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hell, the story is so exciting... i wish this game was less sex focused and had more romance. the whole idea of eternum is great, and implementation is also on high level! comes to mind movie "Free guy", the idea of npc becoming aware that they are npc is so cool, but the implementation was so terrible...


Well to be fair to you buddy this avn just has harem and sex scenes to justify the wird adult in front of visual novel,heck it would still be best without it,his past work Oial too was same greatest story and plot,and sex scene was just there not actual part of story,and about romance it isn't in erotic scenes but generally since erotic scenes you could just think they never happened actually and it wont change story for a sec.this dev work is about great story,with beautiful renders,amazing plot,with sense of humour, with details include of every character,it has its good no. of romance and romanceble characters, but still it doesn't leave npc behind 99.99% character in his avn will have their story arc end at the ending.

i agree with you. thats still kinda sad, e.g. if you dont have sex with character then romance arc with her is over.. well here really helps your advice about thinking the scene never happened. and i am happy that here are people who agree with me


well buddy yeah it feels sad,but meaningful if you dint pursue your love then there won't be any future with your love,you will grow apart for sure irl,it just makes sense and good,not completely wholesome but nonetheless wholesome,and sex is just a part of life, hehehe some think it's whole life that it isn't but a part of life.


@Greatchad22 - 100% true. Story is the main part why I've been hooked to Caribdis games. He is so good when it comes to story telling and char development. 

Sex scenes are just a bonus.

hmm will we get to see more MC’s other form


Its time to stargaze RW Cephei!

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You're a god, Caribdis. Played this first in 0.2, and I must say this is the best VN out there. I've played probably 50 of the adult games here on and steam, so when I say this is the best one, I mean it haha.

Once In a Lifetime was great, but Eternum? Genius. Incredible world-building, characters, and a perfect blend of humor and drama. I loved every second of it.

I'm 100% sticking with this game to the final update. 10/10.

Thank you very much, Toxic! 🥰

(2 edits) (+2)

Hi again Caribdis, I recently studied the game's code to understand the structure, I had never used Renpy, and thanks to Eternum I'm learning haha... I wonder if I could support the development with 3D models of houses, scenarios, cars or assets in general, totally free, I work with digital architecture and animations for games. Sorry my bad English 

Some of my work this year


I’ll take a look :D Thank you very much!


Eternum - Teaser Trailer by  Deshart Production . Let's watch and Subscribe for him . Sorry , my english is bad .

(1 edit) (+4)

Cheers buddy! I've already uploaded this link here but thank you. 

It means a lot that you like it :) ps. Caribdis brought us all here :) 


Amazing , good job bro .


This Game is Fr a 9/10 Everything Except That Theres Like 9 Sex Scenes Is Great


A lot of sex scenes are coming, no worries 😛

Does this take place before, after, or during Once in a Lifetime?


Well if you played Oial then you should know that eternum is futuristic and we get hint of this in even Oial so it makes it wil be in future.

They mention Eternum in OiaL, near the end


I downloaded the 2 GB android version and my home screen instantly stoped working, only started working once I uninstalled the app. I have no idea why that caused that but figured I should let you know

i just finished the recent part of the game and i had 2 scenes that i didnt get, do i have to replay to get them or did i choose the wrong option, im missing blured realities and still waters i need help unlocking them because i like 100% games


Just download the file: WALKTHROUGH

Yep, as they told you, if you want to complete the game at 100% download the walkthrough and follow the options there

Is "Still waters" scene will be unlocked if I follow the walkthrough? 


(2 edits) (+5)

Hey @Caribdis! Such a great game, characters and storywise. Love the mix of fantasy and sci-fi. Waiting for more. 

I've wanted to show my appreciation cos from time to time I do trailers for shows, games etc in my free time. I've decided to do this small tribute/teaser trailer.

I've reworked few scenes using photoshop/aftereffects to make characters move or seem to move to make it more dynamic ;) 

It is me saying thank you to you @Caribdis.

Eternum-Teaser trailer

Great Job. 



It was really good, really. Just need to watch out for spoilers

(1 edit) (+3)

Cheers, that is why I made it short, trying to avoid spoilers. 


WHOAAAA that is amazing!!! Thank you so much, Deshart! I loved it 😍

I’ll make sure to share the link to your video! (if that’s okay, ofc!)

(3 edits) (+3)

Of course. I am really  glad you like it. This is the least I can do.

For such a great games you make.


