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(1 edit)

Just finished the 0.6 update, i play on both pc and android, the pc works well meanwhile for the android, it still can continue the saves files but all the scenes from before can't be repeat but nevermind that, i will definitely repeat this game again when it finished. Alright, now talking about the 0.6 update, and just like always, I love the comedy and romance from the story and see if my theory about eternum is correct or not. Now, I can't wait to see Chang and Micaela to join the team in collecting the Gem of Doom.

༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


The new update has made me laugh more than the first time I watched Dave Chappelle. This is k-drama level of good comedy. You know how modern high fantasy works are judged compared to Tolkien's works (the most famous being Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit)? Well, I think your work is what AVNs should be measured against. 

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Should I download the 1gb or the 2gb version for Android? Just need to update but I'm not sure what to download, need help. Thanks a lot

I thought the full resolution in android is 2gb but when i check the app its 98mb and yes i put the file (archive.rpa) in the document, and what is the different of not full resolution and full resolution because i feel like they're still the same.

Running into an issue on android trying to open the new version.  I have followed the readme install instructions and placed the archive.rpa into documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game.  The initial splash screen will open for about a second and then the game will crash.  Any thoughts?

We have the same problem but somehow mine work, i just install it again, but i don't know the different between not full resolution and full resolution

I can't access my saves after updating the game to 0.6 it just comes up with "an exception has occurred"

Happened to me as well, I guess you'll have to start from scratch again and work your way up... The saves have been corrupted unfortunately. 

Looks like that's the case for me too 😞

Had to use the smaller android file to get it to even work.

There's no ntr, right?


Nope, and there will never be.

Deleted post

Hey caribdis!!  This is the bestest best game in the world . I'll truly accept this one , in this update all scenes are best but the alex scene my goddddddddd!!!! That never again words and next steps are gotten in my mind. And your the best guy for making the end for next update bcaz no one expects that kind of end all the time. If I were to meet u once in a lifetime, i just need to say one word only fan of ur work sir

Thank you :D

(1 edit)

Um hello can i ask questions? How do i download the game on Android, i don't have access on discord 

download from here for Android bro


I don't know where to start,meantime I don't know where to start,meantime don't know where to stop.About my desire for love has gone eventually,ever since I played Eternum,all characters in it does leave me a big impression on me,to be honest,that’s the life I truly look forward to,the same as the relationship between boys and girls,almost every single dialogue give me a feeling which I consider a comfortable communciation that should be, especially the personaldon't know where to stop.About my desire for love has gone eventually,ever since I played Eternum,all characters in it does leave me a big impression on me,to be honest,that’s the life I truly look forward to,the same as the relationship between boys and girls,almost every single dialogue give me a feeling which I consider a comfortable communciation that should be, especially the personal characters,mooooooooost special is pretty Annie

it is impossible for me to choose any wrong options on her,she does is really the girl who has the whole personality I liiiiiiiiiiiiiike! That’s the realrelationship I want between me and my Ms.Right,but THAT IS TOO DIFFICULT TO MEET IN THE REAL WORLD,Annie is very pretty,she treats every time with me as the most wonderful moments during her life,especially the first time with me in Eternum and the dating in the airship! She is so generous she gave meit is impossible for me to choose any wrong options on her,she does is really the girl who has the whole personality I liiiiiiiiiiiiiike! 

That’s the realrelationship I want between me and my Ms.Right,but THAT IS TOO DIFFICULT TO MEET IN THE REAL WORLD,Annie is very pretty,she treats every time with me as the most wonderful moments during her life,especially the first time with me in Eternum and the dating in the airship! She is so generous she gave me 1500 eternals in Lon,and after the journey in The Red Herring,me and Annie have an interesting evening, because of her timid(that sure is another attractive 1500 eternals in Lon,and after the journey in The Red Herring,me and Annie have an interesting evening, because of her timid(that sure is another attractive characteristic of her!)

(Time limits,I'd write more about girls after I played 0.5,I’d consider I would paly this game again and screenshots whole screen pictures sooner 0.5 is released ) This game does give me lots of funny and enjoyment,it has all the personality between person and person I seek for,full of entertainments,growths and every dialogue makes me be present on the scene,Just looking back for my romance experience,that's really BULLSHIT,With time went by ,my romance view has become a little strange,Playing Eternum changes it:I’D RATHER DIE IN MY FANTASY.cause every things I want can be found in The Unreal World,it contains the whole things I am looking for in my past 21 years,Lucky am I find the real pursue finally.


Thank you very much ^_^


I loved that scene with Alex at the apartment 😁

"You are still there aren't you"😂😂


I've downloaded the full res android version, and it all seems to be working fine, but as I'm playing it I've noticed some scenes aren't playing, like the bathroom scene with dalia and when you usually get to reply to the texts the only option I got was to put the phone away.

I'm just wondering if it has been cut or if I'm having issues because of the phone I'm using.

I'll check it out

Can't get it to work on mac, download doesn't open

Tried allowing it as an admin, all downloaded fine but after unzipping, no way of opening


Already the best AVN out there and it just keeps getting better! That last scene with Alex was FIRE! 


So excited to dive into part 6!  One thing I've started to notice during this playthrough is how great you are with fitting background music to a given scene.  Do you compose and create the music for this game?

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I usually commission or use free music

but but fits perfect...dang...hope I will one day be able to make my games as good as yours.

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I completely missed .6 I cant believe it! Ill go play it now.

Nope don't bother anymore...if you missed it, you missed it. You, my boy, are OUT! 😀...enjoy! It will be a treat!

I came on checking if there were any updates, didn't expected to find one for real though!

where do i find the key for the locked room? anyone please? im stuck i already click all the places in reception where clonk waiting

Download the walkthrough, you'll find your answers there..

