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(2 edits) (+2)

Gonna be Honest was here for the Adult stuff but gosh damn the Story is profound, obviously it's not done yet but that's beside the point, the story, the characters, the romance and the bromance, the whole mystery surrounding eternum or the mystery of the protagonist, it's just *chiefs kiss* amazing, completely forgotten that this was an for Adults Game.

Oh and let's not forget the music it's a spot on.


I’m glad you liked it! Thanks!


Awesome game mate!

Storyline, Story telling, character development, comedic relief, graphics, creativity are all so on point it's actually quite fantastic. As someone who does not usually play these types of games I'm really pleasantly surprised!

My only feedback (if you are taking it): It would be good to see the bodies of the girls a little more diverse. 

e.g. Annie is meant to be the cute little gamer girl, however she still looks very curvy with her tits/butt. Likewise, Penny who has the 'best tits' in the game looks similar to Dalia/Nancy; and IMO it takes away from her.  My personal opinion is making the bodies a little more different would make them much more unique and more specific to the characters!


Fair enough, thank you! Glad you liked it

Attention to detail. Too much.. attention.

This game is a masterpiece, I've played many games of this variety (porn, I was only here for the porn) but this one takes the cake.  As previously mentioned, I downloaded this game cause the story seemed passable and the scene quality looked good, I've now found myself skipping through some sex scenes to see what comes next in the story.  I just finished the game and cant wait for .5, keep up the good work.  (I made an account just so I could write this comment)

Thank you very much!

(1 edit)

Hey caribdis when we go to Alex's house for the first time to do the project I selected all the options (tattoos, family, hobbies, religion, say something, and hug her back) but after the line "goodbye Orion" she is greyed out is this a bug or intended?(also I love the game!)

Edit: also need a delete save button or something for when extra saves get in the way.

You probably don’t have enough affection points with her. You can download the walkthrough to see the right options. You should compliment her pen and punch Axel the 2 times


Hey Caribdis, the next update is close?

Yes, maybe next month

You can follow its progress on my progress bar on Patreon or SubscribeStar


What a MASTERCLASS in storytelling.  The pacing, the comedic timing, and the very deliberate order from one scene to the next. I found Alex's struggle so relatable and her flashback that followed after hit a very deep emotional note for me. I just came for a low investment AVN to play through but damn your story has got me so hooked that the explicit scenes are honestly just a little bonus. I really hope that you eventually make it bigger with your stories in the future because damn you absolutely deserve it.

Thank you very much!!!


this game is just very good, if they were nothing with porn or everything, it could still be very good, i'd like a game with this much imagination


(1 edit) (+1)

Greetings, just wanna say, take your time making this masterpiece, your storytelling, character/plot development ,  humourous lines and a bit compelling music arrangements in the scenes are good as the same in (Once in the lifetime). Nah fam, saying it's the same is quite rude. It's absolutely amazing!. I see you improve way above from previous game.

You on the journey to be one of top ten AVN creator of all time. I've played almost 70+ avn games and I dare say, you are on my top 3 easily. The 🐐 sir. 

Thank you very much, Zemnus <3

Hello there, just created this account to get something out of my chest. First of all i wanna thank Caribdis for this lovely experience.

I came in touch with AVN's once in while in very lonely times i had in the past and played them just for that one reason, you all know that. A week ago i had the pleasure to play "Leap of Faith" for that same reason again, but that story filled me up with so many emotions some times i couldnt even get a boner when it came to the explicit. So this game changed my view and made me a fan of these games, but now its rather for the story and i take the the scenes as a welcomed bonus.

