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(1 edit)

i've completed the game to the mostv recent chapter, but i have a couple things locked like the magnetic storm scene, and one of the characters is greyed out how do i unlock those scenes/ characters????


It's greyed out because you choose the wrong option mate. Go back to where you think you screw up and replay the scene to ungrey it.

dang, i'll go through it again then and see

Hey how's it going? Is there any prediction on when the new version will be released? I really liked the game and I am curious about it.


Everything is mentioned on their Discord, he posts updates all the time. (Ex: 27%, 45%). The most recent update said he's at 59%. When it's finished, it'll go to patreons first, then public.



One of the best 18+ games  ever made

W Caribdis

(1 edit)

I have a little problem. I have transferred my saves from the PC version to the Android version and everything is fine but the gallery is completely blocked. In which file is the gallery progress stored? 

Btw near to start the 0.5v part and this game is awesome

Hands down the best adult game on I have ever played (I have played way too many). couldnt recommend it more!

Eternum's only rivaled on by Artemis

(1 edit)

hello caribdis! just a new here and just finish 0.6,if I may I will just going to tell about my theorie,it's that I notitce this conversation about Annie and dalia in the start of the game.

 annie: "i know this is supposed to be your job! but theres a change of plans..!"

dalia: "what? why!? who decided that!?"

annie: "you know....HIM!"

and my theorie is that us(the mc) will be the next owner/founder of the eternum itself? I mean if I'm wrong,who do you guys think that Annie saying when she said "him?" what do you think? 

Hah, welcome to fact or 🧢 cap

just my guess though,like I said I just finished it🤷

Hum , he can be new owner. Just he got 100% that is super rare, and that immortal amulet Founder himself have him. He met with someone fishy during meeting with riches that he said "what do u want to know?" , and that flashback when he opened Calypso box which he is holding like heart of Eternum and so... But just by considering he is MC , he will definitely be. 😊

But only one thing that have been causing me not to sleep is why him(mc)?? why is he the one that got picked? I don't understand to that part 🥲😭

when it ends, you will understand 

(1 edit)

There will probably be more on the choice, but even if there isn't, think of it this way: it isn't a story about him where he then gets chosen, it is a story about what happens to the one who was chosen.

(1 edit)

Its simple ''him'' meant Mr Carb


Super good game! Thank you for translating it in Chinese! I am looking forward to the new update! Thank you for making This game and Once in a lifetime!

My pleasure!


Honestly the best game I've played on 1000/10. Is there going to be a second one?


This is the second one.

Whats the first one


Once In A Lifetime. Play it. Stabby Mike demands it.


The game still has a lot to tell and several updates to be finished. After Eternum is done, I will start a new game!


All hail 'Caribdis'... 🙌👑


Man that final moments at end of 0.6v, the Alex's scene (we're not doing this again) and damn🤯😍I lost myself and the ending was crazy will wait for 100 yrs more ( just kidding tho) can't wait for next update. 


Всем привет, недавно закончил играть в 6 версию и если честно я в шоке от этой игры. Она со мной что-то сделала, я теперь не могу играть в другие подобные игры, если не вижу героев из вечности, эта игра не должна быть бесплатной, сюжет на высшем уровне, персонажи идеальны, музыка, мир и юмор, я ставлю 100 из 10 балов этой игре. Я завидую белой завистью тем, кто только начинает или начнёт в неё играть, у них впереди потрясающее приключение.

Haven’t made any comments on anything yet, also still at the start of the game, however, it has already made me laugh quite a bit. Awesome job so far :thumbs-up:




played second time, Luna still got me in her "10 questions"game. im so dumb

Don't sweat it. I am good enough at trivia and history to cross some ponds in this game and the last like a jesus lizard with a full bullet, and I still learn shit about East Timor here. 


Hey caribdis i am currently playing Once in a life time right now , and im loving it , the story , the animations and the humor its all great , just wanted to say good job , ussualy AVN either have too much sex or too much story never both , but youve really surpassed my expectations,  so thanks! Also thanks for including all girls an option , just how a harem should be , other devs sometimes have the harem tag but make you choose between woman so again thanks caribdis for being true to your words ! 


Thank you so much!


the game have a rape kink?


No, while sexual abuse is an occasional topic, the game always condemns it. Also, the community is quite attached to the characters and don't like this being brought up.

Not even with the limited-script AIs.


This game is a masterpiece, could even say it is the best VN game I've ever played. The story is so immersive, characters are unique, the humor is very good and unpredictable, and the game is full of life with many background characters and npc that makes the situation's so real. You can clearly tell that the developer really put a TON of effort and dedication in making this game. Shoutout for Caribdis for making the best game (atleast for me), You, brother are creating something so big that it will set the bar so High in adult VN.

If you are thinking of playing this game, don't think and just download it and give a support to the developer if you really enjoy it like I did

Thank you so much!!


The best AVN I have played truly amazing,

waiting for the next update.


What are the mods he is using to make the game it looks so good and smooth, is there any way to find that info anywhere?


This is by far the best R-rated game I've ever played in terms of animation and story this game doesn't have a lot sex scenes but it makes up for it I give this game a good 10/10

Thank you!


I mean i played through this game 3 times in one week, i think that say all.

You can clearely see how much effort you put in this game and i love it!

Keep doing so well!



This has to be the best h-game/adult VN I played but it's more than that like seriously I love the characters especially the MC and even the Lore is top tier!. The soundtrack is really great if it will have some voice acting some point it would be much better but overall it's still better the game itself. I also like all of the other game and anime references you put in and for me Alex was the best girl. I'll keep supporting this game and Thank you Caribdis for this really best VN game 

Thank you :D


When's the 0.7 Release ?

