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whats happens if i got 6 hearts for the girls i like

Будет ли эта игра распространятся через Steam?

очень, даже, врятли, учитывая то, что прошлая игра, так и не добралась до Стим, после релиза


Hey Caribdis, I hope you see this. I wanted to ask if you're considering making a SFW version of the game, where the sex scenes are not explicit. I wanted to recommend this game to some of my friends but I know they won't like it because of those scenes. I tried recommending this game to my girlfriend but she doesn't wanna play it since it has porn in it, but she asked me if this game has a non-explicit version because from what I told her she was very interested.

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You're not the first who's bringing this up. I'm not sure what Cari's stance is on this this, maybe he'll follow up on it later. I would say that the "adult" part of Eternum is deeply interwoven into the game and while someone surely could make adjustments to supress it, it would produce a shadow of the original experience.

It's a bit like the discussion of adding an easy mode to Dark Souls. There surely is some demand for it, but I doubt that the original creator will ever step up and do it himself. This one will prbly be up to the community to do if demand is high enough.

About your girlfriend, I have heard of a lot of people who had played Eternum with their girlfriends. It is targeted at men but also unusually popular with women, so maybe you can convince her to give it a shot, with an open mind. Maybe this video can help. Though be warned, girls usually like gay AVNs and you might be asked to reciprocate :)


I don't think it will necessarily produce a worse experience. By toning down the scenes I meant not showing full penetration, just like they do in the movies with 18+ rating. Also i'm gonna show this video to my girlfriend, i'm sure she will like the game but she just refuses to because of porn :'), i hope this video will convince her.

Tell her to give it a try regardless of the sex scenes. She'll eventually come to like those scenes as well because they are well done and the girls have emotional connection with the mc

holy what a game 10/10 the story crazy god damn

Do you have the link of the instruction on how to keep the save files when updating it to the new version? Someone shared it here in the comment section but I cannot find it anymore. 

Just copy paste the save folder into the new extracted version.

Noted. Thank you.


How to download the Zip file?

How does the Android port run?

I need more like this graphic game like Enterum

Y'know how long I spent picking whether Chang or Annie was my bestfriend?

As long as you're a good boy voting Annie it's ok ;-)

fcking love this gameee

are there moans in the game?


luna is best girl

I'm more inclined towards Penny myself, but Luna and Nova are pretty much tied for second lol

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Could someone give me a brief list of kinks/themes in the game?

Best to ask in the discord, honestly.


Bring back the old title screen. The new one is cluttered and looks poo

what does V do in the game? 


nice, i just finished and got just updated, how lucky i am


hey :) i made an account just to tell you that this game is really good! I feel like as a girl im not the intended audience for this but I think it is one of the only games like this that I have played that I enjoy playing. thanks a lot for this game Caribdis :)

Deleted 56 days ago

Dude why are you asking a woman's age in the internet in a porn game page


Question, as a woman, how much would you recommend this game for other women? I've tried to talk my girl into playing a couple of times, but if she knew that other women played maybe it will help her to decide.

Glad you liked it! Thank you!

The best adult game i have ever played 

Hey why can't i search your work and account on itch io main UI ? And it seems like adult games or other adult visual novel makers cannot be found or search as well in the itch io main UI? Is this some type of bug?


idk if im spoiling or not but i think i do (people that didnt played this yet pls dont read this comment) i just wanted to ask a question about the story

did the mc was supposed to die during the end of 0.7 or i picked the wrong route? i just wanted to know since the last decision option was a long before meeting the thugs. im sorry if this is a stupid ass question. oh and i cant wait for 0.8, such a W game, one of the best AVN i played



Yes he is, and 0.8 picks up immediately after

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id assume some weird stuff is going to happen and his powers are going to activate, or he'll suddenly be in a different world again. he dies regardless of what you choose

I'm not sure honestly, likely due to choices or maybe that's something scripted maybe .8 will expand on that, its been a while since i did my run through. 


Just 9 more days until I get back into Eternum!


decided to make an account just to give out props to this masterpiece. The soundtrack to the story to the scenes, they're all great even the GRAPHICS were better in 0.8. I already had Eternum as the best VN in terms of graphics but they just got even better after 0.8?!



