Hey Carib! A quick question - if i played on mobile (the 0.5 vers.) and completed it, will my progress be wiped? And if it isn't - how should i transfer the saves?
P.S Love what you are doing! Keep up the good work!
Honestly, it's hard to tell, as it depends a lot on the device you have. On Android it should carry over, but if it gives an error there's not much I can do, sorry about it :(
I’m not the one to usually play Visual Novels, however i came for the NSFW but stayed for the story. I have to say this one has me hooked! It’s obvious to tell the creator really takes passion for this game. The characters all feel mostly genuine, the story is 10/10 for me it pulls all of my emotions which is refreshing. Everything is top notch from the models, sound design, and STORY. Thank you!
Can't wait for 0.6, my heart was shattered after finishing the 0.5 last month and I thought the story will stop there with a cliffhanger, but 2 days left!!!! 0.6 will be releaseeedd!! Can't waitttt
If I would rate this game from 1-10, I'll rate it as 15... THIS GAME EXCELLEN
Made an acc just to say this anyone browsing this game looking for things to play.. there’s a reason why this game is top rated.. its fucking amazing PLAY IT and after playing it YOU HAVE TO play Once in a life time it is AMAZING.
I'm not here to comment how marvellous this Game is since a lot of players here have said that for thousands of times. I'm really wanna point out that Caribdis, who is the author of this great epic, have so much humour talent in his nerve LOL. The reason I'm saying that is I've noticed so many tiny details in this Game and in "Once in a Life Time" as well, which triggered my laughter in unexpected moments. I've got to admit that, man, you really knows the rhythm of when to be humor, be scary, be moving, be tense etc. I'm really enjoy playing both of your games, and you are the first and only one who won my donation and comments(Let's say virginity LOL) in Adult Game. I'm looking forward to the completion of this epic, no doult will I pay for it, and expecting more and more great games come out of your hard work. Keep on your work and take care of your health as well, don't be too tired. Really appreciate you to provide such great gift to all of us fans.
I have created this account to say that this is by far the AVN I've ever played. The comedy genuinely makes me laugh out loud, the girls are all interesting and aren't just boring and generic copies of each other, the sci fi/fantasy plot is fun and immersive and is backed up by good writing, and most of all, there is no unnecessary free roaming. Being a DIK and Desert Stalker have been moved to second and third place in my list of favourite AVNs.
Best AVN i've read and played so far im still pretty new to VNs and im honestly loving this specially the design and the story aswell as the girl/ladies so far so good and i can't wait for the next update.
Loved Once in a Lifetime, and this looks AMAZING, but I am really hesitant to start ANOTHER in-progress game. Waiting on updates kills me, and even when they come I feel like it isn't enough.
I am bookmarking this, and I may come download it anyway just because I want to see more of your work and to donate some cash once I have income again
I made an account JUST to leave a comment here. I'm relatively new to VNs, but have already seen some good ones. But this, I kept ignoring it because it's 'mystery'. But that was a TERRIBLE mistake on my part. This is one of the best written VNs I've seen thus far. I'm not calling it perfect. But the little silly 'flaws' make it even better. I LOVE the mix of deep, emotional story, mixed with ridiculous, over the top moments. Nova slamming into you always. The girls ridiculous poses, Luna and Penny's storys of their mothers on Warthogs mission. These moment of levity and drama mixed together so well. It's brilliant, I genuinely hope that Caribdis reads this. And knows that when I have some disposable income, I'm subscribing to your Patreon! If you make other VNs after this be sure I will be there to check them out!
I JUST finished .5 and I was right!! Ha! No spoilers for anyone reading this, but if you're reading the comments, considering playing it or not, do it!! Can't wait for the update!!! Annie and Nova are best girls!(though I'm BEGGING for a GENUINE harem ending. No one's hurt and everyone finds some sorta balance. But PLEASE keep the feelings real Caribdis! It's the strongest part of the characters!) Update in 3 days! Whoop Whoop!
