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This game has honstly been the best I've ever played in this genre. The plot is very well done and adds a lot to the game. The characters feel somewhat real and their interactions feel natural. Totally unrelated to the review but, the other day I was thinking that it would be sweet if this game was in VR seeing as the game concept is about a world obsessed with VR.  Honestly, great job and keep up the good work. 


I don't know why but even after updating it, the game still ends ant the end of the second chapter, haow can I fix it? Btw, great game!


I'm currently playing once in a lifetime  the other comments made me download it

(1 edit) (+2)


I played "Once in a Lifetime" as well and let me say. if you made a game just story based and didn't do sex scenes it would be just as good as this game and "OIALT" I remember starting that game and I got so lost in the content that I literally spent the whole night playing. It was 5 am before I realized, and I think I was like halfway done. I cannot express how amazing your games are!! I'm becoming a patron asap. if supporting you means more games like these then take all my money!


Thank you very much for your support, Jay! 😍

(2 edits) (+4)

Dude, Once in a Lifetime was amazing. I'm really excited to see you're working on another game.

Edit: Downloaded and played through the current version shortly after posting this comment. All the characters are pretty good, but I can see why you chose Luna as the sort of poster girl of this (at least on the wallpaper here on definitely best girl in my book.


i love this game, hope we'll get alex,nove scene on the next update.

'hope that we'll take the weapon must be useful for future purpuses ig

(1 edit) (+3)

Here I am, once again, to let you know how epic of a story teller and game dev you are. I have played many many games like this, but never quite like this. Just like "Once in a Lifetime", Eternum has it all, engaging story, mystery, awesome humor that cracks me up every time, super awesome and lovable characters that make it so hard to chose a favorite... And ofcourse, the scenes are just Masterwork!

Caribdis, I have been a Patreon supporter for over a year now, and every single cent was more than worth it for the awesome work you make.

Keep it yup!

----------*POTENCIAL SPOILER*--------------------------

Why do you always make us suffer with such cliff hangers?
I'm dying for 0.4!!


Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot <3
There will be more cliffhangers sorry, can't help it xD

It's your charm. Never change <3


i might hate myself if i don't say anything so I'm gon fokin say it mate, i love everything in this game and i just wanna say good job devs!!



MORE. GIVE ME MORE. god this game consumes me.

The asian shopkeeper's parts might be the funniest thing in existence


Igor best character.


👋Version Android.

 Une démonstration vraiment très impressionnante, très fluide, aucune fermeture indésirables, aucun message d'erreur, aucun bug et aucun affaiblissement du contrôle tactile, c'est vraiment très rare. 

C'est vraiment dommage qu'il soit disponible seulement en anglais. Nous avons vraiment hâte de voir la suite. 

Félicitations à tous ceux qui travaillent dessus 🎉👋

I didn't even finished the latest update (I want to spread it out xDD), but I already got the two things I wanted the most. Please keep doing the good work, really looking forward which direction the whole story takes.


These games are unbelievably good. Your writing is phenomenal. I would totally work for you for free just to see updates faster. I'm totally hooked. Please keep going! 

Thank you so much Pauly!

i cant click on alex


It's because you got kicked from her path.

 Maybe you decided to compliment other things instead of pen?

Isthat it?, D4mn looks like i gotta redo everything


I'll just wait for .05 before i re do everything, thanks for the info



Nooo!! What a cliffhanger at the end, whyyy? At least let us know who knocks the door lol. Good job caribdis you always surprised me on every update, I'm look forward for v0.4.

So on next update there should be scene with Luna and Alex right? Right? 😁 


*Starts sweating* Let's just say that both will have at least one scene in 0.4 or 0.5 haha



I could 100% be wrong, but if it goes the slightly lighthearted humorous route I think its Chang at the door. I'd go into detail why I think that but it could be spoilery if someone's just scrolling through the comments. Also I'd say if you played all the way through there are pretty obvious reasons it could be him.

He's also my first guess.

Maybe he saved up enough $ to earn enough from his job in a few weeks. Neural implants cost 2k $

When is 0.4 coming i already finished it!! I hate this because u have to wait so long to play a amazing game

is there a way to speed up update times? if there is tell me plz


3 months update interval is actually the fastest interval I've seen so far in AVN games with an average AVN taking 6 to 8 months for an update. 

You can subscribe his Patreon for his goal to hire people. You can't expect the game to have like say 1 week update interval after the goal reached but it will still make the development faster.

sadly i cant do that because i dont have money like tha


Just be patient. This dev is really good about getting updates out and actually FINISHING their game. I've played a lot of games like these and Once in a Lifetime (this devs other game) was finished while most of the others I've played are STILL being worked on, even ones started way before that game.

i agree he is good

(2 edits) (+1)

This has been outstanding so far!

I finished Once in a Lifetime about 1-2 months ago (loved it!) and now I gave Eternum a go.

I have to say, I had a favorite almost instantly in OIALt, but in Eternum, all of the women are really cool and interesting. I think the characters work and feel better in the world of Eternum than in OIALt. 

I am looking forward to 0.4! (and I'll drop some money by the Patreon next month too, to keep me updated for the progress!)



Thank you so much for your support! 😍


Excellent Game !
I loved Once in a lifetime and this one is even better :)

The story and jokes are good, the visual really good and the music is awesome too. This give a really outstanding visual novel sex game, I really mean it even thought I played a lot of them.

Continue like this <3

PS: and this is only 0.3 godammit!



Wow, can't believe I'm here again writing a review. Anyways, I felt all of the emotions a human can feel. The references and jokes are top-tier, also we got seggs scenes again pog😳

Thank you for creating and still updating this masterpiece.