So finally coming to this game, I wanna say the one negative thing I have to say really quick, before i come to my praisings. Even tho I don't care really much about the sex scenes anymore, these were the one who left me the least excited, because they took me out of the immersion. The MC's packing is a bit overwhelming, but thats not the deal breaker. It's that you have these women you are bonding with and building up sympathie and I just feel bad in my case how the MC decides to treat them.. Mabe it's just my perspective, or rather my taste, but i really don't like how the girls get trated while being intimate with the MC. Especially for Annie it doesnt seem fitting getting treated like this and also enjoying it so much and going with it feels like a break of character. So this would be my only suggestion to better up this game, since i got hooked all the time and got ripped out of enjoyment in this very parts where you should feel most of it.

Anyways coming to the good part finally: In the very beginning of the game i had some kind of medi core expectations, it took some time til the world got a hook on me and the concept of Eternum really started to show all of its beautiful sights. And there are PLENTY of them so far. This whole setting really is sandbox for creativity and you surely did a great job so far with all these different and beautiful settings. You just never know what comes next and always are thrilled by the next scenario you land in. Impossible for me to tell a favourite place or scenario, they just all are bangers.

When it comes to the caracters and design it's an absolutely wonderful world too. From the looks to the personality they are all are unique and lovable in one way or another. When it comes to deciding in the end to one specific girl my gamer heart probably gets broken.

Last words of my roman will be about the writing and story itself, which of all the great perks that games gives you is for me the strongest one. I played all for 4 episodes in 2 days because i just couldn't stop. It really gave me joy all the time to follow the stroy and all the well written dialogues in it. It's funny as hell most times, but can also be deep or even sad when it has to be. Timing to catch some emotions always seems right and when shit starts to get messy be sure to be treated with joy so you won't be left behind with any bad feelings.

Sorry for this many words, it's my way to pay credit for what is a masterpiece to come in my opinion. Can't wait for the next episodes. So Thank you very much for this great experience 


Thank you so much for your comment, man, I appreciate it a lot 🥰🥰🥰

(3 edits) (+2)


Beautiful game! we played the game together with ma boys and loved it however we came across a possible plot hole.  It is possible to die from the alien egg in the space station. After that even though our game inventory is reset according to game rules, we still kept the gem of doom and were able to go to the meeting afterwards. We're not sure if we missed something or not but thought it should have your attention. 

P.S: we think your game is so unique that even though me and ma boys tried other visual novels like this one, none of them gave the same level satisfaction and sense of quality.

Thanks! And about what you mention, the MC mentions how he was able to go back to his corpse and retrieve his inventory, since no one looted it


ohh so we did miss it! thanks man.


Will we have sex scenes with Calypso?

I hope...




bro i love your games


(2 edits) (+1)

Honestly. I didn't expect to enjoy the storyline as much as I did. The humor is also pretty spot on! This is the first time while playing these games where I've actually stayed for the story. Mixing every geeks dream with this insane MMO with an adult visual novel is a pretty much the perfect recipe with the right writing. You deserve every bit of support you get.

I only got to 0.2, but i'm curious - do you have a window for 0.5? I'm just excited to keep going and people keep mentioning that cliffhanger!

edit: I have to thank you for that skip option. I did lose some progress after forgetting to save constantly so I just want to tell you how much I appreciate that.

No problem! Glad you’re liking it :D

is there any way i can go from my pc to my laptop and still play on the same save?

Yeah, you should be able to copy-paste your saves in the game/saves folder

omg i felt chills down my spine when i heard Interstellar soundtrack😍 it was so exciting, you have really good taste in movies!


Hello mister Caribdis,

 I'm a French studient in tech, I've been playing OIALT and Eternum (I've actually bring some of my friends to play them too!) 

Because they are an absolute masterpiece, I've never seen a game that is as well made as yours in ages. 

The lore, the visuals, the sounds, and the HUD. Absolutely everything is astonishing! I'm a big fan of Nova and my girlfriend is a fan of Luna. 

As I said before, I'm French. so I've been translating your games into French, I would like to ask if you're interested in getting those translations. 

Yours truly, your biggest fan, Esora.