Hello Caribdis, I am a fan of China. Before playing this game, I really never thought it could do so well. Whether it's the graphics, plot, or dynamics, I really, really like it (without exaggeration). Every time I finish playing a version, it makes me feel very empty because it's done so well that I can't find a substitute for it, The music and visuals inside are also very consistent. I even searched for several songs on the music platform, and every time I listen to them, I always think of that relative scene, which is really unforgettable. I even consider this game as a carrier for me to escape reality and yearn for various things inside. Really, many times I even forget that it is an "adult game". I really like this game and I really like you, I am really looking forward to all your future works. I hope you can take care of your body while accelerating the speed of some new versions of the game. I will always support you
So I quit the game, after loading a save all the gallery scenes have been locked out? I was in the middle of 0.3 when I realized I couldn't see any of the scenes. they're all locked.
You are over reacting just hit the Skip button and pick the same stuff you picked the first time and you will get back to were you where it's not that serious buddy
Right after being taken by the guards to the cell you make a bet with her about being able to beat her in two weeks. If you choose wrong here her path is locked out.
Holy **** This is so good and it's not even finished. My opinion is that you should just take my money.
Glad I could play this for free but the final version needs a price on it as you deserve it for the incredible work you have done.
For anyone reading this before playing, this does lean into the NOVEL aspect and isn't quick to jump to the porn but you get lots of beautiful ladies to look at and invest in. This has an in-depth plot that I can't wait to continue.
This may just be my eye sight (and wouldn't be the first time) but why does the MC skin tone seem washed out compared to the ladies?
Caribdis I want to start by saying that you are a genius, you have created in my opinion the best game of this style, it is for me the masterpiece of the genre. Before, for me, Being a DIK had that place, but without a doubt, Eternum surpasses it. Always to assess a game on a scale, I used BAD as a reference to compare both the story, characters and scenes. Now it will be eternal and clearly I don't think they will surpass it unless after this game you develop a better one.
The game itself is magnificent, from the beginning you are generating feelings for the characters that vary greatly depending on it. The story is simply art, for someone who loves videogames in general or who enjoys watching anime, they even enjoy it even more thanks to all the references you posted.
Each character is masterfully developed:
1) Nova: my favorite, she is the funniest girl I've seen in all the games I've played in this style. In addition, it is computer science, which identifies me, and that is precisely what I study.
2) Dalia: The perfect childhood friend, geeky and fit at the same time.
3) Penny: the stereotype of an instagramer girl at the beginning of the game, but when she progresses her interaction with the MC we can see that she really is a person with a great sense of humor and very human.
4) Nancy: more than a babysitter, she is a kind of mother for the protagonist, those glimpses of her into her past make you grow fonder of the character.
5) Annie: The most adorable thing in the game, she is very shy but that makes her attractive. She is also very funny, she and Nova make me laugh a lot.
6) Luna: her gothic style is sublime, I consider her interactions with the MC to be one of the best, her development as a character from a lonely girl to being part of the group is great. she is just perfect
7) Alex: At first I didn't like her because of her attitude, but after you know her story you create too much empathy for her, also a girl who tries to fight on her own to achieve her things, I like how little by little her relationship with her improves the MC.
In the animation section, to my taste it is incomparable, because you apply the best of both styles, the realistic and the anime style.
I don't usually do reviews, I didn't even review Being a DIK, but I did say that if any game ever beats it, I would definitely have to. I say it again you are a genius, more than a porn game it is a GREAT GAME in every way (History and characters). I will make a reference: "I declare you the best game of all"
Assuming you're not on mobile - when you download the update, just extract the contents into your current game installation. Or find the "saves" folder in your current installation under the \game folder, and just copy that over
I think this game might have one of the largest communities ive ever seen for a nsfw game. Rightfully so, honestly. It really sucks o found this game so early cuz after every update i speed through it in a few days then have to wait again. I love this game and hope you continue to create awesome content. Also so glad this is free.
I saw a person making a poll on favorite girls but didn't know how to vote on mobile SOOOO.
1. Dalia (honestly her relationship with the MC is amazing! I love their dynamic and while she isn't as unique as some of the others I still love her interactions with our main guy.
2. Luna (one of the most unique and dynamic characters you'll see from a nsfw novel, she's got her visions which are interesting but her family is also very fun! I think the fact that her 'powers' don't work on the MC is fascinating and I'm excited to find the reason why.)