Awesome trailer it is hard mot to throw spoilers but I think you did pretty good because there's no context :P 

PD: I think the rating would be rated A° for Adults but it's ok since I don't think many  people know it exist :P

(1 edit) (+1)

Cheers!- god damn You are right about the rating! facepalm... ehhh :P my bad xD

(1 edit)

Hey @Caribdis! You're the best as always, 0.4 is a masterwork also as always. Especially loving the soundtrack so far!! The atmosphere is so well-dictated by music, it's the perfect addition. <3 

Question: Would you have any objection to my using screenshots from Eternum as pose references for some NSFW art I'm making? Happy to credit and/or pay if needed~ Thank youuuuu~!

(1 edit)

Thanks! And no problem! You obviously don’t have to pay anything, but if you do mention me it’d be awesome!


Thanks for being so cool dude, and making such great art. Of course I'll tag you with the final ^^

is there any way to transfer progress from pc to mac/android?

Hey it says for me that it got updated 10 days ago, what kind of upate was that?

I just changed the link of the android version, no new content


I just started playing and is that blood embrace from Honkai I see, already liking where this is going with a cultured dev

Man! 4.0 was awesome. Ive played several of these type games but Eternum has been my favorite hands down. The story is great along with the more intimate scenes. I cant wait for the next update!

Happy to hear that!


I finished the game just now, and it ended up being the second best game I've ever played, first is Dark souls. I'm translating the game, I'm already done with the first script. Is there any way to get the 3D models? I want to make some animations or mods for dark souls with "EternumKeeper" XD


Haha about the models unfortunately not for now, but thank you very much! Glad you liked it


I would bet this isn't normally requested but it would be interesting to have the option to choose your size. I get that the preference would be to be massive but it's also unrealistic. Went through and a majority of the lines would only require moderate modification but the overall story would remain unchanged. The story is really good and like most surprised me on how funny and engaging it is. If this does become an option alongside the question at the beginning about pregnancy content then I'd be willing to help with rewriting the lines based on size to be more believable. Can't wait for more updates, keep up the good work!

(1 edit) (+2)

It’s a good suggestion, but it would require having several duplicates of each animation and render where it’s shown, which unfortunately is not doable


I'm not too familiar with the coding with the program you use but would it not be able to to just do a separate path, like if you lose the trivia game or if you reject going with anyone to their plans it does a whole separate set of scenes. If there's any way to make it work I'd be more then willing to provide assistance. Or even at least have separate versions maybe? Idk just throwing ideas out there, and if I can help make them a reality by putting in the work I'll be more than glad to learn.


By not doable I mean that I’d have to do all the animations and renders several times, which would double or triple both the filesize and the development time

recommend something else you play besides your game bcs i already finished it. Arigathanks


In a similar comment Caribdis recommended My Bully Is My Lover.

I followed his recommendation and loved the game, so I recommend it as well.


My Bully is My Lover and Life Changing Choices both from Niichan and Fates Collide from KatanaVN are great games, with a style kinda similar to mine :)

Thank you!! You're a lifesaver love you!.

the file isnt downloading 

how do i continue the game after 0.3?

Just download the new version and play. Your saves should be there

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, is there any way I can help to translate the game? In my case it would be for Brazilian Portuguese.

One last question haha. You're a fan of Dark Souls aren't you? EternumKeeper on nexus hahaha lol

For sure I am ^^ And I’m not doing “Official translations” right now, but feel free to do so :D

Ty :)


Caribds. I love both of your games. I am greedy and I have to say I want m9re of your games. Once and a lifetime  and eternium are 2 of the top five games I love to play and can't await for updates. How can I help support a great artist/game maker so I can get my fix on really great adult games like yours. ( I love the sex scenes and want more) however  you have a solid narrative  the leaves me wanting more unlike others who have no story and subpar sexual experiences  in the story. Anyways  keep up the amazing  work I can't wait for more


Thank you so much <3 I will!

(1 edit)

Caribdis, I'd like to commend you for this marvelous game. The story line is well-written, the omnipresent hints towards Greek mythology are fantastic and well-researched (Calypso to be found in Ogygia, just like in the original myths). The only thing I'd wish for were a game not based on Manga/Hentai based aesthetics. Game makers could draw so much influence from European 19th century symbolism (Arnold Boecklin, Franz von Stuck, whose art was highly erotic). Focussing more on occidental art traditions instead of looking toward Japan would make your game unique, imho. But I assume I am a minority with these thoughts.

I like your ideas. However I'm a lover of all time periods not just the majority. I'd love to see some of the Aztec or Inuite cutters as well as the Persian  or Indian.  Idk all cultures have there beautiful heritage  and legacies. 