(ps: as a studient i dont have much money but i want to support you as i can! tell me what is the minimum i can give to be hable to see your post on patreon, like the 3last for exemple, i want those wallpaper! please ! )

i hope you will have a very good day! :)

(2 edits)


Thank you very much for translating it! I’m glad you guys liked it And for the wallpapers it depends, the last NSFW one is for the $20 tier, but most of them are for the $10 or $5 tiers :)

Have a good day!

We really love your games! Both of them! We want more Nova! (No Luna!). What about the french translation? Would you like it? I can give you my email to speak about that if you want ! :)

I don’t really work with any “official” translations right now, but feel free to post it wherever you want as long as you also link my itch/patreon! :D

@caribdis, incredible game, great song choices and character development, would like to see more plots exploring Penelope and nova though.

Thanks! More Penny and Nova in 0.5 too

@Caribdis, I am a game player from China. I like your game Eternam. I am deeply attracted by this story. Its background music, story plot, rhythm and character modeling are perfect. I like Luna very much and hope to see more of her in the future updates.

I look forward to your next update and thank you again, Caribdis. Let me play such a great game. Wish you all the best


Thank you very much! More Luna in 0.5!

Deleted 245 days ago

Glad you liked it!

Great game, pity my progress wasnt saved when I completed the current version of the game.  the last time I saved was probably 0.2 and I'd rather not go through it again

Hey, could anyone possibly provide me with save at 0.2 or close to that? I lost my saved data, would like to continue but I don't feel like starting all over. Choices don't really matter to me.

How can I download it for android?

because the links are not working.

(2 edits)

I'm just finishing up with this game. Let me say that I have enjoyed it a ton. A lot of work has gone into the modeling and storytelling that is much more sensible than any other NSFW game I've played. I do have some criticisms that I hope some will be thought over. 

There were a few lines there that just made me think, "Yeah, a dude wrote this." I'm not going to pretend like I know how to talk to women well, but some of the lines felt tactless and typical of a porn-like logic. For example, I don't hear women often talk like Maat was. But as a guy, I can see the reasoning or appeal so I can go along with them. But some of the more egregious examples of the sort of male-like objectification are giving the main character such a large dick, Michela being so large and veinous, making a note that her or her mom is unattractive, patting Nova on the head, saying someone's ass might not be the biggest when it was objectively large, and Nancy looking the same age as her daughters. Ordinary women are very attractive too, and women who look like the game models aren't going to be so oblivious to social connection. And the main character did the whole, "Oh are you sure... oh god, you're so beautiful, [character name]" a little too much. Oh, I'm also passing the part where the main character food shames Dalia? I see the point of it, but still, the dialogue could be better there. Actually the whole gym scene was kind of odd.

Also, sometimes I couldn't go back past a certain scene. And I would get this "An exception has occured" error when clicking on the hearts. I think there should be some sort of checkpoint system alongside a save option. 

All in all, I enjoyed the game very much and I'll download and play the other Caribdis game as well. It's just something to think about to have more people look over and consult to formulate the best dialogue and actions possible.


Although the game never tried to be super realistic with the kinds of things you mentioned, those are more than fair opinions. I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for understanding! Great job on the games again!

(1 edit)

How do I fix this? This appears when I clicked the girls' bio

Edit: also what's the difference between the 2gb download link and the 1gb? What changed

P.S. Loved the game btw, just finished Once in a Lifetime and it was the best, I'm looking forward for Eternum

I’ll try to fix that in the next version, sorry about it (I assume you tried to download the first Android version and your phone couldn’t open it, right? This bug doesn’t happen there)

Holy fucking shit! I just finished 0.4 and the cliffhanger left me itching for more! Can't wait for the next update. Love the way the story is progressing and the direction its taken. Theres far more than just sex scenes. You actually fall in love with each character and are left wondering what will happen in both versions of their lives. Keep up the excellent work. 

Thank you very much!