3. Nova (she's fun, what can I say)
4. Penelope (while she isn't the most unique character in the game, I also love the way she interacts with the MC, also I like that her being famous is actually represented throughout the game! Also that college party was epic)
5. Alex (probably the prettiest girl in the whole game, I think it's interesting she's a part of the Bardot family, while she has a cliche bad girl attitude it never seems to get old and is always enjoyable)
6. Annie (fun loving and shy! A cool character to have throughout the game and her interactions with the MC always bring a smile to my face.)
7. Nancy (she down bad fr, but her character is also very interesting and unique, I don't like her hair in the newest updates tho ;-;)
P.S - the last 3 girls are kind of interchangeable, and all 7 of them are really great characters. I wouldn't be upset with any of these characters being in the game, since all of them feel important and useful in their own way. Caribdis is SERIOUSLY talented and if you have the money you should support them. One last thing. Chang is the goat.
Love the game Caribdis, especilly that cliffhanger, gave me chills. Can't wait for the next update. Was hoping to have a relationship with Alex but didn't seem like it was in this version.
It's not that easy, Steam has a $100 fee to ask for a game to be published... if they just don't agree for a reason whatsoever, this can't be refundable unless it's approved and then you earn at least $1000.
Each player certainly has his favorite girl from the main characters. I created a simple, non-profit website where anyone can vote from most liked to least liked girl. Voting is completely anonymous, so if anyone wants to, please visit eternumgirls.rf.gd
I would like to mention that the website is not an advertisement or anything like that and I just hope I haven't infringe any copyright and Caribdis won't mind.
It was created only for us, the players, to check which of the girls is the most favorite. :)
Hey! Great idea on the poll, but the results kinda seems wierd tbh. Like most of the people just voted the same alphabetical order
...or maybe it's just me being angry to see Luna so far down...
Maybe it would be better to separate initial setup of the girls and the actual voting so people would have to actually set them in the order they want before voting
Hi. Thank you for your message. The results are indeed a little strange and it's like you said people just voted the default alphabetical order. I think it is because this poll is not adapted to mobile devices and most people just use phones nowadays. When I find some more free time, I'll try to remake the poll to work on phones and separate initial setup
Hi Caridbis! Playing your game all nights, and your game have very interesting plot and characters. Even I'm Russian, i can easily to play it! I have an question; I checked your first game, on website and saw that game is finished on 1.0, is Eternum would end at 1.0 too?
P.S: I think that Eternum is like a "portal" to another universes, like they adding a some characters in which putting our "souls" and allowing us to interact within it, cuz how everyone's saying in game, it's looks to way real
OMG this game is the best game I ever played, the story, characters, all is good! I love this game so much! I cant wait for the next update! Thanku Caribdis for this game!!
The cliffhanger felt like I was being gut checked repeatedly for half an hour but I guess that just says how much I loved this game. I hope that everything for you goes well and I can't wait to see more content as I'm already getting withdrawals.
Sooo the game is great... No it's fucking awesome, though I gotta ask you this caribAre you planning on adding Calypso on to the list of you know girls...
Just curious, anyways keep up the good work and stay healthy I can't have you dying while you haven't finished eternum yet
← Return to game
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The alex Scene is absolutely awesome caribdis and can you add other scene of CALYPSO i really really like her.
Hey Carib! A quick question - if i played on mobile (the 0.5 vers.) and completed it, will my progress be wiped? And if it isn't - how should i transfer the saves?
P.S Love what you are doing! Keep up the good work!
Honestly, it's hard to tell, as it depends a lot on the device you have. On Android it should carry over, but if it gives an error there's not much I can do, sorry about it :(
I’m not the one to usually play Visual Novels, however i came for the NSFW but stayed for the story. I have to say this one has me hooked! It’s obvious to tell the creator really takes passion for this game. The characters all feel mostly genuine, the story is 10/10 for me it pulls all of my emotions which is refreshing.
Everything is top notch from the models, sound design, and STORY. Thank you!
Thank you for playing!!
really is good also the reason i stayed and the action parts people will mostly overlook it cause its a nsfw game but damn it surprised me
Push boundaries.