Great game up to 0.8

Sure, it's a Harem-Game, so wie all now that some things will be there like beautiful girls falling für the big dick MC und agreeing to share him...   and personal some of the girls face are too much like a nice doll, but that's on personal preferences. In some scenes it is inconsist in handling the consequences of the background, but not to much to blame over the hours you spend with the game

But aside from the typical cliches the game is one og the best of it's kind.
The music ist matching, the builtup between the MC and the girls takes a good amount of time an does not feel rushed, there are many part onöy with the story progressing without being sexual (except the clothes ;-)  )MC takes care of the girls and is not the selfabsorbed sexmaniac like in other games. Ok, after the scene with N & N in the pirate world he is not clever enough to take the hint, that so of the girls might have discovered what is going on between MC and all the other girls, but maybe Caribdis will give him the time to shine and regocnise it for himself...   in 07. & 0.8 sex scenes have more focus and the story is falling back a little, but i think it's ok cause the relations between MC and the girls moved on....

Defenetly waiting von the next upadte, even if it might take nearly half a year like previous updates....

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Hello Caridbis,

I know this going to require a LOT of extra work but I really hope all the side girls will become heroines in the future, especially after the 0.8 update. *Spoilers* During the date with Annie in 0.8, the MC clearly had no interest in that waitress, he completely and clearly refused her approach. (FYI, if you choose to respond her approach with flirt, you will fail Annie and she is going to think you as a horny dog who just going to put his dick into any women with no standard at all). This scene clearly indicates that the MC has a code of conduct. He did NOT choose who to fxxk at random, he has a standard, all the girls he chose to sleep with are special to him.  However, in the meantime,  he already had sort of one-night experience with side girls (I know technically Clay is not yet but MC is definitely actively trying to) which in my humble opinion, this contradicting kinda break the character,  UNLESS, these side girls are special to him too!

Anyway, this is just my personal opinion and suggestion, I am satisfied with anything you choose to deliver and I believe you will done it extraordinarily. 

Thank you for this wonderful work and I can't wait for the further updates!

I started this game back when 0.4 was the newest update.. each one since then has gotten me so hooked that I replay the game from the beginning each time there’s an update.

I just finished 0.8 and I have to say that this is by far my favorite chapter. It was so much longer than expected and action around every corner. You are truly a master story teller.

I’ve grown up playing ff7, ff10, xenogears, chrono cross etc.. I’m an rpg guy that loves good character development and a great story and eternum is one of the best I’ve ever experienced. Peak immersion. Well done 👏

can’t wait for the next update where I’ll start a new playthrough again. You’re amazing keep it up.



If you need Arabic subtitles the game let me know 
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All translations are fan-made. If you made a translation patch of decent quality you can send it to Cari and he might add it to the others.


there is way too much dialogue in this game 

it’s perfect the way it is 


Its a visual novel??? what do you mean too much dialogue??? How???


You can gamble in this game

10/10 one more spin

Caribdis how much is eternum actually complete 50% or 70% how much? And how many more years you'll probably develop this game


Unclear, a ballpark number that was thrown around was there'll be 12-15 updates in total. The 8th update just released, so that would be 53%-67% completion right now and at the current development speed it'll take 2-3.5 more years.

Though this is all based on a wonky prediction to begin with, so take all of this with a big scoop of salt.


The most recent guesstimate was 13 total updates in a reply to a comment on Patreon (in the Progress Bar comments), tho I suppose that could be subject to change...


i kinda know what should we expect in 0.8 

since according to caribdis its the largest update yet


Caribdis did you ever plan to make a vr version of the game for PC maybe even android it would the amazing and really real life like but true it wouldn't be easy I played your game since launch and I know people would love a vr version but it wouldn't be easy

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No.1 reason to not commit suicide. 10/10 would erase my entire memory just to play again.




I've been following Eternum for a year and a half now I think. It's the game that introduced me to AVNs, and man, it really set the bar way too high. I just finished 0.8 and like always, Caribdis has surpassed my expectations. I can't wait for 0.9, but I will because I know the time we wait will be rewarded. Thanks a lot for this amazing ride.

I’m in the same predicament it was one of the first AVNs I’ve ever played and nothing has really topped it yet truly feels like the goat of all AVNs


I lead a very busy life, and don' get to game much. You are actually outpacing my ability to play with your content updates! I love this game; it's honestly one of the only H-games I have ever played that I truly enjoyed. Someday, you will finish it, and someday after that, I'll finish playing it, and I will be both happy and sad for the experience. Thanks for all you do, Caribdis.


The plotline of this game is unbelievably good. The characters super-lovable. The humour fantastic. It is a masterpiece. The authors should really be proud of themselves. I can't wait for more. But I also can and will. Thank you for this gem.

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