



There is no fcking way that sx scenes have to go so hard that it includes character development like what? In most adult vns, it like supposed to be just an incentive when girls reach certain love meters or something to attract player and are just inserted it so they could play the game that includes a larger story, no way Eternum inserts the character developments as well as the personalities in the scene


is there ntr content in the game??

Not so far.


nope, and there wont be any in the future

but I guess at some point  this game was marked as ntr

It has been saying too many users have downloaded or viewed the file on google drive link for android.

(2 edits) (+4)

Wow. Blew my socks off. I didn't expect to find myself laughing, crying, or feeling that warm fuzzy feeling from just an adult novel. Not to mention the plot is out of this world! And each update only gets better and better. And so do the jiggle physics lol. I also appreciated all of the pop culture references, and that I understood so many! Caribdis seems like a fellow soul. But back to the game, garbagecannot said it more eloquently than  I can. Check out his comment.

TL;DR - Caribdis is a genius.

Edit: Forgot about the great music and sound!

Thank you so much!!!

how to download it in china,please help me 




点Chinese translation



Best game I've played in a long time. My dude is a writing genius.

Excellent works 



I come here, once again, to congratulate Caribdis as a writer, dev and animator. I follow this beautiful human being's work since "Once in a Lifetime". The quality of their work keeps getting better and better. What used to be already a 10 out of 10 keeps going higher and higher. When I think Caribdis reached the peak of their content, a new chapter manages to mesmerize me with unpredictable and deep content. This is not even a porn game anymore, this is a MASTERPIECE. The story, the characters, the humor, ofc the sex scenes, but the PLOT.... The Plot is insanely good. Eternum is EASILY the best 18+ game I have ever played and tops the quality of a lot of "triple A" writing. 
Caribdis, I once again tip my hat to you. You brilliant genius! 

I CAN'T wait for 0.9
Literally, I'll be depressed until it is released. Some dark months await me...


I couldn't agree more with everything this man (or woman) has said.

Man ;P
Glad you agree! A true Masterpiece. Sometimes content is so good I want to share with my "normal" friends but then I realise I really can't, without being judged


you took the words out of my mouth. my friend stopped playing and said "i'll just wait for it to finish" and im persuading him to play it again because ghaaaaaademmmmmmmn


Thank you Apex!!

No no, thank YOU! <3

(1 edit)

Hello, after loading the saves from previous version, all  gallery is locked.

Is there a reason why or a way I can unlock them all without playing through the whole game again?


There are community-made unlocking scripts on Cari's Discord server. Use this one if you want to unlock everything or this one if you want to unlock everything except for the scenes new in 0.8.


Thank you, it worked :)

The link does not work anymore. can u help m

It does still work; but you prbly need to join Cari's Discord server beforehand. Just click on the Discord banner on the game page.

need help, dalia seems to automaticly end route, despite having done all i can to do otherwise? like i dont get enough hearths by the time in the gladiator shit were she automaticly takes 1 away and she disapears? i mean seriously wtf is that? have not had enough conversations to even get that extra heart from her so like is it a bug????


You need to have at least 4 points before Semper Invicta otherwise you will lose her path there.

All the places where you can get points for her until that moment:

"Let them go" when you just arrive +1
"Stay hidden" and then "I was stunned by your beauty" in the shower +1
Attack Con at the right time +1
Stay with Dalia when you meet Thanatos +1
Pancakes for Dalia +1
Brownies +1

Or you can just follow the walkthrough

Canchez is right! Some additional notes from me: Dalia's path is one of the most difficult to retain, so no need to beat yourself up over it. The overview screen only gives you an idea of how many affection points you have with her, not the exact number. And finally, I made this walkthrough especially for troubleshooting situations like yours, check it out if you like.

Is there any way to know in advance what music is being changed or removed? Mainly just hoping Silverware isn’t one of the ones going away

Silverware is still there! Nova's other scene got changed though.


Nro pls fix ur game

The best game I've ever played has a lot of potential

Man i can say that I was captivated by this game, it had everything , references , music , tension , comedy , plot twist , even cliche things felt original, felt good, for a visual novel that I took seriously was really good. I loved every part of it, sex scenes were good, the romance between every character felt good in their own way. 
I wish to support the game but in a really terrible situation for me but GOD,

You even make me log in to my account in the private browser to write this comment, I have played games , grind shit , for example warframe and thing and of course I love those games, but man a VISUAL NOVEL became my favorite game in this year and has surpassed a lot of games that I played before.

OIALT as well was pretty good but this, I really big upgrade.

Thank you very much!!

The google drive is not working 😞

It never does, use another download mirror. Mediafire and Pixeldrain are my favorites.


It worked for me last night.

Well, lucky you. The Google Drive links are rate limited, so if too many people use then, noone else can until the cooldown ends, and noone can view the cooldown. It seems that I'm not as lucky as you are...

Can anyone explain how to fix this? It happens since i updated to 0.8 public when i press the relationship button in top left corner...

This also happened to me when i start the game. 

Make sure you properly updated the game as shown here.


Holy shit, and I thought that ending with a better cliffhanger than the previous one was impossible. I am out of words.

The music, scenes, effects, details... Everything is perfect.

This game might have one of the best stories I've ever read.

Please don't stop working on projects like this, I sincerely hope that Eternum isn't your last game. You're improving at an incredible rate.


Thank you so much!!


Shit game, too woke

(1 edit) (+3)

Amazed that you actually took time out of your day to sign up for a fresh account, just to write this.  People really do have too much time on their hands, and too much hate in their hearts.  Get a life, dude.

1/10 ragebait

Nancy & Nova Gallery have this error..latest public version 0.8.0

(3 edits)

If you don't mind updating your game to the newest version that replaced some of the music: Update your game, then install this mod, which will also patch this bug. If you don't like the mod's guidance functionalities, you can disable those in the settings.

If you don't want to update your game, DM me on Discord. You should be able to find me via Caribis' Discord server.

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