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(1 edit) (+1)

quick question. can we trust maat's offor or not in 0.8?

my logic says no but my wallet says yes.


yes, try downloading the walkthrough to know what choice is better

what walkthrough? i can only find some that go not furder than version 0.7

Me sale esto y nose que hacer recién estoy empezando


Try following the installation guide linked in the description!

Срочно нужна 0.9, ничего так не ждал как продолжения этой истории. Ожидание так мучительно, каждую версию начиная с 0.4


does this game have voiced characters during the scenes?


no but you can turn on text to speech its not great in my opinion but it works 

how about the h-scenes? do they have like sound effects? like moaning etc. need to know to lower volume yfm


There's sex sounds, but no moaning


It's Perfect. It's by far the best visual novel I ever played! And by a far margin at that. The graphics are like "Excuse me? THIS IS A VN????" I remember first the first time we go to Eternum I was like "WHAT THE HELL???? HOW THE HELL CHARIBDIS MADE THIS!!!???" 😂. The story is Perfect ++, I replayed "Once In A Lifetime" like 4 times and I will probably replay this game waaaaaay more (I alr replayed that many times after all lol, the times I mistakenly deleted my save files <<'), I could do with less cliffhangers though 😂, that one in 0.7 almost made me go through the game again because I thought I fucked up at some point <<. Lastly, the girls... They are beyond amazing! U can see they growing (personality wise), u can feel when they are in distress or excited and omg there are moments that I was like 💘💗, it's crazy. The fact that this game is free is surreal, thank you so much for this Charibdis! ^^


Thank you for playing ! :D


Me when Orion pulled that Phone-a-Friend at us:

  *waited till the countdown ended*

"Good answer."

The choices had me pause for that long to think before I knew the outcome, never before have any other VNs put me at such a point of "Nah, you're on your own" moment. Beautiful.

when i got to that part i selected the yes answer so quick that i redid it and sat there for nearly the hole time

Android players, Anyone else find their back button disabled since the last update? Can not go back at all. Missed quite a lot of dialog now. 

This is my second post about this issue, it seems my first one was deleted. 

mines fine, maybe you accidentally deleted a file or smth


Caribdis this update was the awesome one, and after what I saw is coming, I can't wait for 0.9.

Just this time I hope I don't have to wait for a year 😭

I have really liked eternum its in a league of its own for any "adult" story game on itch, I understand these thing take time to make its just the 0.8 update seem very small conpeared to all the others, imo seem like the was a lot of time spend on the sex scenes and less on the story it was nice but i really just want to see more of the story grow and not much seems to be progressing at least the setup for 0.9 seem to be good for more story rich content


After 1 year the V8 is here


Not quite, just 2 days shy of 9 months.

Is there a way to upgrade from 0.7, or do I have to download the entire 0.8 file?  (PC Version using windows 10)


You would have to download the entire 0.8 to get the upgrade. For pc the save should be able to go right over when you download 0.8

Hello sir, Is the narrator for the dream part the same guy who voiced the narrator in The Stanley Parable??

(1 edit) (+1)

It's not. But the VA was instructed to try and mimic Kevan Brighting.

What is your Source's?

(2 edits)

The VA himself via the Discord

(1 edit) (-2)

I was excited for 0.8, downloaded it on my android, carried my save files through adhering to the faq on the discord server, they did carry over and show up in the game, but, when I use them, a white error screen appears saying there's an issue with the code and rollback failed or whatever. So I just basically lost all my save files. I was too far into the game to start anew, so I'm just depressed now and have to drop eternum.


Just fast forward through it. Be like 20 minutes.

or you could replay it and play through the new bits and enjoy the game


Caribdis i hope you live a long and amazing life your work is god like every scene is amazing the lore the sex the girls the mc everything im replaying the game again and this is the only porn game no eternum is the only game i can replay and still wanna play again i cant wait for the future of this game love your work lots of love -Supine

p.s me when luna and all the other girls, SHE IS GORGEOUS TO ME 

bro the amont of stuff added from my last play through to this one is insane this went from the best porn game iv played to the number 1 porn game in the world it might as well be a new game wow great job im not even done this is like 4 times longer and im here for it keep it up

also new rating of the game ∞/10


I've said it before and I'll say it again. You've improved a LOT since Once in a Lifetime. And this update further cements that.

Writing is top notch, comedy is fucking perfect, there's tons of serious moments, mysterious ones, and incredibly romantic/wholesome ones too. The world building is great too. It includes an uncountable amount of interesting characters. The music fits each scene perfectly too.

Just... damn dude. Keep going. The amount of effort put into this is insane and should be celebrated.


I'll try my best!

Glitch issue:

I'm not sure if anyone else is having this issue but more and more frequently while playing the game and nothing else, the game back pedals at rapid-fire rate like I'm rolling up my mouse scroll button.  I right-click to stop it and then I go to a browser and test the scroll button and it's fine - then back to the game and it's not glitching anymore.  But it keep happening sooner each time now, and not with any other apps or games.

