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Simple stupid question, the 0.8 starts with the part "You stroll along the abandoned streets of Kredon", am I right?

5GB+ ON ANDROID????!!!

20/10 on avn

(2 edits) (+4)

justo terminé la 0.8 y esta es mi reseña

Absolutely love this game, downloaded the new update, however always getting error on android whenever I try to view specific girls gallery, never had this issue with previous version, and yes I updated/copied the new file just like the old version yet still having this issue!


Wow, 0. 8 buried a lot of things! I feel 0. 9 would be better than 0. 8 more grand update! ? Maybe Calypso will be at 0. 9 To join Orion's lovers? Guys, let's meet again in the near future, thank you Mr. Caribdis! I feel at 0. I will feel lonely before 9 is released. I have a question. Sir, are you going to make Orion and girls a simple game and put it in steam? No SEX, just the type of love? Salute! 🫡

Seriously Caribdis I hate you...... This game is a masterpiece and it only got better with the last update and now i have to wait with such a cliff hanger again. Ok i dont hate you im just impatient but I understand works of art like this take time. Seriously if you're scrolling the comments trying to decide if you want to try this vn, you do. You really really wanna check this out. I am just blown away by it.

(1 edit)

Thank u so much, Caribdis and all the dev team! Great execution as always. And guess what I found out how to continue and fix the game errors and I enjoy it very much. I didn't expect that ending tho, looking forward to 0.9 thanks again! Gotta edit my comment, I'm hoping to see Luna back at next chapter. I'm a bit upset playing the .8 without enough luna scene but there's crumbs with Annie yet it wasn't enough


Hello, dear author, I feel that the interface of the new version is not as clean as the old version. I wonder if you can provide an option for us to choose independently?

Although these are not important in the face of your excellent production, I still like the old interface (crying)

Dear author, I also want to add that the favorability module is not as good as before. In the past, everyone had their own characteristics in the module, but now there is no such feeling. Moreover, the bottom row of avatars will block the character's illustrations, which seems to be negative optimization, crying

Same here, but as the interface changed several times, I think we'll see later where it goes :-)

You're right, obviously.I was a little anxious before.˃ 𖥦 ˂

Well, I'd say i's important to give feedbacks to caribdis about what we think about his creation anyway! :-)


I cannot view my progress with the girls i keep getting an error

Hi Caribdis.

I don't usually write comments, but I like your work so much that I almost have no other choice.

Your work, this game... it's just great! You are an artist! A really good one! The story you tell is super exciting, funny and entertaining. It often makes me smile, laugh and even make me cry sometimes. You bring the characters to life so well.
The eroticism is really well conveyed. The way you lead up to the situations, the way they are packaged. Simply marvellous.

I could write pages and pages about how incredibly well I like your game, but instead I'll just say: thank you, really great work, keep up the good work, I wish you all the best and you've already given the world something with this game.

Maybe you'll read this comment and be a little happy about it ^^

With kind regards: Six

(1 edit) (+2)

        Our Eternum playlists on Spotify have been updated to 0.8, which are carefully curated and arranged in story progression order.   You can check out my Spotify playlist in the linke below. There are no BS, rickrolls, scams, or anything stupid.  I swear under Idriel's name.

        Additionally, there’s another Spotify playlist in the community made by Twisted Wine,  of whom the playlist is also carefully organized to the story. He is more recognized in our Discord Server. Feel free to check it out as well and see which one fits your preferences.

        While neither of these playlists is "official"—in fact, none of the public Eternum playlists are—we hope they serve as helpful resources for folks who'd like to revisit, pinpoint, and reappreciate these wonderful soundtracks. Please note that my playlist includes some local files (greyed out) to indicate songs used in Eternum that are currently unavailable on Spotify for various reasons. If there are songs in my playlist you could not find all, that means the songs are AI-generated and composed by Caribdis himself. 

        Either way, I hope these playlists enhance your journey through Eternum!

