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well, I just finished the 0,7 version. Let me just say, that I enjoyed it very much, to the point where i was even debating how will the story unfold next. Great writing. Perfect example of "I came here for the "plot" but stayed for the plot".
Can't wait for more

Thank you!

uh question is there any consequences for punching axel  


Only good things

oh thanks at the part in the school on the stairs with Axel and i wanna punch him but punched him last time didnt know if there would be consequences if i keep punching him 😂


Wow I did not know these games were capable of good writing and genuinely funny moments.  I am absolutely going to be donating once I have a little bit of extra money. 

Thank you so much for donating! ❤️


i cant believe this game is actually free, ill definitely go back and donate when the time comes

Thank you very much for donating and supporting 💗

Please Please Please 0.8😭😭


Patience, it's almost ready. Just a little while longer.

are you able to give us a estimate on how much longer it will take till its done

(1 edit) (+2)

As I am not Caribdis, not really. 

But as others have said the last progress update on Nov 1st marked completion at 86%. There should hopefully be another update on progress sometime in the coming week. The last 20% of a development cycle tend to be the most complex.


Yes, Twisted just said it better than myself

I'm aiming for a mid December release (keep in mind there are always some time of early release on Patreon/Subscribestar)

is there a discord page or something i can join to keep up to date?

I'm waiting from 0.6 for at least updates. I holding on until 0.8 ...

Ok how can I play on Android it's zip file can't seem to play


Here's an installation guide


so what does this game include? like the themes for example harem, virginity, BDSM ect. and is it only sex with mc or is there lesbian content or...disturbing things

So far it's only sex with the MC. There's some very light "rough" sex later and some hard spanking, that kinda thing. But the sex sticks to being pretty sweet all things considered. Two of the girls seem to be out and out virgins with almost no experience. While a couple others are much more confident in demanding what they want.

There are horror moments in the game. And Caribdis does not hold back on the gore when a violent situation arises. But it never intersects with the erotica.  Which isn't to say pretty characters won't ever be hurt. Caribdis seems to be an equal opportunity body mangler.

(1 edit)

ah okay so no rapey stuff thats why i was in between playing or not (also what do mean by out and out virgins?)

They have no sexual experience at all. Not just that they've never done penetrative sex but also that they've never fooled around or even experimented on their own.

Deleted 121 days ago

sorry to be a bother but what 2 characters?

Luna and Annie. Luna is very uncomfortable touching people (for reasons that are revealed in her route). And Annie who just kinda missed the boat on all that stuff due to her crush and very very small stature (iirc she weighs like 90 lbs.)

(1 edit) (+4)

the way im litrally a girl but ive been playing this for so long, i just really like the story and characters tbh would be friends with all the girls irl i also like the mc enough to not be mad that im playing as a boy x i havent played in ages so im gonna do a replay now !!

(1 edit) (+1)

Funny how that works, being a male, it would feel so wrong for me if I had to play as a women in a game with sex. And I agree, this game is awesome!
Tip: Play slow, the 0.8 is on 86%

maybe im a bit weird for playing lol but i think of the game like this, yeah technically were having sex with this girl rn but it just means were closer friends rlly 😝 and im gonna lock in and replay slowly soon so then maybe ill time it right with the new update 

A lot of close friends 🤣I don't think you're weird, just a very interesting view on friendship hehe. Also I'm sure more women/girls play this game.


has there been any discussion on if integration with Teledildonics (Lovense etc) will be added in the future?


To my knowledge, there has been no serious discussion about it, no. Though I think it's unlikely that the dev decides to support it. After all, this game is mostly targeted at guys (even though women often find it enjoyable too), which rarely use sex toys. And then you have the added development effort of designing an experience like this and testing it. So my guess is that mod devs will have to figure this one out, if at all.

what happens if take the amulate of blare from the founder?



I've written a walkthrough that you can download here, third download option, which reads: "So far, there is only one instance where the Amulet prevents your death (0.6 murder mystery rounds 3 & 4). However, the benefit is minimal and it is implied that using the Amulet comes at a price."


i see 

thanks for the walkthrough


Hey everyone I know that update is going be tge best update , I saw a sneak pic games does anyone want to see. ?


Sneak peeks are exclusive to subscribers as a goodie, they are not meant to be published. Also, some people prefer to play new updates completely blind, without any peeks.


How were the 3D models made? And was there a streamlined process, because I find Blender requires a lot of work.


