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for some reason my game wont start any advise


This guide should help you out.

Where do you get the music from that you use?

(4 edits) (+1)

Time to ask the real question.

What linux distro does Nova use?

I think maybe Parrot or Pentoo, she's too cool to use Kali linux.



I feel bad for her with that ending

she uses arch btw

I'm having a problem with downloading this on android. It downloads it as a zip and I can't install it like that. How do I install a zip on Android?

Add the apk and archive.rpa into the same file in the ixalon game file directory. It worked for me.


This should help you.


Just finished my first playthrough and THIS GAME IS AMAZING not gonna lie that ending surprised me but I cant wait to see more of the story.


holy shit that end caught me off guard. lowkey the best avn i've played so far. keep it up caribdis

Are the headsets and suit battery powered or plug in? It seems like it's battery powered, but I don't know... We need a wiki...

Necesito una guía completa del juego para desbloquear todo por favor.  

I need a complete guide to the game to unlock everything please.  

Look in the downloads, there is a walkthrough there
Download -> WALKTHROUGH - 0.7 279 kB

The official walkthrough is okay, though if you're looking for advanced guidance, I have additional resources here :P


just finished 0.7 holy shit this game is so amazing


tl;dr: amazing game for free, high quality sex scenes, more importantly well written characters with a good and engaging story!

This game is such s steal. For literally nothing you can play this AMAZING story driven game because Caribdis is such a Chad. The women all have flaws and strengths and are written so well. Not just the women but the protagonist too! All characters in this game are written in such a unique manner. You wouldn't expect that from an adult game. Really, this game has better written characters than most shows with a production team. 

I need to say this. Caribdis, if you're reading this, you are a talented writer. The way you portray these characters seems like an actual show I'm watching. The sex scenes are a great bonus but your characters make this story so fully lived in and fun! Keep up the good work!

Speaking of the sex scenes, they are high quality. Caribdis knows how to develop the mood. Like, it does not feel obligated that the characters have sex NOW. It's all interconnected with how they interact with each other. The added music and sound effects makes you feel like YOU ARE in Kredon or Eternum and thus the sex scenes feel like a reward for everyone. For the protagonist, the woman and us the players. 

I've followed this project since 2022 (it's the earliest game safe I have) and I have to say, each update is more fun, more engaging and even better quality than the last. Caribdis develops and improves themselves in every patch. 

I will follow this project to the end of Eternum!


Thank you so much!!!

(1 edit)

Ok first of all, I just wanna say Wow just WOW!! I been playing your game since 0.5 and lemme tell you that every update is absolutely fantastic!! The characters the sound effects, music, renders and especially the story is absolutely Perfect, I really love how you made the characters in this game very interesting and relatable, and the humour made the game not only just exciting but also fun!! And that's make me wonder when this game will finally end would you be able to make another new game? If so are you gonna use the same art style or different? And what kind of plot is it going to be? Is it going to be a fantasy one?  Cuz your first game (O.I.L.T) is kinda like a horror to me and Eternum is science fiction so I'm guessing it's going be a fantasy one? 

That's all I wanted to say I just hope you be able to read all of this, and again Great work!! And I hope you be able to continue this game to its peak!! (I apologise if your having hard time to understanding my English it's not my first language) Pa alam🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭


Thank you so much <3

And yes, I'll make a new game after this one!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hands down one of the best AVN's ive ever played. 1# spot. The characters, and the story is just chefs kiss. Thanks for the hard work that you have put into this game Cari! Just completed 0.7, that cliffhanger...... cannot wait till the next update!

Deleted 52 days ago

Bru you even exist here?

Deleted 52 days ago

Interesting! Thanks for the tip, will def go check it out!

Deleted 52 days ago
Deleted 52 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, um,can you tell me what is the name of the community?

Deleted 52 days ago

Glad you liked it! Thank you!

(1 edit)

Hi the game is so great i love the story. The thing is i actually predicted the mc's death (spoiler alert) 💀 since i know how you rule the game like in (once in a life time) like "player died you need to repeat the hole story" after all i like this game cant wait for more but don't rush the game is so good don't forget to sometimes rest cuz we know you really work hard. for now i ma gonna wait for mbml from niichan so thank you for making this game caribdis


Aw man come on you could have put a spoiler disclaimer...

Shit sorry i forgot 


Wow it's so very fast to updating the game is 20% to 0.8

Deleted 52 days ago
Deleted 52 days ago

Thank you for the encouraging words, Architect!