        Of note, one of Annie's CG soundtracks is composed by Caribdis himself, and as of now, it is NOT on Spotify. You may check out Cari's  Official Youtube Page by following the link below to for listening:

        Lastly, feel free to check out my Spotify profile for playlists from other visual novels as well, including Once In A Lifetime made by Caribdis and many others. Feel free to reach out in Discord servers as well.

Yours sincerely,


Has Caribdis played Crown of Exile? The Ishari feel like they have too much in common to be a coincidence.

those new laughing sounds with dalia at the gym are cringe af

the sound in the game doesn't work


Okay, so, guess it's time for another looooong feedback about the last chapter, hm? Caribdis, don't hesitate to tell me if that's useful or not, there's probably no point for me to continue posting these if you don't even read them! :-þ And for any other people here: warning, I'll do my best to remain just blurry enough, but the following line will probably contains spoilers anyway.

So, let's start just before the beginning of the eighth chapter to say I still think the end of the seventh was unnecessary violent against the player, especially autistic ones like me. Please do not do something like that again (I'll talk about cliffhangers again at the end of this feedback, of course). Consequently, not sure about the very first cops scene, guess that's a way to come back to the story after the months-long break, but could still be a bit long between the highly stressing scene and the continuation. But I guess people who'll discover the story with the eighth chapter in it will tell.

And so, interesting way to solve the situation. Regarding what I said on my previous feedback, I think I was half right to worry about a deus ex machina, cause that's indeed more or less the case (no real setup for such a payoff). But it seems to fit the settings so I won't be too much harsh about it :-þ I'd say, it does the job (even if it brings a lot of questions, such as, as it's now possible to take clothes from Eternum to the “real world”, would it work with Calypso or astral projections as well? But I guess we'll learn more in the next chapters, so, we'll see).

Not much to say about the ship travel and all, some points were fun (well done for the fake choices. Would have liked to keep Iago :-þ). I just wonder what would happen if Nova uses the tranquilizer dart pistol on somebody playing the conventional way, as IIRC there's an auto-logoff if you sleep too long in Eternum, and I think Orion slept way longer than that.

I guess the Office scene is a parody of The Stanley Parable? Didn't play it, thought, so I'm not sure. Anyway, not especially my kind of thing, but not displeasing either. Just rolled my eyes a bit about Orion saying "ultimate cuck move" about the desk picture, as the concept of “cuck” (and the use of it as a slur) doesn't fit a polyamourous setup like the one they're starting to create. But I guess he still have to learn! Also, back to the pirate server, I wasn't sure that the “mistress” thing really fit the scene and the girls' personality.

I as really hooked by the last talk with El Coyote. I was left a bit “meh” on the previous chapter, but now I would really like to see him again in the story and learn more about his motives and all. I'm not sure the story will go that way, thought, as it could have been the last time we heard about him, but if you're hesitating to bring him back or not, count my vote to yes! I'd say secondary characters like him having a real backstory, not related to the main one but interacting with it, it a really good point that makes Eternum even more interesting.

I was really happy to hear Oh What a Whirl (which I would call “Nova's theme” from now on) again when back at her home. And the same for “Dalia's theme” (I'd Rather Stay On Earth) later in the chapter too. It's really fun to have recurring musical themes like that, and adds a lot to the characters (I specifically asked for If I Had a Tail in my previous feedback, but I agree it wouldn't have matched Alex's scene in this chapter. Still asking to hear it again, thought! :-þ)

So, I guess I was right about Luna's vision. Would like to hear her telling more about it to Orion or one of the girls at some point, thought :-þ And Annie's reminder was really, really cute. I'm not sure about something there, thought, there's a possible inconsistency (or at least something that would need to be a bit more precisely explained):

– She first asks where the **fifth** Gem of Doom is found, and say it's on Ekabar (and especially not on The Red Herring),

– Then she explains how Thatanos find the first three of them, and say nothing changed between this point and the beginning of our story,

– Then the next Gem of Doom is the one find on Ekabar by Xet and Con, but that's logically the **fourth**,

– And then the one after is the one we found on The Red Herring, which is then logically the **fifth**, making her initial answer wrong,

– You then call the one from Garrington “the fourth one”, but it wasn't mentioned at all before, so the number feels wrong.