Wish I could've  been able to play download I purchased and didn't expect to have the troubles and hassles on my S24 Ultra. The RPA Apk non- sense and files inability to open even after what it seems like I had to root my phone and research apps to open etc... I guess most of these games are meant for desktop usage and try at own risk.  


Once again, I am nothing but speechless.

You keep finding the perfect balance of comedy, action, mystery, romance and whatever else is in the game.

This is the only game I would rate 10/10 without a single doubt in my mind.



(2 edits)

the stanley parable. nice touch. i recognise that narator anywhere. stays a fun game. (btw i cant uplead images here for some reason)


It's not Kevan Brighting though.


still, the way its spoken is eazy to recognise

I haven't played this game in a long time, waiting for updates to stack up, and I can't remember something. Are there any major choices that change the game drastically? Choices that block off routes or other important things. Thanks in advance! (I finished version 0.7 last time I played)

I havent gotten through the game yet. But I do know that some choices can ruin your chances to get with some characters

I feel like there's a few that might matter a lot. Like the one where the guy offers you the thing that sounds too good and you can choose to accept it or not. (trying to avoid spoilers since Itch doesn't have a spoiler option)


I really love this game. It is an absolute masterpiece. I am thrilled to see where the story will develop in the future.
Very big respect for you creating something like this game.

Keep doing this amazing work!!


Thank you!!


What an astounding piece of art have you created, huge congratulations.
You see, I began this saga for body lust indeed, but I stayed for the story and world building. I don't even satisfy myself sexually by consuming porn anymore, but I always return here for the content.


Thank you so much!


So nobody gonna talk about gwen cameo from MBML letssssss goooooo Caribdis 

I hope the next update has scenes in the racing game server. Also it would be really f'n cool if the player could choose from a few different cars to race in


Made an account just to write how awesome this game is! Story/plot is amazing, characters are amazing, and the comedy is on point--the Stanley Parable storyline(?) is hilarious

Is there ipa enterum for iOS?  


Can we unironically get more Ed and Morty? These guys are funny.

Bonus Features Mod  this mods great too bad i already finish the game  maybe next update 

(3 edits) (+1)

bro… i LOVE this story. the twists and turns, it’s amazing

this game gets 5 out of 5 stars

(my sheet with more AVNs to try and play, with ratings: )


Android google drive. Been trying to download this for 3 days but

Have you tried mega?that work for me


Mega puts limit for non-subscribers. 

(1 edit)

Just wait for a few hour and resume the download that what i did

I did it. The app didn't tell me to wait for 5 hours.

Yeah, you're gonna have to use MEGA and wait out the limit. Every day (or every 5 hours or something, can't remember) Mega restores your 5GB limit. Either that or get lucky and click the google link at the perfect time.

Just leave your computer/phone/whatever on and plugged in and it should work. Also download using the application if you aren't already.

yup. I just did that. Thanks. Can't wait to play.

Or use mediafire and just run a virus scan or two after


Nova is forever in my heart from now... Great storytelling, thank you...


Such a great moment for our littlest heroine. Great storytelling. Compelling and captivating throughout. Amazing work so far.



honestly pretty good avn, just needs more alex and calypso


I'd imagine we're going to get a fair bit of Caly in 0.9


Calypso going to be promoted to one of the main girls judging by the 0.9 teaser image


this is the way

seriously i cant wait for the next update release.. i wanna see more of Annie, Luna & Nova.. they're tooooooooooo adorable.. my favorite girl is Luna, please give more attention to her in this next upcoming update.. and PLEASE dont make us wait too long..

Updates for Eternum usually take 6 to 8 months to complete, and add an extra month for public release.

thx for the info! goshhhh, i really cant wait for the new update release..


(3 edits)

Crazy cliffhanger, peak update question is this gonna end on update 1.0 like Once in a Lifetime? i wish it don't end and go on forever but everything good has to end and make Calypso a main character

Semantic Versioning allows for versions 0.10, 0.11, etc.  OiaL just happened to be 10 updates with the final one being full release (0.9 to 1.0) .  1.0 indicates the first major release (story finished), so it will end there as long as it doesn't need patches/fixes/expansions for some reason. 

IIRC I saw rumors that Eternum is expected to have about 11 or 12 updates before release, but I don't have a source for that.

Caribdis has said that it won’t end in 1.0, we don’t know for sure but we do know that it’ll have more than 10 updates

Source: Caribdis Discord #faq channel

He replied in one of the comments in the Prog Bar status on Patreon that he's tentatively targeting 13 updates total

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Love your work. Small problem, I downloaded the update and it won't start up. Anyone else on Mac having this issue?

Just finished chapter 8 and... First of all, LUNA DESERVES MORE LOVE, second of all this was peak, like annie being overpowered as fuck, and the ending, oooooooooh the ending.

As a wise man once said:"Eternum is a force of nature."

Absolute cinema.

She is best girl so Eternum not using her as fan service

i gotta agree with you bro.. she's too sweet, innocent and adorable.. i  really wanna see her having happy endings in the end with the main character as well like the other girls too.. damn i'm really into this novel now.. am i an Eternumites?? i guess i am..

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