Hoping for it 🤗


I have to say, I don’t play VN’s but the story and characters and just about all elements of this are really amazing, and leave a lasting impression. Out of curiosity, would you ever consider a sfw mode or version of the game? I feel like it really deserves the attention that could come with that! Hell, I’d be lying if I said it wouldn’t be an amazing TV series

Mmm might be something I could do eventually, yeah, sounds interesting

Thank you for playing! 

i was thinking the same thing! This game plot is amazing! I'd pay to see it be a TV Show


This game..... IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! I love the sense of humor and references, the characters personalities, the music, like there's never a dull moment and I even finished the game yet. I'm SO attached to these characters. I hope I never get to finish it. Please continue this. GREAT WORK MY FRIEND!! lemme give you a hug brody

Thank you!!

Keep it up!!!

Thank you so much. I fell in love with the characters, story, and stuff.  I shouldn't have held myself back from playing this game. You're doing great,  keep it up. Anyways, Thank you


Thank you!


After you pick your own character name as 'nickname' the game/story doesn't seem to acknowledge that you just gave your real name to others repeatedly, like after the 'duel scene' in the wild west server in chat with Alex.


I'll check it out, thanks


Confessions in Watt's house:

MC : "You have to fuck with me a LOT to make me upset. Unless you mess with someone I care about - then it’s a different story entirely."

Does "you" here refer to Nancy or someone else?
And "F*ck" is sex or defiant?
Sorry, my English is bad.
I hope you will reply to this comment.


"Someone has to annoy/disturb/sabotage me a lot to make me upset. Unless they threaten a person I care about - then I'm not as patient"

Everything about this game is amazing and the choice of song is just perfect. By far the best adult game I've played so far. And the two white haired android girls are so cute. Wish the MC gets a chance to do them as well.

Thank you!

Hey, I accidentally did (more like, DIDN'T) do something Luna liked. Now her character is grayed out. How do I fix this? Do I have to go back to previous saves or can I still fix it in my current gameplay?

have to go back to previous saves. You likely took a peek of the cartoon/drawing 

I agree that losing paths is irreversible but in Luna's case, it doesn't have anything to do with a drawing. Are you mixing up Nova and Luna?

yes I did mix them up, sorry! 


The best walkthrough I found.

And you likely did not go to the Festival of the Dead trip or did not offer to give her a massage in the trip.

Fortune favors the bold lol

i haven't left a comment here on itch before, but i felt i needed to after finishing the current version. there's tons of praise here, but i just gotta add some more! this game is absolutely amazing, and it's so easy to see just how much effort and love you've put into the project. thanks so much for creating eternum!

Thank you for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for creating this work of art. This is by far, the greatest visual game I've ever played. I just started playing the game little less than a week ago and It's all I can ever think about. You should feel immensely proud of yourself for creating this game. The characters are well created and each of their personalities are unique and attractive in their own ways. The plot is so well done and the music, omg don't get me started! I love the song playing when Annie and the MC get intimate for the first time. I truly felt a sense of Euphoria from that scene. I just wanted to thank you so much for letting us play your game because it truly has given me so much happiness. Thank you so much, I can never say it enough!

Thank you!!


Game is much more than just an h-game/adult visual novel. Very good story and characters, looks visually amazing, with great choice in music. If you're on the fence about trying this game definitely give it a chance, you won't regret it.


Installed it on my android phone. After copying the archive folder. I ran the game. It was black screen then a red text popped up that read splash and splash 2 not found, then it crashed. Here's the error message 


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading < object (u'main_menu.jpg') at 0x6d779d6e10>:

IOError: Couldn't find file 'main_menu.jpg'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script

  File "renpy/", line 1138, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide

  File "renpy/", line 299, in interact

  File "renpy/display\", line 3579, in interact

  File "renpy/display\", line 4172, in interact_core

  File "renpy/display\", line 2782, in draw_screen

  File "render.pyx", line 492, in renpy.display.render.render_screen

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display\", line 731, in render

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display\", line 676, in render

  File "renpy/display\", line 330, in get

  File "renpy/display\", line 803, in load

IOError: Couldn't find file 'main_menu.jpg'.


Looks like your game can't find the archive.rpa file. Ensure that you named the directories correctly: "documents/ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game/". Casing should not matter, I don't think you can use it on an SD card.


This is an amazing story that just so happens to have porn in it. Certainly not what I was expecting. Amazing job, fuck you for that cliffhanger

Haha thanks!

Deleted post

Thank you! You can DM me on Discord about that anytime :)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 197 days ago

Unfortunately I can't because of licensing stuff, so I have to rely on Patreon and Subscribestar!

Deleted 197 days ago
(1 edit) (-1)

What do you think about developing a board game with characters from Eternum...maybe even including OIALT?
Chang would gain additional damage when accompanied byMicaela!
Gertrude would have armor-piercing attacks against to MC!
Sorry my english is bad . I hope you understand and reply this comment .

Haha I bet it'd be funny

Deleted 1 year ago

It'll be sooner than that


@Caribdis.  thank you for making such an awesome game. I have a question, how many people is making this game? Your progress is so consistent and it seems like you have everything plan out. From a long time fan since once in a life time.


It's mainly me, recently I got someone to help me with animations :)
(apart from all commissions and assets bought)

You are awesome. I respect you.

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