I'd say you should add a line while talking about how Thanatos get his three first, before talking about Xet and Con, to explicitly say that another Gem of Doom was found but that our favorite villain didn't find this one, that would work better.

(Also, about that, we didn't have a conclusion about Jasper Wagner's fate. They apparently know Thanatos followed them there, but there's not much said. And us autistic people have some difficulties with implicit things, so just a line or two about what happened there would be cool!)

And so, hm… OMG :-O <3<3<3

That spell. Annie being a total badass in front of the others. And even more, with a really cool “villain speech”, and just after having been so adorable. That's precisely what I was hoping for her, especially after her frustration from the previous chapters. Thanks a lot for that! :D

« Today… humankind will witness my true power. »

So, back to earth, both literally and metaphorically. Interesting scene on the restaurant. Didn't thought Noah and Raul where at such a position, it now feel a bit weird to have recruited them as henchmen for the heist. Mafia things is not for now what interests me the most in the story, but I wonder if what we saw there would be important later, or if it's “just” some world building.

So, some more cool things for Annie again, both with Eulalie and later with Orion, this one was really nice. Then, interesting scene with Alex. Am I wrong, or did Orion not notice that he travels between several Eternum severs without coming back to the “real world” between them this time? He just said he wasn't yet able to do that not long before. But I can understand that he had other things to focus on at this point.

And then back to Valley of the King <3 Well, that's in a part more arabian-like than egyptian-like this time, but it's still really cool. Once again, really cool choice of music, and really good background renders (took several new wallpapers from the oasis and the citadel). A bit sad to learn that Maat was looted even if we didn't do it, sounded unlikely as she was in a secluded place, but I know wonder if the mysterious thing she wants to do with the 80 eternals will be important later or not.

A bit surprising to see both Orion and Dalia needed the whole explanation to understand about how the Sultan managed to have such an high score, as it was something I thought about just by seeing he was a serious competitor, and I was absolutely certain about it just by reading him saying “incubator room”, but I guess Eternum takes place several years in the future, when people forgot how Xenomorphs reproduce :-þ

Also, a bit bothered by the fact we had, according to your walkthrough, to kill the doctor. I mean, we had to punch Axel both times to gain points with Annie and Alex, then we had to kill the cow-boy to gain points with Alex, and now this. It's a bit concerning that, each time we're given the choice, being violent is the right thing to do, don't you think? Especially in a setup like Eternum where I don't see how that would help (destroying her facility would certainly, but just killing her, she can probably go back just after the delay). Plus, her reaction to Orion showing mercy was interesting.

Also, rolled my eyes several times in the final scene with Dalia, there's some thing not really accurate there, but I guess people don't play such games to learn about how it really works :-þ

Also, once again, really pleased to see the situation change with Jerry. It was also something that I asked for in some previous feedbacks, isn't it? So thanks again for that! Can't wait to see how he's going on his new path.

And then, the new final. I was able to feel the attack coming by the time Orion entered the inn, so, to be honest, during this point, I was mainly thinking “no, he won't do that AGAIN?”

But you didn't! So thanks to have stopped just a bit later, with a good surprise. Now that's a good cliffhanger and I can't wait to learn more :D

(Now, thinking back about it, I probably should have see more of it coming by the time Orion thought about Hyril'ar in the inn, as you already did just the same trick with the Founder on the Rockfeller server, but I was too much focused about the possible bad news while playing.)

So, good work! Really enjoyed play the eighth chapter, and I'm way more looking for the ninth that I was for this one.

Now, if I can express some more wishes…

I'd say it would still be even better with a bit more diversity in background/neutral characters, could have been some black people in the Citadel, for instance.