Have a great day you too!

Deleted 52 days ago

Im having a rough time with the mobile download, any help? it says to make sure the RPA is in a certain folder, but i dont think I can do that on mobile.

Just finished the game, up to where it is at

I want you to know

You are a cruel bastard for leaving it on the cliffhanger you did

That is all


Hi Caribdis! May I request the game logo with transparent BG? 

And also any other "promo" images.

I want to make some nice-looking animated steam grids for Steam Deck.


There you go :D

Thank you! 

But, that's game icon, and I actually wanted the glowing "Eternum" word, that's what I meant by logo.

Sorry for not being specific.


This is the first game I downloaded on I quite literally created an account just to say how great this visual novel actually is. I was genuinely enthralled by world and characters that you created. I've never been this much of a fan of any AVN, but this is legitimately the pinnacle of the genre.  I'll patiently wait the release of 0.8!

You're seriously talented, Cari, keep it up <3

Deleted 52 days ago


Deleted 52 days ago

I'll try my best!

Thank you so much!!


If you need translators It will be my privilege to help you localize in spanish ! I'm in love with your work. Played eternum 0.6, loved it, 0.7 came out, blew my mind, and 2 days ago I downloaded OIALT and I fell in love with that game also!!! How do you do it! ? Anyways, if you ever think about translating any of them or maybe both of them in spanish I would gladly do it. I joined the discord recently and I'm gonna become a patreon soon. Also, do you offer any tutoring regarding the creation of these games? I'm asking because I love to write, I know how to code but the creative part is what fucks me up (character design, modeling, scenery, etc) Has anyone came up to you asking for help or guidance in the creation of these types of games? I know you must be oh so busy but I would gladly pay for some help/directions on how to proceed. (Honestly, I'm just looking to "port" some of my writings in this type of format, I love it!) 

Thank you for 2 amazing games !

Love from Uruguay.

I would like to offer my help too, If you need a person to translate 0.8 on Russian!!! 

Thank you so much!

There are some renpy tutorials only, luckily it's pretty easy to understand! If you have any particular questions, feel free to reach out to me on Discord!

Best of luck!

How does progress saving work across different versions of the game?

as Caribdis said, it will be an automatic with a new version installed.

(2 edits)

yo cari! amazing game, thoroughly enjoyed it on multiple playthroughs. i was just wondering if you make the game all by yourself? if so that's very impressive, keep up the great work!

Thank you so much!

I mostly do, although I have some great people helping me!

How long does it take for an update to get translated ?

If you're asking about French, it should be ready soon


So I have now finished 0.7 and I have a question about the ending (SPOILER) because Orion dies and my question is does he really die, is this the first ending of the game due to some choices or so should it be?


The game will continue in 0.8, no worries

What better way to learn about how save people who have become NPCs, than to save Orion from being an NPC? 🤔

We have the same question, my heart can't relax after the cliffhanger of the mc being shot, and I also can't wait for thr next update😩.

Deleted 52 days ago

Sure, I might do so for sure

Deleted 52 days ago

I noticed there are scenes you take out with newer versions are you going to release a version with them back in the game? I miss the whole japan vacation and scenes.

(1 edit)

What are you on about? This isn't "Once in a Lifetime," there are no Japan vacation and scenes in this game (though that may change should we visit the Meiyo server in the future).

Wait youre right lol but i feel like some scenes were removed or changed maybe, maybe im just confusing the 2 games completel

Yeah you seem to be mixing Oialt and Eternum up! No scenes were removed


the same blind gamer that played once in a life time before. i couldn't even get to the start game option because the main menu is totally not labeled with text. i keep hearing clunk clunk but the clipboard doesn't show anything. please man label your images with text options so we blind gamers can play. you are totally excluding us by doing this. once in a life time was playable except the map and the fights and the movie selection screen in the hotel. i love the previous game but this one i couldn't even access the start game option. keep images but add text options to them so i can play. thanks.

(1 edit) (+1)

Unfortunately there are more maps and buttons on screen this time during the game too, sorry about it. I'll check it out


thank you for responding and hearing me out. i love your games. keep up the good work

also i am willing to playtest it if you like and give you feedback about the accessibility

(1 edit)

I'm on version 0.7 on Android, and after following all the instructions, my game has no audio past the intro animation, and it keeps crashing after about 1:30s of it running after I click "Start Game". Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix that?

