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It's the best visual novel i've ever played , that's for certain! It's unapparelled. I am too invested! WHEN IS 0.7 COMING??? I NEED TO  KNOW!!! Thank You Caribdis!


Thanks! I can't tell yet for sure, it's currently at 80% done


Thank you so much for the response.... i honestly cannot wait... and yes, I too am team Dalia!


Also, Thoughts, Have you thought of using ElevenLabs AI voices  or UberDuck's  you know...for extra immersion, you know , save for the NSFW scenes..I dunno, Jus a sugesh....

(7 edits) (-1)

Hello Mr Caribdis, 
I would like to make a suggestion for music in the game. I actually made an account just to post this, heh. I recently stumbled across a really great piece of art. There are quite a few variations and covers by different artists, so if the few that I post here do not quite fit, there may be others that work better. I think the piece would make a great addition to any climatic-edge of your seat scenes, maybe even the prologue to the ending of a chapter or cliffhanger. Certainly something emotionally captivating. Also, there's a reddit post below if you're worried about copyright.

"Debussy died in 1918. Copyright is 70 years after artists death. You should be good."



Thank you very much for your suggestions! I'll check them out

(1 edit) (-1)

im again here to say the music is so good i sometimes dont pay attention to the scenes just to jam to them


The game is absolutely awsome, the best story based game, story and game i have ever played :D

But what is your favourite Caracter? And why? 

PS: is the release date for 0.7 known aready?


check the patreon for more info and updates


tengo un error al extraer el juego, como si el paquete de winrar estuviera dañado


where is the next update

We have to wait


Worst thing about this game BY FAR.....waiting for more updates :(

haha yes!


Not even close

Worst thing by far is how it raises my expectations and all the other games i used to love just feel mediocre in comparison.


That cliffhanger sucked

This is probably the best game I have ever played and that list is close to 800.


got any other recommendations

This is not easy to answer.  After so many games, it is hard to remember them all but both Ataegina and Desert Stalker stand out.  Ataegina is nearly complete (2 parts) but Desert Stalker has a long way to go.  Neither is anything like Eternum.  What can I say, I like variety.

What about Goddesses' whim (by Ncrow) i played that game more 30 time i can say and i'll never get bored. It's an anime game but better

When you said you had played the game more than 30 times, of course I could not ignore it.  I traced it down and got it.  Soon I realized that you were right.  Even though it was not the kind of game I would usually choose (anime), it is far better than I expected.  It just gets better as you go on.  Thank you for pointing it out.  The one thing that really surprised me is hearing the music from Ataegina in this game.  It has one of the exact same songs.

happy you liked it🙂👍. And i found the music

Thank you!


Any news guys?


You can check for progress updates here or join the Discord server, your call.



We are dying to try the new version (i don't think it's a news)


Just finnished game to its current plot point with the most recent meeting of william bardot i cant wait to see where this game goes i normally delete a game after i finish it but i need to see thending of the story


(1 edit) (+3)

I used to think nothing can top once in a life time but this is insane. You know its good when you want to play it for fun and story and not just to fap. My favorite thing about your games (besides sex and story) are the random and funny characters. They make the games and story so much more fun and alive. I would flip if I see stabby mike in eternum. Im currently in the mansion with Alex. Btw a stupid question, is Alex a virgin? I saw some comments about it and an upcoming sex scene with her and people doubt because of it. They also said that caribdis said that she a virgin before mc was so I came here to ask. I dont mind it either way but im curious.

Not to speak for the creator, but girls can be virgins in the sense of not having been with a man entirely apart from not ever having been physically penned, so maybe it's a bit of both. Knowing Alex, that seems the most probable solution. She probably hasn't been with another dude, especially as standoffish (and frankly prickly) as she is, but she's probably done all kinds of shit to herself.

Yes there are so much funny stories in this game like: Chang there is a word that says "BREED ME" on your back. Or: look i have no medal they have no medal that girl has no medal Chang has Chang where the f did you get that medal? ...... Okay forget about Chang. Or: WELCOME TO WARTHOGS!!! AAAAARRRRRRGGGHHHH SON OF A BITCH!.

(1 edit)

I played your first game once in a lifetime and then moved on to this one and its amazing how much you improved in just one release graphics wise and story wise. It's like moving from space invaders to to something like Mario.

Thank you for publishing a Chinese version. The story and characters are great. I can’t wait to watch 0.7.


damn,Caribdis, I beg you to use Torii Wolf - Undertaker in one of the next updates of Eternum!

Super hot


The lack of Luna (best girl) scenes is criminal. I need more. Aside from that I actually love this game and the characters.

Shes getting more scenes in the update this february-march apparently


Jesus youre an actual criminal to end things at that cliffhanger man. Waiting for the next patch, youve gotten yourself a fan Caribdis!

Thank you!

I finished the 0.6, and i must say im kinda dissapointed. Not of the game not at all, i just thought there will be more and not such fast ending, i even tried doing some stuff differently to see if theres some more scenes or extra stuff or even different ending and more content but after trying it seemed theres
only one ending and now i have to wait for another version :(((
Ill wait gladly for the next version and i have to say the game is perfect!

(1 edit)

Caribdis, please give the song FALLEN STARS - IVOXYGEN a listen I think it would fit perfectly into a scene. Whatever you choose I know it'll be the right call but I sincerely hope you are able to envision what I do.