I really would like to see Eva again, as I said earlier, I think she could be a perfect optional member of the team.

…and I think that's all story-wise, you already checked the main points of my wishlist! We'll see where everything is going, but for now, it's going just in the good directions.

Just two technical things, thought: I liked the interface from the previous chapter more than this one, but I think you'll change again later, so we'll see. But 9Gio starts to be reaaaaaally huge to download. Would it be possible to have just a diff, for people already having the previous version?

Thank you for your feedback!

Keep in mind the walkthrough only shows the options to see the most content possible, it's okay not to kill the doctor if that's what you want to do

You're welcome!

And I know, but I consider the choices on the walkthrough as “what the canon Orion would do”. I always play the just-released chapter directly to discover and make my own choices, then, once I've reached the end, I open the walkthrough and check the differences. Sometimes I come back to change my choices, sometimes I don't (as implied in the last feedback, I didn't loot Maat, for instance). Here, as I didn't spot major difference in the eight chapter, I'll try both ways in the ninth.

But I was talking  about the general direction. That's not a problem if the violent option is the better one once (as I told in a previous feedback, I rolled back to punch Axel all by myself the first time after having read how he treated Annie), but it's starting to be concerning if that's the better one **each time**, don't you think?

By the way, my Eternum OST playlist now lasts 4h52 (and I only put my favorite themes/songs in it), so I hope you're proud of you! :-þ

I agree on the casual violence.  When the “nuke” went off I actually saw her as a villain because she destroyed an entire world (also fitting to have a villain speech). How is that better than aliens???  Particularly if you know npcs are people!  The casual violence has me wondering if the mc is a villain .

The other weird is why the mc is world hopping as it seems likely to accrue more risk of actual death and no inventory access (and then how did nova have access to her gun?, was it like the gems? Can she then conjure in “real dimension “?) cool to have but it seems really weird.   I was surprised nova and mc didn’t go back before starting the pirate adventure.  I kinda feel like the mc has some brain damage or something to not care about that risk to him and people he theoretically cares about.   There was mention of potential tracking, but my impression is that it’s still a game (so far) and why would you put your life on the line?

Those are my two main notes apart from another that was deleted. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Well, if you're talking about the Andromeda thing with Annie and Luna, I don't agree for this particular point, as it was highly implied that the sector was evacuated and there was nobody else left on this planet (well, except a certain person looking for nests, as we learned later). If there was still people there, either players or NPC, they would certainly have been killed by Xenomorphs soon after anyway, so the spell didn't change anything. Was more something like “desperate situation” than “free violence” at this specific point.

For your second point, Orion explicitly said that Dione was bound to Nova just as the Gems were bounds to him at the time he was talking about them at the very beginning. But I agree it's weird that it's possible in Eternum with real bodies but not in “the real world”, I'm waiting to see how the story will deal with magic in the next chapters.

I also agree they should have go back to “the real world” before going to the ship (thought about it while playing), but that didn't look too weird they didn't, because it felt like an understandable combination between “need to hurry before the island disappear” (wouldn't have been that long, thought) and “too excited by the situation to think about what would normally be obvious”.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and push back!

real world thought: complete evacuations would be tough and money is always a thing in a capitalist world.  The time and resources to move a metric crap ton of people (npcs) is not small.   We seem to be weaving in and out of it being a computer world to infect an alternate reality, but it appears there’s no way for a programmer to make npcs be gone. I would assume npcs would be left behind (money?  They’re also npcs so why would they deviate?) AND the d assume that other alien killers would go to where the most aliens are (less problems as we know players don’t suffer harm).  Without some sort of verification… that’s serious villain behavior from an alternate perspective.   The lack of empathy or thought for others is concerning to me coupled with this rash of cold blooded killings (or missed love points so kill I must).   Sure it’s a game, but it’s also a super realistic VR meaning it wouldn’t feel different than doing said actions in the real world.   Except it’s also not a game, as we have been toldand if I were in that situation I’d be pausing to ponder the moral implications of the alternate reality/dimension and the life it contains and the death I caused  