Just finish the first round first...u will find the answer... enjoy the game :D

thanks it helps me finish the game bro.. 

It has to do with how you approach the reception.

Caribdis can you please start selling irl versions of THAT shirt I would so get one


Caribdis!!! You are King(or Queen) of VNs!!! Please, I'm BEGGING you to give (no spoilers intended) the girl a praise kink to go with her head pats need!


Caribdis I know I've been hanging out in the comments for a while now giving tutorials and just commenting on how good the game is and I love it.

So imma get to my full review on 0.6 spoilers ahead so don't read it if you don't wanna be spoiled.

The first scenes on the military base is amazing the atomic heart reference and Annie being cute and Penelope just having those Gyattts I just loved it and I was so hyped when I saw the mc just run towards the general and stole his gem it was so badass like sheesh

And I notice changes like character design and overall change on looks on our mc and bruh was I surprised when I saw Eva again hahaha you gotta love Eva right? And the girls being jealous is funny af, there's also the dalia where I was so tempted onto penetration but I didn't cuz well imma follow the harem route but mark my words I will finish all the girls one by one and rejecting them all at the end to find your secret ending just like in OIAL

Well this was supposed to be a review but it didn't turn out to be one anyway just keep up the good work and stay healthy Caribdis.

Thank you Zaienn!

My Glorious  King Caribdis has done it again!

i hecking love eva

eva is the best


holy shit, the reviews in the comments are all good. im bouta download it. yall better not let me down


So, how was the ride?


GOD the comments are an understatment. this is actually good, comedy is peak and it has a solid plot


Bro, I went nuts after reading Vader reference. Love it

Sorry, I just finished the 0.6 version and....daymn....that is ffing top. I am totally out again about which AVN I like best....this is in my top 3... Can't wait to see what is next.

Y  bro top 3 is there anything else in 1st 2nd?

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Desert Stalker for sure...other is a bit tricky..switching all the time..but I think Eternum fits on second..or shared first. Oh yes, Projekt: Passion.


Caribdis my man you can't keep blue-balling us with these cliffhangers every single time😭😭

But in all seriousness tho, you've outdone yourself this time as well, and Idk how but you keep improving both as an author and a game designer and you genuinely deserve a big name for such an amazing piece of art.

Thank you so much :D


the repeaters >>> the girls


If am being honest I think Micaela can easily beat Thanatos if she have a neural implant xd

That's hilarious 😂😂

Thanatos is scary af. And he have the weapon of Atlas. I wanted that sword so badly. (Hyans or something I forgot the name)

Keeping it simple:

I love your game.

Just want to point out that you're doing a fantastic job with picking the right soundtrack to  special situations... like Lunas' at Warthogs or Alexs' while watching the stars.

Damn... cant remember the last time my eyes getting wet because of a "game".

Thank you... 

Thank you for playing!


Great work on 0.6, can't wait for 0.7, the story just keeps getting spicier and better I love it!!

Are we going to see more calypso scenes in the future? I really hope so because I enjoyed that this update.


Yes we will


YESSSSS I LOVE YOU CARIBDIS YOU ARE THE BEST DEVELOPER EVER!!!! I love your work I'm also so happy u replied so sorry to reply so late I haven't been checking this feed.

Author needs to learn how to use 7zp and his ultra pack.

The size of the game has already grown a lot.

Amazing game, been playing since 0.3 and this newest update was fire!! Def gonna do a replay once its fully completed to do an only alex run and then prob an only Luna one, love all of them but unlike other games this just seems like the type where I don't actually want a harem ending. Keep up the good work!



I left a review before in the 0.5 but I feel the need to do it again. Easily the only VN where I ACTUALLY cared more about the story being told than the lewd content, but speaking of the lewd content. The last scene in 0.6 is something I was not prepaired for, and man is Alex one of my favorite characters. The writing in this story is phenomenal, the dialog is realistic and sets every character apart from one another. The only thing I can really say is you've done it again Caribdis. 10/10!!! I hope there's more Luna content to come as she is best girl imo, but I can't wait for 0.7!! 


It was a very, very perfect game, it was like reliving a different life, it brought me a different feeling, I will probably never forget it, everyone has a different personality, it made me like each character, the characters in it are also very beautiful, I really like it, especially Nancy, she is really beautiful, the game is really great

Thank you so much!

this game was the best experience Thank you for making it happen

Cant find the scenes below no matter how I play the story. What did I miss and where? "Shower Show" "Blurred Realities" "Daring Challenge" "Royal Protocol"

(6 edits) (+2)
  • The Shower Show is when Dalia went inside of the bathroom while you’re cleaning, choose to stay in the bathtub.

  • Blurred Realities is when you accept the offer in Ion. (the hooker club thing during your first time playing with Annie. Don’t worry about your money because Eva will give you the money back.)

  • i forgot what Daring Challenge is, but Im guessing its for Dalia? To get that, you need to choose follow her right after she ranaway during the sparring match againt the glasses guy on the gym.

If not for Dalia, then probably Nova? for Noval, during the costume party you need to find Penny first, she’ll gt splashed with water and the she will go out to change. After that scene go find Nova. Do the Drinking challenge but choose to “Stop it there” or something, dont continue drinking because you will lose. If you stop drinking you’ll proceed to the 2nd round where you need Penny’s Bra, go find the locker room and talk to Penny, then go back to Nova.

  • Royal Protocol is during your time with Calypso in the Saloon bathroom when she got sprayed with blood. You need to continue Teasing her.


Daring Challenge is the scene where you and nova complete Akira's last challenge

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I'm sure it's a false positive, but the 0.6 update is being flagged as malware on my android devices.

Mine too... I played the game for hours by the next day it wont load always crashing im playing in Android

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