The renders are made with a modded version of Honey Select 2.

when will the 0.8 come out?😭

There's a progress bar here:

This project spans multiple years, impatience will get you nowhere.


Heard this game was amazing, however the download methods constantly give issues regarding download caps and I don't want to pay someone else to download your game. Will there be other methods to download it?


There are already two alternative downloads provided without caps. Mediafire and Google Drive.


Google drive will give this error,

"Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."

Mediafire likes to terminate downloads for some reason out of the few attempts I made with them. I will try again today however.


I know that a Google Drive download will be more likely to succeed if you try to download while being logged in with a Google account.

Funny, innit?


My monthly check here. Still no new Eternum...sad...


Go on the discord group, he updates the feed weekly or monthly and 0.8 is coming soon. Last time i checked its on 70 percent done


Subscribestar has a progress "bar" on it. It's apparently 86% done.

i must say MBIML and ETERNUM got my interest in each chapter i hope those two keep improve with those episode or chapter left !


what is MBIML

My bully is my lover

I think u should play ripples and pale carnations it's good game like eternum but enternum is always on top

U should play wild cats as well...

sure i would like too try it though


Well honestly the story, character design,graphics,content,side characters and more are really a professional work thanks to caribdis. 

BUTTT the MC is really doggy he doesn't think about anything but pleasure always drooling over girls. Yess this is an AVN but it has the biggest mystery ever that needs the intelligence and discipline not a drooling dog. 

Hope caribdis will change the MCs way of thinking a bit. 

caribdis might change mc types in next game, but i really doubt he'd change it mid way this game. smart and commanding mc's typically don't leave a lot of room for competence to be shown by the harem girls unless the game is really fucking long, and these types of games typically don't have that kind of longevity.


For the record, I think it can work. For example, Simon of The Last Sovereign is a competent, mature soldier who never outshines his cast. Of course, as an rpg, Last Sovereign can do rotating perspective which gives it a leg up but I think it's still doable in the AVN format.

it probably is, my thing with the avn format is it's really hard to have high quality animation when there's a lot of content. for example, i tried playing a game called headmaster (you can find it in as well) and while the dialogue is very well written and there's a lot of content for it, the animation is very cheaply made. for a mostly solo (afaik) developer like Caribdis, high quality animation and the amount of writing it would take for all the characters to be able to shine that much is probably more work than is feasible without jeopardizing timely releases or quality oversight. Ideally of course, i'd like it to be possible, but i dont see how it would be done well.

This is a harem game. If MC didn't have at least a little dog in him, he'd have zero chance with Nancy, Alex, Penelope, or Dahlia. He wouldn't get Nova to share long term, either. Annie and Luna, maybe, but that is based only on scenes already given; if Luna could not do what she does, he'd have to choose one or the the other.

Headmaster is more difficult to write than you think. I believe (but am not certain) that the story arcs of the girls and staff are all outlined and plotted, but the order of development is, to some extent, voted on by Patrons. With 23 named students and a half-dozen scene-available staff, events in the past for one that haven't happened yet for another being years apart on release can make updates very difficult. As for the animation, I think it was started around the same time as Once in a Lifetime.

The writing is everything. Eternum and Once in a Lifetime have a more international gamer culture appeal. The Headmaster can be difficult for non-English speakers, some exchanges even for fluent non-native speakers. But for all three, the writing is excellent. In most other games, it ... isn't. Those games are still enjoyable, but I sometimes lose my headspace with some of the more egregious typos. It shouldn't matter, I guess; I am just an old man yelling at clouds. Even Ripples, which I love, makes me flinch with all the 'anyways' and sentences ending in 'at.' And that manner of speaking is accurate for the (current era) characters depicted.


I think it works. Orion is a lad so he tends to think with his dick and be aggressive when he should be passive. Because he's quick witted it tends to work out for him but when it doesn't... oh boy does it not. 

To be totally honest, I ended up liking Orion the more he interacted with Axel. By the time of their last (to date) interaction, it became clear to me that Orion was just Axel except raised by a negligent father instead of a toxic one. It's nice when the MC works as a foil to other characters.

Yeah this is also nice from him, but he must care about himself first and now the worth of the mission he's on. Plus idriel was right at the end of v0.7 that hes overconfident and intoxicated by pleasure and women. If he doesn't control himself he'll end up screwing everything and everyone

Yeah, the end of 0.7 will probably solve your complaints about the MC. At least it feels like its setting up a character arc for him that'll make him change his way of thinking a bit.