Check out the walkthrough attached
Can't wait for 0.6, my heart was shattered after finishing the 0.5 last month and I thought the story will stop there with a cliffhanger, but 2 days left!!!! 0.6 will be releaseeedd!! Can't waitttt
If I would rate this game from 1-10, I'll rate it as 15... THIS GAME EXCELLEN
Hope you like it :D
Made an acc just to say this anyone browsing this game looking for things to play.. there’s a reason why this game is top rated.. its fucking amazing PLAY IT and after playing it YOU HAVE TO play Once in a life time it is AMAZING.
Man this game its the best game i ever play through all my life, the history its hilarious and the characters perfect, i cant wait for the 0.6.
Thanks for this masterpiece caribdis
I hope you like 0.6!
I'm not here to comment how marvellous this Game is since a lot of players here have said that for thousands of times. I'm really wanna point out that Caribdis, who is the author of this great epic, have so much humour talent in his nerve LOL. The reason I'm saying that is I've noticed so many tiny details in this Game and in "Once in a Life Time" as well, which triggered my laughter in unexpected moments. I've got to admit that, man, you really knows the rhythm of when to be humor, be scary, be moving, be tense etc. I'm really enjoy playing both of your games, and you are the first and only one who won my donation and comments(Let's say virginity LOL) in Adult Game. I'm looking forward to the completion of this epic, no doult will I pay for it, and expecting more and more great games come out of your hard work. Keep on your work and take care of your health as well, don't be too tired. Really appreciate you to provide such great gift to all of us fans.
Thank you for your donation 🥰🥰
I have created this account to say that this is by far the AVN I've ever played. The comedy genuinely makes me laugh out loud, the girls are all interesting and aren't just boring and generic copies of each other, the sci fi/fantasy plot is fun and immersive and is backed up by good writing, and most of all, there is no unnecessary free roaming. Being a DIK and Desert Stalker have been moved to second and third place in my list of favourite AVNs.
Thank you!! :D
Best AVN i've read and played so far im still pretty new to VNs and im honestly loving this specially the design and the story aswell as the girl/ladies so far so good and i can't wait for the next update.
Loved Once in a Lifetime, and this looks AMAZING, but I am really hesitant to start ANOTHER in-progress game. Waiting on updates kills me, and even when they come I feel like it isn't enough.
I am bookmarking this, and I may come download it anyway just because I want to see more of your work and to donate some cash once I have income again
I appreciate it :)
i just finished the game (0.5) and its just, amazing
I made an account JUST to leave a comment here. I'm relatively new to VNs, but have already seen some good ones. But this, I kept ignoring it because it's 'mystery'. But that was a TERRIBLE mistake on my part. This is one of the best written VNs I've seen thus far. I'm not calling it perfect. But the little silly 'flaws' make it even better. I LOVE the mix of deep, emotional story, mixed with ridiculous, over the top moments. Nova slamming into you always. The girls ridiculous poses, Luna and Penny's storys of their mothers on Warthogs mission. These moment of levity and drama mixed together so well. It's brilliant, I genuinely hope that Caribdis reads this. And knows that when I have some disposable income, I'm subscribing to your Patreon! If you make other VNs after this be sure I will be there to check them out!
Thank you so much for your support and your kind words! :D
I JUST finished .5 and I was right!! Ha! No spoilers for anyone reading this, but if you're reading the comments, considering playing it or not, do it!! Can't wait for the update!!! Annie and Nova are best girls!(though I'm BEGGING for a GENUINE harem ending. No one's hurt and everyone finds some sorta balance. But PLEASE keep the feelings real Caribdis! It's the strongest part of the characters!) Update in 3 days! Whoop Whoop!
Hello Caribdis, I am a fan of China. Before playing this game, I really never thought it could do so well. Whether it's the graphics, plot, or dynamics, I really, really like it (without exaggeration). Every time I finish playing a version, it makes me feel very empty because it's done so well that I can't find a substitute for it, The music and visuals inside are also very consistent. I even searched for several songs on the music platform, and every time I listen to them, I always think of that relative scene, which is really unforgettable. I even consider this game as a carrier for me to escape reality and yearn for various things inside. Really, many times I even forget that it is an "adult game". I really like this game and I really like you, I am really looking forward to all your future works. I hope you can take care of your body while accelerating the speed of some new versions of the game. I will always support you
Thank you so much!!