I know I think too much on things, but there’s some serious villain stuff going on if the MC were instead an adversary.   lots of power, doesn’t care who dies to achieve goals   

“They’d be dead anyway”.  Fair point but interesting that the mc puts winning over helping or even asking the questions on if they could or should help before everyone dies.  Makes me go hmmm

Gun being bound same as gems.  Cool, I didn’t remember that, but that makes sense.   So, if things are other realities and dimensions, that means the Mc is carrying in the real world as is nova.  I expect we will see that at some point when the Mc figures that crap out and also pulls on their powers.  Could be a while as the mc seems really slow in the cognitive realm. 

I might have fun writing an essay about how the mc is delusional.   If the story is from his point of view and his view is flawed… he could be thinking his ten minutes of happy time with the girls is amazing and they’re all, in reality, going “that’s it?”   That could be a fun thought experiment.  

Anyway, thanks again for taking time to explain.  I do appreciate it.  

NP, you're welcome! :-)

I was assuming Ulysses has enough control over NPC to have them move without the real world difficulties. Probably partly due to Nova screaming about becoming a brainless one losing control of her own actions if she died at the beginning of the chapter.  Anyway, I took the announcement about the zone no longer being under Praetorian watch when they arrived there as a way to say “there's no more people here, only Xenomorphs”, so I didn't thought about any potential human (either player or NPC) victim… until we talked about somebody later, but I saw him as an unlucky exception.

I'd say it has to be put in perspective with their reaction when learning about the incubator room at the end of the chapter: they ostensibly do worry about both players and NPC used by the Sultan and think that being infected by the Xenomorphs is far from a good think, so I'd say if there's a problem here, it's more about not thinking enough about the situation and possible drawbacks/backfires, which is also consistent with them being mostly teenagers.

(And this conversation suddenly reminds me about the “superheroes not being careful enough” trope.)


does any1 know any games with stories as good as this, doesnt even have to have sex can jus be romance, i have played caribdis' other game aswl

(1 edit) (+1)

Depends on what you like, as flavors matter a lot.

Being a DIK is probably one of the best out there.   It's been around for a while so book one (CH's 1-4) is a bit dated, but it gets better.  Theyr'e on patreon wrapping up chapter eleven, and they release books every four chapters on steam, gog, and maybe itch?  Not harem, VERY replayable for different paths of love interests AND different paths of personality.   There are mini-games which you can turn off (I prefer them off, but I have one play through that I have them on for).

A lot of people love leap of faith (warning topics of suicide).  It's not harem based and some of the love interests really require a guide to achieve.  A lot like the Cece path, and I think that's doable without a guide.   I did a lesbian threesome path and I hated it and that colored my impression of the entire game.  Completed story.

Chasing Sunsets - Not harem but instead two love interests and the ability to F around with others.   A threesome path is possible but the criteria requires more than casual play and probably a guide?  I had to look up what I needed to do to achieve it.   I'd say that you just want to make save and max points, but maybe do that on a follow up play through because a game should be fun.  Completed except for CH10, a prologue.  Will be completed in 2025 and pretty good.

Love and Second Base is a HUGE dating simulator with a lot of grind, but also story and the amount of game/content you get WAY exceeds the cost as long as some grind for money/other things is okay with you.  It can be harem but with boobie traps everywhere if you don't know the game or use a guide, but a first playthrough should be done for fun and then a second to get more stuff ( you carry over stats so it gets a bit easier too).

Ripples is awesome.

Become a Rockstar is fun.

Come Home has a lot of diversity (and maybe not the best looking models), but more realistic women personality as it's written by a woman and it shows as opposed to be a virgin's lust fantasy which a lot of the AVN's come across to me.   

The deluca Family is a mobster based good time.  Book one is complete but the story is ongoing.  I was caught off guard by how much I liked this one.

