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Yoooooo 37 Minutes ago!!

I really do love your work man my respect to you is ever so high even to this day Caribdis :D

My saves wont load


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 479, in __call__

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script

  File "renpy/", line 1138, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide

  File "renpy/", line 299, in interact

  File "renpy/display\", line 3579, in interact

  File "renpy/display\", line 4540, in interact_core

  File "renpy/display\", line 1177, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 53, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1177, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1177, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 770, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1177, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1401, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 279, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1177, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1401, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 279, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1177, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1177, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 279, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1138, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1071, in handle_click

  File "renpy/display\", line 375, in run

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 479, in __call__

  File "renpy/", line 813, in load

  File "renpy/", line 1108, in unfreeze

  File "renpy/", line 908, in rollback

  File "renpy/", line 826, in load_failed

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?



same bro

Umm quick question any android users there which did you pick? 

The compressed or zip?


I think zip is for joiplay and compressed is an apk file. I use the compressed one.

Let's goooo

Letsss goo


10 mins to go!

it's out letsss goooo

Sorry for asking, but just to time information, where is Caribdis Games based in?
In my current example, if on the discord it says the game will be released on 22nd August at 5:00pm. What time zone is this referring too?

It's utc time or universal time

Thanks man. Appreciate the reply.

Anytime man

Btw can you send me an invite to the discord server? The link that carib has is invalid

Not working either...

no matter what I do for some reason I cant get the Dalia or Alex scenes or anymore of their story, they always get greyed out, are their stories still in development or am I just playing wrong lol


Did you compliment alex about her pen?


I've literally done every choice but that lmao, ill try it

And you need to break her brothers nose.


If someome greyed out you made a wrong choice

For Dalia, if i remember correct, you need to be caught peeping.

By the way, you could download a walktrough directly here...


why cant i join the discord it says whoops and i cant join??

Ayooo it's  the august of 22nd here and currently 6:38 PM and the public release ain't out yet:(

Wait some 4 hours, if you check his Patreon you'll see he was pretty consistent on uploading the updates for each of his tiers at that time (11PM for you).

Okay okay!! Thank you so much my dude, you're a legend!

Hi carib, when can we play on mobile? 


Guess what, today is the Chinese Valentine's Day! (in Chinese lunar calendar, it's July 7th) It makes sense for a HS game release! Praise Caribdis!

Yo carib the discord link is invalid...


This game is amazing! I made an account just to praise it, and I am so excited for the new release! Everything so far has been amazing, and I can't wait to see what's coming for this game!



Like I want this to go on steam but like it cost so much to put it on there and so you probably will have to make it cost money that if figure out some on game currency or something like that but that for  the future you but for now keep doing what you do best end give use a good story


Why is this game better then most of the games on steam and why is the story and the animation better then more then half of the games on there it's crazy how good you are at making these games keep up the game job soon you will be helping out/making some of the best games on there 


Thank you :)


Waiting (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ






Still here waiting patiently for the game





Release in 8 hours! :D


if I could install it in at least 1 hour or 15 minutes it would be good but on the two external links it takes 12 hours then it's fucked up..... but the game seems to be very well done, if I could play it would be cool


Amazing game, I'm glad the next update is soon because I just reached then ending and I'm ready for the next part

(2 edits)

who did notice alex was a tsundere? anyway great game did not regret donate it usual big amount im madly like this game dude mucha buena juego amigo <3

I don't know if I posted anything for "Once In A Lifetime" but... your games are the best. It's not just the sexy girls and awesome scenes. Your games have some of the best story EVER! I find myself actually laughing out loud, crying when it gets emotional, and getting excited when he uses his powers! The music works perfectly as well. I don't usually listen to the sounds of these games but I found myself going back and watching Nova fire the rocket launcher multiple times just because I liked the song that played and the timing of the video with it. I hate waiting for games like these to update but with you, it is well worth it and I will never complain to wait. Keep up the EXTRAORDINARY work!