Luna best girl
When the public version will release
August 22
may i ask public version of what
Question how are you doing and make sure to not over work yourself
I won't, thanks ^^
So I quit the game, after loading a save all the gallery scenes have been locked out? I was in the middle of 0.3 when I realized I couldn't see any of the scenes. they're all locked.
You are over reacting just hit the Skip button and pick the same stuff you picked the first time and you will get back to were you where it's not that serious buddy
So... I just start from the beginning again? Thanks for the help, even if it was a stupid question.
don't flood the dev with dumb questions bro.... hes busy enough
Gee, thanks for the help.
Alright alright im sorry, i was being mean
Please give me 0.5 end save, all done by walkthrough
discord - tinkerinabout#0798
Right after being taken by the guards to the cell you make a bet with her about being able to beat her in two weeks. If you choose wrong here her path is locked out.
Holy **** This is so good and it's not even finished. My opinion is that you should just take my money.
Glad I could play this for free but the final version needs a price on it as you deserve it for the incredible work you have done.
For anyone reading this before playing, this does lean into the NOVEL aspect and isn't quick to jump to the porn but you get lots of beautiful ladies to look at and invest in. This has an in-depth plot that I can't wait to continue.
This may just be my eye sight (and wouldn't be the first time) but why does the MC skin tone seem washed out compared to the ladies?
Thank you very much :)
Caribdis I want to start by saying that you are a genius, you have created in my opinion the best game of this style, it is for me the masterpiece of the genre. Before, for me, Being a DIK had that place, but without a doubt, Eternum surpasses it. Always to assess a game on a scale, I used BAD as a reference to compare both the story, characters and scenes. Now it will be eternal and clearly I don't think they will surpass it unless after this game you develop a better one.
The game itself is magnificent, from the beginning you are generating feelings for the characters that vary greatly depending on it. The story is simply art, for someone who loves videogames in general or who enjoys watching anime, they even enjoy it even more thanks to all the references you posted.
Each character is masterfully developed:
1) Nova: my favorite, she is the funniest girl I've seen in all the games I've played in this style. In addition, it is computer science, which identifies me, and that is precisely what I study.
2) Dalia: The perfect childhood friend, geeky and fit at the same time.
3) Penny: the stereotype of an instagramer girl at the beginning of the game, but when she progresses her interaction with the MC we can see that she really is a person with a great sense of humor and very human.
4) Nancy: more than a babysitter, she is a kind of mother for the protagonist, those glimpses of her into her past make you grow fonder of the character.
5) Annie: The most adorable thing in the game, she is very shy but that makes her attractive. She is also very funny, she and Nova make me laugh a lot.
6) Luna: her gothic style is sublime, I consider her interactions with the MC to be one of the best, her development as a character from a lonely girl to being part of the group is great. she is just perfect
7) Alex: At first I didn't like her because of her attitude, but after you know her story you create too much empathy for her, also a girl who tries to fight on her own to achieve her things, I like how little by little her relationship with her improves the MC.
In the animation section, to my taste it is incomparable, because you apply the best of both styles, the realistic and the anime style.
I don't usually do reviews, I didn't even review Being a DIK, but I did say that if any game ever beats it, I would definitely have to. I say it again you are a genius, more than a porn game it is a GREAT GAME in every way (History and characters). I will make a reference: "I declare you the best game of all"
Also the mystery of calypso (scenes with her would be great), Thanatos, the creator and the magic of the MC are very intriguing
Thank you for such a good review, Sanguinius <3
Hey Caribdis Im kinda curious, I notice Luna breasts are bigger in her profile with the Warthogs clothes than with the other outfits, why is that ?
The power of push-up, probably.
The outfit makes them look like that
Oh, i got excited :(
Hey Caribdis, quick question. Once the update drops(0.6), how can I bring my saved content from 0.5 in the new update?
Assuming you're not on mobile - when you download the update, just extract the contents into your current game installation. Or find the "saves" folder in your current installation under the \game folder, and just copy that over
Got it, thanks a bunch!
I didn't know I could fall in love of a character in a NSFW game... but Luna is way too perfect...
I think this game might have one of the largest communities ive ever seen for a nsfw game. Rightfully so, honestly. It really sucks o found this game so early cuz after every update i speed through it in a few days then have to wait again. I love this game and hope you continue to create awesome content. Also so glad this is free.