All I want is for Orion to realize it's ok to deescalate situations.  Please, Orion. Don't be like Jerry.

So the game obviously isn't finished yet, but how big is it compared to Once in a Lifetime? 

Right now, Eternum is a bit longer than OIALT I'd say.

I would guess that OiaLT is about 20% longer right now, but this is higher quality.


Yes, Eternum in its current state is already longer than Once in a Lifetime

Hello, Caribdis, is there a Russian translation in the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

You'll have to download the mod for it. But it's right here on the page.

Thank you


Olá, baixei meu arquivo em Android no meu celular, quando vou fazer o passo a passo da mesma forma que o desenvolvedor descreveu, o meu arquivo diz estar corrompido quando abro no 'ZArchiver'. Mas olhei nos arquivos de downloads e lá está os 3,55GB igual ao passo a passo... não estou errando em absolutamente nada. Alguém para me ajudar???

Hello. I need to uninstal game but save progrest for the next chapter. Which folder i need to save somewhere for later chapter?

are you on pc?



You have to save the contents of the "Documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/" directory. You can delete the "game" folder in it to save a few GB. But uninstalling the game won't delete the saves in there, so maybe you don't need to do anything.


Простите, что не на английском...

Caribdis, большое тебе спасибо за твою проделанную работу! 

Думаю, все знают зачем мы заходим на подобные платформы и скачиваем подобные игры... Но, чёрт возьми, я впервые сидел разинув рот читая и вникая в историю... Откровенно не ожидал, что меня затянет. Где-то даже слезу чуть не проронил.

Было интересно. Было... но я хочу еще.

Пока, к сожалению, не вносил вклад в разработку этого шедевра. Но даю слово, что вскоре закину немного деньжат. Оно того стоит.

Caribdis, а не пробовал творить без 18+ контента? Было бы интересно глянуть.

does anyone know if it will be a chapter 8?



It will, December maybe.


I really like how the most recent chapter ends on what feels like an echo of what Orion was told by Dalia. More real than real life for sure.

Deleted 128 days ago

damn way to just spoil it for everyone who hasn't gotten there yet. but yes.


Caribdis has the best sense of humor for this type of game, kinda like the creator of Realms Invader. Eternum and OIALT are both masterpieces, Caribdis needs to be in a hall of fame for avn


eternum has the rights to be put on the top of pedestal for being the best hentai game ever

I read it is about to be released in December hope before x-mas or in x-mas Day


If all goes well, 0.8 will be released this December, yes!

I'll post the release schedule here too, no worries (as you know, there are a couple of weeks of early release on my Patreon and Subscribestar before being published for free here as always)

That's gr8 news! Sooo public release is late December in that case?

Depends on what day the early release begins, but the latest the public release could be is early January!

Can't Wait! I may get the patron These games you make are amazing!

Thank you so much ❤️


Came for the tits, stayed for the story.


Waiting for 0.8 long long times already 200 plus days crossed


dont rush art

they might be cooking some fine dish


Hi im waiting for 0.8 😕


I love the story,  It took me a week to recover from feeling actual emotions for Annie I cant wait for the 0.8 update!

i'm sad because of the ending, i dont think i can play it anymore,  :/, and if i will, i will probably be drunk when doing it, so i can't feel much heart pain fr fr.


Hi everyone, how I can update the game 

Did this game collab with MBIML? (my bully is my lover)

Not collab, but both titles have cameos and easter egg references to each other.

tera traduçao para outras linguas como o portugues

Acho difícil mas ouvi dizer em um dos comentários que se alguém quiser criar uma tradução para o próprio idioma pode entrar em contato com eles que eles apoiam. Como é bom ser fluente em inglês nessas horas kkkkk

There are no words, only emotions. Everyone should play it, I'm sad that I can hardly find a better game than this one, I'm waiting for further updates and wish you luck Caribdis

(2 edits)

If youre willing to pay "being a dik" its the best one out there for story and sex scenes lots of plot twists,minigames,renders,different routes i promise you wknt be disappointed (forgot to mention its on steam)

I think it likely that this game style originated here. Once in a Lifetime was finished over three years ago. Off hand, I can't think of anything in this visual format that is finished and even close to as good. Lot of great games in development, but only this one has a finished predecessor.

Thank you so much!


eternum es el primer juego H en el que no juego solo por el H (amo a Nova)


New update release 2024 or 2025?

Hi Cari! I just want to tell this game absolute PEAK🔥! Can't wait for the next update!

Thank you very much!!

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