Thank you very much!

downloaded this game a few months ago and i just wanted to say its super good the visuals are actually really good the first time you enter the game that transition wasnt something i expected also the main character when he uses his power to catch the arrow coming from behind was like seeing goku's MUI in action just a super good game 




305 days ago I told you.... You're gonna be the G.O.A.T in this AVN genre.

Time sure flies fast and words do come around. I hope for your success and completion of finishing this game. Take care of your health and don't overwork yourself. “Masterpiece Takes Time”.

Thank you!!


The alex Scene is absolutely awesome caribdis and can you add other scene of CALYPSO i really really like her.


Hey Carib! A quick question - if i played on mobile (the 0.5 vers.) and completed it, will my progress be wiped? And if it isn't - how should i transfer the saves?

P.S Love what you are doing! Keep up the good work!

Honestly, it's hard to tell, as it depends a lot on the device you have. On Android it should carry over, but if it gives an error there's not much I can do, sorry about it :(


I’m not the one to usually play Visual Novels, however i came for the NSFW but stayed for the story. I have to say this one has me hooked! It’s obvious to tell the creator really takes passion for this game. The characters all feel mostly genuine, the story is 10/10 for me it pulls all of my emotions which is refreshing. 
Everything is top notch from the models, sound design, and STORY. Thank you! 

Thank you for playing!!

really is good also the reason i stayed and the action parts people will mostly overlook it cause its a nsfw game but damn it surprised me 

Deleted post

Push boundaries.

Deleted post

Check out the walkthrough attached 

Deleted post

Can't wait for 0.6, my heart was shattered after finishing the 0.5 last month and I thought the story will stop there with a cliffhanger, but 2 days left!!!! 0.6 will be releaseeedd!! Can't waitttt


If I would rate this game from 1-10, I'll rate it as 15... THIS GAME EXCELLEN


Hope you like it :D

Made an acc just to say this anyone browsing this game looking for things to play.. there’s a reason why this game is top rated.. its fucking amazing PLAY IT and after playing it YOU HAVE TO play Once in a life time it is AMAZING.


Man this game its the best game i ever play through all my life, the history its hilarious and the characters perfect, i cant wait for the 0.6.

Thanks for this masterpiece caribdis

I hope you like 0.6!

I'm not here to comment how marvellous this Game is since a lot of players here have said that for thousands of times. I'm really wanna point out that Caribdis, who is the author of this great epic, have so much humour talent in his nerve LOL. The reason I'm saying that is I've noticed so many tiny details in this Game and in "Once in a Life Time" as well, which triggered my laughter in unexpected moments. I've got to admit that, man, you really knows the rhythm of when to be humor, be scary, be moving, be tense etc. I'm really enjoy playing both of your games, and you are the first and only one who won my donation and comments(Let's say virginity LOL) in Adult Game. I'm looking forward to the completion of this epic, no doult will I pay for it, and expecting more and more great games come out of your hard work. Keep on your work and take care of your health as well, don't be too tired. Really appreciate you to provide such great gift to all of us fans.

Thank you for your donation 🥰🥰

(1 edit) (+1)

I have created this account to say that this is by far the AVN I've ever played. The comedy genuinely makes me laugh out loud, the girls are all interesting and aren't just boring and generic copies of each other, the sci fi/fantasy plot is fun and immersive and is backed up by good writing, and most of all, there is no unnecessary free roaming. Being a DIK and Desert Stalker have been moved to second and third place in my list of favourite AVNs. 

Thank you!! :D


Best AVN i've read and played so far im still pretty new to VNs and im honestly loving this specially the design and the story aswell as the girl/ladies so far so good and i can't wait for the next update.


Loved Once in a Lifetime, and this looks AMAZING, but I am really hesitant to start ANOTHER in-progress game. Waiting on updates kills me, and even when they come I feel like it isn't enough.

I am bookmarking this, and I may come download it anyway just because I want to see more of your work and to donate some cash once I have income again

I appreciate it :)

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