So far I've played the Nadia one, the Genesis one, the DIK one, and the Knightly one.

Each of those have had varying degrees of click,click,click,click,watch.

This game however, I have read in its entirety.  The writing is very entertaining, and often laugh-out-loud funny, which is very rare.  Also, and I'm sure many will agree with me, it's great that the MC isn't a dufus or a jackass, which is great.  Very well done and I will seek out ways to support.

Thank you so much!!

Hello Cari, maybe this isn't the right place to ask this but, I read that you use Honey Select 2 for the characters and some scenes? how exactly do you export them to use in renpy ? I'm kinda lost in that regard, thank you !!!!

(1 edit)

You need to render images with StudioNeo and them write the code with them in renpy

We should actually be able to play the 10 question guessing game with Luna without getting cut off.

I would like to ask for help. I have commented before as "Zi-End"

I have been told to install the standalone app which was done by other people. May I know where to get them?

which standalone app? the itch launcher or the game itself? itch: (only for PC and Mac)

Eternum is available via the links on the game's page, i recommend MEGA since it's the fastest option :)

I apologize for the late response. As I don't have neither PC or Mac, I have no other option than wait for a better device. I thank all of you who went and provided possible solutions to the issues I was facing and some other people. I appreciate y'all, may Eternum be Eternal

Guys, please help me, I'm downloading the game, but I can't find the exe file in the folders. How do I launch the game?

Did you download the right version? Can I see a screenshot of what you've downloaded?

Hey Tanxui, I got your name from somebody on Reddit, I really need help on retrieving a savegame. Could you maybe contact met?  @RVDB_89 on telegram

(2 edits)

I see my reputation precedes me xD. I don't have an anonymous Telegram account, so I'd prefer if you contact me via Discord: tanxui4261

EDIT: And please just DM me and don't add me as a friend right away, I can't do that with everyone.

O can't, because we dont have shared servers. And I indeed had been waiting for friend request accept. Could you add me? RvdB89

Thanks mate

(1 edit)

the game is downloaded in a .zip archive. You have to unpack that and the game should be named something like "eternum" or "eternum-0.x". I don't think it's located in a subfolderm more likely to be extracted as.exe directly. Also make sure that if you download a translation you download the base game aswell

(2 edits) (+3)

My review of the game: So far, Eternum is a perfect game, even without its NSFW components (i.e. if it just faded to black), it would arguably still be a Solid A, with the Ready Player One influences, characterization and the mystery going on. 

The NSFW scenes though are what raise the game to an entire other level. It's easy to see how skilled Caribdis is, the first notable scene with Annie has the song "Run Boy Run" play which sensually accompanies the outer teasing. There is also the Nova riding scene where the two can barely contain their desire for each other. But most notably I believe is the Alex first sex scene, with the powerful line "never in a million years" that show she has broken her own principles in order to lust or love our main character. The triple whammy scenes that follow in a roll really seals the deal and makes the scene ground breaking to me, for a free to play game. 

Other notable scenes include the Egyptian which adds diversity and exotic feeling, and the Spanish influenced music playing while you are massaging Luna. I look forward to the full game of Eternum...

Deleted 52 days ago

Thank you so much <33

When next up i wish i can travel time

give caribdis some time, he takes a long time for his updates yes but for the wait you get really good story and overall quality


Why after i downloaded game it's closing after two seconds on Android?

Try this


This game is a masterpiece. 

indeed it is, the last time i've been eagerly waiting for a update was Arcane season 2.

Do you have a discord channel by any chance?, I want to receive news about updates :)


If you scroll up a bit, you can see a rather large clickable Discord banner.

it says the link is expired.

Go to the Discord settings > Family Center > Input your birthday, then try again.


Bro the story goes fucking crazy!!! So good but unfortunately my dumbass didn't have enough to buy the juice at the end

Deleted 52 days ago

big facts 

I need help guyss :( I'm starting to love this game but unfortunately, everytime I download it I can't open the file. What should I do? Hiow to download it??

Here you go

That's quite a lot! But I'll try anyways. thankyouuu:))

bro i can't open the said file after downloading it. Is there another way :((?

Sadly, I tried to follow the instructions a couple of times but it really doesn't work😞

Can you tell me which step exactly failed for you and how?

make sure you have permissions to access the file - it might be downloaded in a protected place (right click setting and property for the folder, make sure you have full admin permissions)

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