I apologize for posting this again but I was driving home today and heard the song I mentioned in these comments a while back and it immediately reminded me of eternum. I was high af last time I commented and if I'm not mistaken only linked the artist not the song since I didn't know the name.  Hopefully this comment is slightly better articulated and gives it a shot of getting into the game. Thanks.

Sounds great!! Although I'd have to ask for permission to the artist

Thanks for the reply and for giving it a listen! When I originally linked the artist I'm pretty sure they only had around 100k subscribers so I figured the chances of them allowing permission would be decent. They've blown up a bit since then but who knows maybe they'd still be fine with it. Regardless I look forward to the next chapters whether the song is included or not. You've made a brilliant game/story that I absolutely love. 

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Hello, commercial songs that exceed 15 seconds are considered infringement, and songs that exceed 30 seconds require copyright. The song needs to be adjusted and inserted for 15 seconds, which is enough!

(1 edit) (+1)




the game is so immersed that i feel like im logging into eternum every time i play


Same feeling also. Like you're in the eternium and having fun in the servers


just finished 0.6

this game is probably, hands down, the best visual novel I ever played

the plot works wonders without the sexy part, but DAMN, the sex is so well written and interwoven in the story and character developments that I highly doubt that one could tell the same story without approaching this angle as well

and yeah, I love your style of comedy, and love the fact that the sex scenes are actually kinda sparse

you mastered the art of anticipation building and creating tension of all kinds

Thank you so much!!


I hope you're ok


Same. Not taking sides, just want our boy to be okay.

One of my all time fav games, plot is absolutely amazing

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

When will version 0.7 be released? I can't wait to see amazing things. Please answer this questions. I love Eternum ❤


3rd week of February I think


O come on i will be dead by that time.

SAme, same

lulz, stay alive bro


yes bro i'm not dying without new version 


I think I've left a post here before but I was still in the middle of the game at the time. I said how I fell in love with the characters and the world that is being built.  I reached the end of 0.6 a while ago and have been craving for an update. Like pretty much everyone is saying, I'd love this game even if there was zero porn at all. You have a real talent for character writing and world-building, and hope that you plan on creating more games after this one because I am a Fan.


Thank you!

There will be more games after this one, yes!


Jesus Christ, I love the story so much! I joined for the porn and stayed for the story. It's my favourite game that I can't tell people about.

Thank you!


When is the next update?


Good god, I mate a itch account just so I could leave a comment for this game. It's so good I managed to convince my misses to give the game a go. The comedy, 3D action scenes and the H-Scenes are just top notch. Pacing, lore, writing are phenomenal and the characters, their backstories and troubles are just so strangely believable. Legit crushing hard on Alex since that damn grandma scene, almost made me tear up a bit. 

Don't think I have been so immersed in the story of a game in my life and especially not a porn game, going in my top 5 games of all time list for sure. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you so much!


Amazing game in all but that cliff hanger holy fuck i need to know whats next this story could legit be a show i love this so much 

First of all, the game is very nice, but I have a problem. I had already finished the game very long time ago. 2 days ago, I said I would finish it according to walkthrough, but after finishing the game, all the replays except the last scene were deleted, do I have to play from the beginning to unlock them?

Juat finish it and GG love it. i will try to subscribe patreon next month because u deserve it. Greetings from Portugal

Thank you so much for supporting! ❤️

(3 edits)

Hi, i would like to ask why can't i play the game on Android?. I downloaded the 2.42GB but i can't open the file and idk why, sometimes i can extract the file and i can play but inside the game there's so much error i got so there's no picture while in game. I tried to contact developer but discord link is expired and idk how to solve the problem. Help pls.

Im using Redmi Note 11s currently. I've no problem playing Once in a lifetime game. 

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想玩超过2GB的高清版本,需要把文件放documents 里面。(两个版本画质其实差别不大)

Android installation packages over 2GB will have an error, it is recommended that you download the 1.8GB Chinese version, The language was changed to English.

If you want to play the HD version with more than 2GB, you need to put the file in documents. (There is not much difference in picture quality between the two versions)

Thank you

Game was very entertaining can't wait for 0.8


I have never left a review for a porn game before but I just gotta for this one. I played this for the first time a couple years ago and really enjoyed it but I think I hit a development wall and just never looked back into it until last week I was reminded of it and decided to give it a go.

Honestly some of the best writing especially for the nature of this game, the story is actually very well paced and encompassing when you really start peeling into the lore, (yes the porn game has lore). I find myself actually caring for the characters, each one is unique and has a different personality and they're actually built pretty realistically instead of most games where the chest has it's own gravitational field.

The humor is what kept me playing at first because there are hilarious scenes from the get go that have me rolling, the expressions and body language of these funny moments definitely add to the humor aspect but there are also several very deep and serious moments that I've gotten in the feels for. I genuinely hope this person uses their talents for other things because they can WRITE.

The animations get better as the chapters go, more subtle movements and facial expressions that make the characters feel more animated and alive instead of a doll for the mc.

All in all fantastic game and I'd recommend it to anyone who actually does play and watch raunchy stuff for the plot.

Thank you so much, Shaggy!


Guys how do it import/export saves?

I don't wanna replay this game from the start ( even though it's amazing fr)

So it wud be a great help

Deleted 285 days ago
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