I saw a person making a poll on favorite girls but didn't know how to vote on mobile SOOOO.
1. Dalia (honestly her relationship with the MC is amazing! I love their dynamic and while she isn't as unique as some of the others I still love her interactions with our main guy.
2. Luna (one of the most unique and dynamic characters you'll see from a nsfw novel, she's got her visions which are interesting but her family is also very fun! I think the fact that her 'powers' don't work on the MC is fascinating and I'm excited to find the reason why.)
3. Nova (she's fun, what can I say)
4. Penelope (while she isn't the most unique character in the game, I also love the way she interacts with the MC, also I like that her being famous is actually represented throughout the game! Also that college party was epic)
5. Alex (probably the prettiest girl in the whole game, I think it's interesting she's a part of the Bardot family, while she has a cliche bad girl attitude it never seems to get old and is always enjoyable)
6. Annie (fun loving and shy! A cool character to have throughout the game and her interactions with the MC always bring a smile to my face.)
7. Nancy (she down bad fr, but her character is also very interesting and unique, I don't like her hair in the newest updates tho ;-;)
P.S - the last 3 girls are kind of interchangeable, and all 7 of them are really great characters. I wouldn't be upset with any of these characters being in the game, since all of them feel important and useful in their own way. Caribdis is SERIOUSLY talented and if you have the money you should support them. One last thing. Chang is the goat.
Love the game Caribdis, especilly that cliffhanger, gave me chills. Can't wait for the next update. Was hoping to have a relationship with Alex but didn't seem like it was in this version.
Hi, Steam release by any chance? :)
It's not that easy, Steam has a $100 fee to ask for a game to be published... if they just don't agree for a reason whatsoever, this can't be refundable unless it's approved and then you earn at least $1000.
Each player certainly has his favorite girl from the main characters. I created a simple, non-profit website where anyone can vote from most liked to least liked girl. Voting is completely anonymous, so if anyone wants to, please visit eternumgirls.rf.gd
I would like to mention that the website is not an advertisement or anything like that and I just hope I haven't infringe any copyright and Caribdis won't mind.
It was created only for us, the players, to check which of the girls is the most favorite. :)
Of course, those kind of things are no problem :)
Hey! Great idea on the poll, but the results kinda seems wierd tbh. Like most of the people just voted the same alphabetical order
...or maybe it's just me being angry to see Luna so far down...
Maybe it would be better to separate initial setup of the girls and the actual voting so people would have to actually set them in the order they want before voting
Hi. Thank you for your message. The results are indeed a little strange and it's like you said people just voted the default alphabetical order. I think it is because this poll is not adapted to mobile devices and most people just use phones nowadays. When I find some more free time, I'll try to remake the poll to work on phones and separate initial setup
is there a public list of the songs in the game? because I love them but i cant find the names in the game
Is Once in a life time a server on Eternum?
Or was the "secret ending of Once in a life time"is just an easter egg?
Just an easter egg, not canon
Is 0.6 the the end of the game or is there still more to the story
Jogo muito foda, adoro a interação com os personagens
So true man
Hi Caridbis! Playing your game all nights, and your game have very interesting plot and characters. Even I'm Russian, i can easily to play it! I have an question; I checked your first game, on website and saw that game is finished on 1.0, is Eternum would end at 1.0 too?
P.S: I think that Eternum is like a "portal" to another universes, like they adding a some characters in which putting our "souls" and allowing us to interact within it, cuz how everyone's saying in game, it's looks to way real
There will be more than 10 updates !
OMG this game is the best game I ever played, the story, characters, all is good! I love this game so much! I cant wait for the next update! Thanku Caribdis for this game!!
Thank you for playing!
Have you considered using AI voice acting to improve immersion and obviously the animations? ;)
Love your work mate!
The cliffhanger felt like I was being gut checked repeatedly for half an hour but I guess that just says how much I loved this game. I hope that everything for you goes well and I can't wait to see more content as I'm already getting withdrawals.
Sooo the game is great... No it's fucking awesome, though I gotta ask you this caribAre you planning on adding Calypso on to the list of you know girls...
Just curious, anyways keep up the good work and stay healthy I can't have you dying while you haven't finished eternum yet
She'll be a Love interest and will have scenes, no worries