(2 edits)

Well you could probably try treasure of nadia?Its a pretty long game and is actually one of the best out there..It is part of a trilogy where "Lust epidemic" is the first,then there is "Treasure of Nadia" And then the last one which was recently released called "Genesis Order"..As far as i know Treasure of Nadia is heavily related to Aztec and Indian legacies and stuff so definitly check it out

I totally agree with you

You mean changing the graphic engine?

I think he's talking about how the game has a Japanese/manga/anime vibe or lens. I don't perceive this, to be honest. Well, maybe Nova? but still far from a typical Anime Girl. He's talking more about the style... I think...

(1 edit) (+1)

Now where can I find a similar game?


You can try my first game, Once in a Lifetime


 2 days has passed and i already miss luna


hello I played both eternum and OILT and I loved them both (especially the story and the jokes). I was wondering when will we get eternum next update and will it be the last ? And how long (even as estimation only) will take until the game is 100% finished ? Thank you and again you are awesome at what you do keep it up my friend


Current update is 0.4, so pretty sure it'll go to 1.0 like OILT.


The game will go beyond 1.0, so it’ll take a few years to be completed. There’s a lot of updates left


Now I'm both excited and annoyed but I will keep waiting. One last thing i wanted to join the discord server but it says invalid or expired link

Same thing. Invalid or expired link

Weird is the link, is not a new account right? I mean I don't know much of discord

what's OILT?


Previous game by Caribdis


Plz keep this game forever free

Deleted 31 days ago
Deleted 138 days ago
(3 edits) (+1)

This game is amazing. I was a bit anxious to play it because I LOVED your previous game and was really hoping it would be as good... Turned out it was incredibly better. I litteraly stayed up until 4 am TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW playing your game. I was wasted. But I enjoyed my time so much!

But now I'm sad because I finished the current version on the game, it's ending with an amazing cliffhanger and now everyday I'm craving for more but I can't do nothing but wait.

(Minor spoiler) If I may point out something that bothered me tho, during the magical flashback with Penelope, I'm not sure if her age is coherent. We're supposed to be arround 8 and so she should be around 11. But she's looking way older by her look and attitude. (and the fact that she could be going at a party alone or be trusted to babysit two kids also feels a bit... off).

But I'm clearly just nitpicking here. Your game is absolutly fantastic, beautiful, with a catching story, lovable characters and a really good balance with humour and serious topics. Oh and the music is so good! 

Thanks a lot for your work, I can't wait to see what's happening next !

(I don't have the financial situation to pay for your game as it deserves yet but it will definitly be one of the first things I'll do when I'll be able to !)

I appreciate it a lot! Thank you very much!!

I can't open it :(


Glad you liked it :)


Plz keep this game forever free i really liked it

don't worry, he said it'll always be free

It's my first time playing this game and it seems that there is a bug where you can't access the character's profile on the 0.4 ver android. Is the profile page essential or can I play the game fine without ever necessarily accessing it?

no, it's ok. All scenes are placed in the gallery you can check it out

Sorry about the bug, it’ll be fixed in 0.5 But yeah, you won’t miss any content without it, no worries

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!

Deleted 1 year ago

i see myself in you bro. i also downloaded it for porn but i got hooked because of the music and personality of every character

this Adult visual novel is unlike any others. others would just have quests of "bring me this and i will let you fuck me" but this is different it builds relationship and not just only focuses on erotic scenes. the main story creeps me out everytime they talk about the mystery of "the founder"

anyway i finished the game yesterday and it kinda pissed me off tbh  lol knowing it just released then i already finished it in just a week

*sighs* i'll miss the girls. i'll miss annie's ignorance, nova's computer hacking skills and cuteness, dalia's perfect ass, penny's cute eyes, nancy's hair, luna's story telling, alex's tattoos, chang's all around profession, jerry's annoyingness and axel... no fuck axel i'll detach his fucking kneecap and shove it in his eye socket 

anyway thank you so much caribdis!


Thank you so much 😍

Hello kind sir, do you notify when another update is released?

i think he said it'll be somewhere january or december

okay thanks

(1 edit) (+1)

For sure, I’ll post a devlog right before the release You can also follow me on Patreon and SubscribeStar! There will be a public post when it’s time


man i finished the game... back to being sad again 😞

how can i get it on an iPhone?

(im informatician by trade but im new as iPhone user 😅😅)

IOS doesn’t support renpy games, sadly

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+4)


I think this would be one of the best novels if it was a book, (and not to play as the expert but I do really like to read)

caribdis is a great game developer but It's writing levels are at the level of a god


Thank you, guys! That means a lot

When will there be a sequel? At least approximately? Gone in 2 days.

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