(2 edits) (+3)

OMFG WHAT AN INCREDIBLE GAME!!!!!!!! The characters are hot but DAMN is the story so fucking good.... I can't wait for more! Congratulations Caribdis for making this awesome game. I literally cannot wait for 0.5 and whatever comes next!(and whatever you make in the futur) 

(also... did anyone else notice the "Heads? Or Tails?" in the credits after the game...? What does it mean...? [I pick heads btw :) ])

I'm also curious about, I chose tails

Thank you!!

can i have this on an iPhone iOS 16

(1 edit)

iOS doesn’t support renpy (nor adult) games, sorry


This is one of the best stories i have ever experienced. I can't wait for the next update and seeing how everything will play out.  I loved OIAL, but in my opinion Eternum is better. It's such a cool concept and you have written the story really well. i look forward to seeing your future work. Great job Caribdis

Thank you so much! :D

THIS is the nastiest cliffhanger since Locutus of Borg.
The game gets better and better. And I love to play it again allover with evry new release. 

Thank you very much!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you! 😍

O man i played 0.4 again and u just leave us thinking what come in future well damn i am thinking what come in future ❤️❤️❤️ love ur game 


app not installed as package appears invalid. Android when trying to update.


I just finished 0.4 Oh man this game keeps getting better and better. Love the music selection, I'm hooked to the song "One in a Million" and I love that scene too. This game Caribdis I feel like you keep getting better and better!


Thank you so much!

A fanart:

in progress still


Awesome! 😮


le jeu est tellement incroyable, l'histoire et la créativité du jeu sont meilleures que les autres jeux sexuels auxquels j'ai joué, je suis assez impressionné. Je continuerai à vous soutenir sur PATREON.


hell, the story is so exciting... i wish this game was less sex focused and had more romance. the whole idea of eternum is great, and implementation is also on high level! comes to mind movie "Free guy", the idea of npc becoming aware that they are npc is so cool, but the implementation was so terrible...


Well to be fair to you buddy this avn just has harem and sex scenes to justify the wird adult in front of visual novel,heck it would still be best without it,his past work Oial too was same greatest story and plot,and sex scene was just there not actual part of story,and about romance it isn't in erotic scenes but generally since erotic scenes you could just think they never happened actually and it wont change story for a sec.this dev work is about great story,with beautiful renders,amazing plot,with sense of humour, with details include of every character,it has its good no. of romance and romanceble characters, but still it doesn't leave npc behind 99.99% character in his avn will have their story arc end at the ending.

i agree with you. thats still kinda sad, e.g. if you dont have sex with character then romance arc with her is over.. well here really helps your advice about thinking the scene never happened. and i am happy that here are people who agree with me


well buddy yeah it feels sad,but meaningful if you dint pursue your love then there won't be any future with your love,you will grow apart for sure irl,it just makes sense and good,not completely wholesome but nonetheless wholesome,and sex is just a part of life, hehehe some think it's whole life that it isn't but a part of life.


@Greatchad22 - 100% true. Story is the main part why I've been hooked to Caribdis games. He is so good when it comes to story telling and char development. 

Sex scenes are just a bonus.

hmm will we get to see more MC’s other form


Its time to stargaze RW Cephei!

Show post...

You're a god, Caribdis. Played this first in 0.2, and I must say this is the best VN out there. I've played probably 50 of the adult games here on and steam, so when I say this is the best one, I mean it haha.

Once In a Lifetime was great, but Eternum? Genius. Incredible world-building, characters, and a perfect blend of humor and drama. I loved every second of it.

I'm 100% sticking with this game to the final update. 10/10.

Thank you very much, Toxic! 🥰

(2 edits) (+2)

Hi again Caribdis, I recently studied the game's code to understand the structure, I had never used Renpy, and thanks to Eternum I'm learning haha... I wonder if I could support the development with 3D models of houses, scenarios, cars or assets in general, totally free, I work with digital architecture and animations for games. Sorry my bad English 

Some of my work this year


I’ll take a look :D Thank you very much!

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