Good girl gone bad is a great corruption game (female MC that gets corrupted based on choices the player makes).

Sisterly lust had great writing, but is a family game.  I'm not a fan but it's frustratingly hard to avoid with adult novels.  I thought it was good and would recommend if family love isn't an issue.  I believe it can be harem or single.   Different paths and choices matter.  

If you like dark games/tentacles/monsters/demons/goblins/whatever, I'd recommend ravager (2025 completion), parasite black (who knows when complete), and seeds of chaos (who knows when complete and I think patreon was messing with them about content).

Desert Stalker is one of my favorites.  Not complete but a lot of content.  Think madmax and know that you can slit a throat and face bang a female you defeat in the first five minutes.  The tone doesn't have to be THAT bad based on choices you make, but it IS a dark world and those five minutes certainly set a tone and expectations.  Note that the darkness I mentioned is the PLAYERS choice.   For the most part I thought the game did a great job on giving the player autonomy about the flavors they wanted.  Also, one of the best wifes I've ever run across as they remind me of mine and reflect a healthy relationship that is fundamental to real life harem/multiple other parties in a relationship.  So best wife/harem #1 in all VN's I've read.

Actual Roommate is a great lesbian game with a VERY cute MC.  I loved the writing and humor but humor is subjective.  Also, some people may not like lesbian games.

I could name more, but that's a lot.

damn tyvm for the detail and suggestions 

Sure!  Probably not all of them would be for you as everyone likes something different, but I thought I’d share a range that I consider in the A-S tier.  Sooo many bad ones exist and/or poor English translations where the writers didn’t care to get it right.  You also may like “my lover is my bully”.

yeah caribdis is the first avn author that ive really liked, but im gonna try ripples now bc - thanks to eternum - i rlly like harem games with fantasy and/or scifi elements 

I was suggested to try Good Girl Gone Bad earlier, so I started it, but quickly stopped. There was a badly forced choice at the very beginning that made me not wanting to continue (IIRC, a guy the MC just met texted her, she didn't like it (nor him), but we didn't had any option to just ignore the texts, with or without telling him to go fuck himself, so that was way too much looking like a boring “she can't resit” thing.) Was said it's better after, thought.

Would be fun if there was a game with a female MC and a harem of male characters (with or without yaoi in it), but I guess as most of those games are created by men, for men, it's unlikely to happen or become known enough to be shared there, sadly.

there are some male gay ones out there, but even female authors don’t go male harems for females  because they don’t sell (so I’ve heard, but I’ve never actually seen one).

Projekt: Passion, by Classy Lemon, seems to have some cool common points with Eternum. Epic story about old mysteries and a galaxy to save, badass girls in the team possibly going to a polyamourous situation, humor and excellent sound design. I'd say not as good as Eternum, but that's probably my second favorite for that kind of games.

In a very different style, I also really like What a Legend.

ill check it out tyvm 

You're welcome! Don't hesitate to tell me there what you thought about them!

Hello! When will the French translation be available? I can't wait to dive back into this masterpiece 💕😍

Le niveau d'anglais nécessaire pour Eternum n'est pas particulièrement élevé, je pense que tu peux probablement essayer en VO :-)

J'avais essayé, mais je n'y arrive toujours pas. Mon niveau d'anglais est vraiment désastreux ☠️


Oh, Courage, alors !

Ça paraît bête, mais se forcer à jouer à ce genre de jeux peut parfois aider à faire progresser.

En tout cas, je n'avais même pas remarqué qu'il y avait une traduction en français, je tenterai de jeter un œil à l'occasion ! :-)



I tried to edit Annie...

Well, I can't do those with just pictures, so it left me no choice...

I just whant to say you are an artist in every way thank you so much this game is a master pice and even without the spicy part it is just so good of a storry so wow just wow.

Thank you!!!

There is alot of erorr after the mc die in reallife in the alley way  because after that the story was blank screen but I could still see the dialogue please fix this.

You're probably on Android and forgot to replace the archive.rpa file.

How do you do that?

Please read this installation guide

Will you consider adding vocals to the sex scene in a future update?


idk, honestly I kind of appreciate being able to use my own imagination to imagine the audio and not have someone tell me what they sound like. I feel like these sounds could be extremely subjective. 

if they do that, it would just be an annoying and repetitive moaning and whimpering, I wouldn't want that lol. It's best to just use your inner voice

We need moan sounds plssss

how to update from 0.7 to 0.8 on mobile?or should just uninstall the 0.7 version and install the newest version?

when you extract the file it also extracts a 'readme' file whıch has the info you need

Here's a guide for Android installations & updates.

(3 edits) (+1)

Holy crap this new update is awesome! Just finished it and this was definitely worth the wait!

 And Gwen from MBML's in this update, and drunk off her ass?! Instant A+ update. 

i just finished 0.8. your game just too good the storylines the graphics the details everything yall. keep it up take ur time to continue the game, yall always have my support ill be waiting for the new update and new projects in the future too!!


what ending did you get? i think i did something wrong cause i ended the 0.8 pretty fast lol. or maybe im just not used to a short update of the game?

yea maybe im just expecting more lol, mb.


if you did something wrong, try checking all the maın characters icons if one of them is darkened, then you did something wrong wıth them

what did you get tho ?

Support the author!Hope to update the Chinese patch soon!Great piece of work!🦄🦄🦄🦄


Holy fucking shit 100/10  game best visual novel ive played in a long time.

When you go into this game without reading any info and sleep for the first time... and now I'm creeped out LMFAO

(3 edits)

Everyone here is waiting from Android website fix cannot download 

(1 edit) (+1)

An absolutely phenomenal game. I mean absolutely 100%, 10/10, one of the best games I have played. It is perfect.

Phenomenal game. I wish I could express more how fucking amazing this game has been. But hopefully creating an account simply for this comment is more than enough (I used to be on patreon but my bank literally banned patreon subscriptions for no reason) Love this game. Will be rocking in a chair for more until it comes.

---------SPOILER WARNING---------

My literal only complaint is that we don't get to see anyone's reaction to us being literally murdered. Other than that. The game is perfect. The new update is phenomenal and the cliffhanger...... the fucking cliffhanger. I am sick.

Thank you!!


Worth saying, the little details in the UI and the feel of the story just become more coherent with each update. More refined and more specific to the game that makes it that much more special. Excellent update!


Can someone help me I tried to load from the previous version but it doesn't work is it bug or idk (it shows error, copy markdown something) pls help me how to fix this

try and play from an autosave rather than a save you made, might make you click some more, but I experienced no error when playing.

 Worst comes to worst, just try to delete and redownload the update. 

What is new in the update cause for me its nothing, when i download the new one it says it work but it doesnt add angthing new

see the changelog bruv

What im saying is i updated the game load my last save before the update  and nothing happens, just says wait for 0.9

You saved in the picture saying (that's all folks).

You shouldn't do that. Roll it back and save before. If you pick an autosave, it should work smoothly. 

I didnt save there i saved just as he got shot




Wow .... just wow. Such a good chapter such a good storie. Its the best out here period. The Characters, the music, the plot. Just mmmm to yummy. So nice done in the biginig and the end of this chapter. 

The only problem that i can complain is it that os gonna be another half a year to wait :D

Thanks you again for amaizing game.


oh my god. came for the women, stayed for eternum. honestly, i'm tempted to make some sort of book or movie adaptation for this game that is SFW because this storywriting needs to be shared far further than just the AVN community. i'm so hooked onto this story that despite a choice i made to stay away from anything NSFW, i can't stop coming back to this game. admittedly i feel bad clicking through scenes but i've been corrupted and i am NOT ashamed. eternum is more that a masterpiece bro...

Ladies and gentlemen, today I can say with absolute certainty that literature has revived

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