My country's election turned out sour and I needed something to keep me away from it. Hopefully our economy doesn't collapse.

I'll be leaving another review once 0.4 comes!

Much love♥️

Thank you!

I just finished it and it's just excellent in every way. Will there be more Maat content?


I'm guessing side girls like Eva, Maat will only be seen once. But maybe if Carib treat Eternum's side girls the same way like in OiaL (which is very unlikely in my opinion because Eternum is huge and the chance to see them again is quite low compared to OiaL which uses school envionment to group all side girls), you can expect at least one more scene with them, I guess?


Some girls won't appear again, and some others will have other appearances in the future, but I'm not sure which ones yet.


Holy sht! This game is so good. The comedy is top tier, the plot is amazing, hot nsfw scenes. I would really like to donate to help the creator but I'm broke sooooo i'll just leave a comment here i really appreciate your work and thank you so much that you release the game for public. Can't wait for 0.4 stay healthy bro. 

Reviews also help! Thank you!

I really don't have much to say, each update is as good as the previous ones, I enjoy every dialogue and character in your story, thank you very much for the effort you put into your work. 

I can't wait to continue the story in 0.4 💙

Thank you for playing :D

One quick question, if we gray-out on a girl, will we still be able to befriend them? It happened on one but it seems like she's still going to be part of the story with another girl, and I'm curious if this just locks out sex scenes but keeps the regular friendship going? 

Mostly cus i rather think that a no-sex friendship kinda fits that one girl, but that's just my opinion.

Love what you've got going!


That's correct, if you lose a girl's path you can still keep a no-sex friendship with them.

thanks for the answer!


I'm partway through and I have to say I'm impressed. I expected this would be another shitty porn game with gross shit but this game is pretty okay. You have a real talent for writing and I enjoy what you're leading up to. However. I do have one criticism, and that is Benjamin. I'm not accusing you of anything but at the very least it's really suspicious that the first (and so far only) black character is a violent rapist. look, just change his skin color and add a black character somewhere, add a black char before that point and keep him, or even just don't include anybody but as it is, it looks bad. I'm hoping it was just negligence, and this isn't a character judgement on you. good luck making your game pal

(2 edits) (+3)

I'd argue that his buddy Axel falls within the same vein. However, your point about Ben being the only black character is a good one. I think that a good solution for those concerned about the offense would probably be to diversify the ethnic makeup of the morally better characters. For example, I wouldn't have anything against one or more of the girls being black. Or Chang.  Or even Bumbledore.


i feel i must second this. No malice assumed, but a wider variety of skin tones would be neat

Well actually a brunette, brown, black or really tanned girl would be awesome. I actually like darker tones more but characters are so awesomely designed that I didn't realise that at all. Nice point everyone, thanks for your observations. You have increased my awareness.


They are going to start again with their skin color paranoia, enjoy and let them enjoy the game, nobody is forcing you.

i AM enjoying it tho. That is just an observation. 

(1 edit) (-1)

If we want to go down that road, we could argue that the blonde haired, blue-eyed guy being the villain is "wacist" as well.  Or we could knock it off with the superficial bullshit of defining people solely by their skin color.  Axel and Benjamin are assholes, plain and simple.  There are assholes from all walks of life, just as there are good people.

"I have a dream of a world where a man is judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." - Martin Luther King, Jr.


Loved it so far. The scene with penelope's memory was honestly a masterpiece. Well fucking played.

Glad you liked it!


This game is truly a masterpiece. The story is really perfect along with all of the characters. 


(1 edit) (+2)

Probably the Best Game on Amazing scenario, Amazing fiction, differencies between each character are designed masterfully (characters are really different and not like the other games' similar faced characters, and of course thoes bodies) And includes nothing disgusting like incest or traumatic relationships. And awesome renders and really good music. All are the best of their kinds. Really worths more. I wish I could be a millionare and give a huge funding to this game. You deserve better buddy. My best wishes are for you.

Edit: BTW one of the most important points, The Author's way of thinking is so mature, legit and not far-fetched at all. You know other games are so surrealisticly fantasized, but this is so natural and not absurd. Of course this is kind of a fantasy game after all but almost every point and everything is well-thought and logical.


Thank you so much mimlikve 🥰

Thank you so much for all of your efforts. My best wishes will be with you all the time i hope, and for spreading this kind of joyful art; I hope you'd always be happy in both lives.


"Is that what "FULL CONCENTRATION" means to you?!
- me, everytime I want to start the DnD session.

Nice Update, I love it. Best story ever!


Thank you!!

(1 edit) (+2)(-6)

Hello, I am currently banned from the Carbidis server, and would like to request that ban be reversed.  Firstly, I'd like to apologize for letting my anger get the best of me in some previous interactions. I attempted to follow the unbanning procedures but was not successful and felt unsupported and frustrated by that. However, there was no need for me to lash out and for that I'm sorry. 

I understand why I was banned, I made a a joke about my age and I know that is something you have to be careful about and it was my first time in a server for avn games so I completely forgot about this rule. Please be assured I am over the minimum age and will happily provide proof of this if required. I'd be happy to follow the unbanning procedure again, but assistance or advice would be appreciated. 

I know you are all busy and I appreciate you taking time to help me out. Eternum is one of my favourite games, Carbidis has done a tremendous job with it,  and I look forward to rejoining the community around it. 


Edit: This comment is not here so that you guys downvote it it is truly the only way I can actually communicate with the people from this game 


I've got to say, I get a massive level of concern whenever an update for this game drops. My expectations are already so sky high I have to try and talk myself down so I can be certain I won't be disappointed by possible mistakes or lowering in quality. I guess I'll have to keep being concerned because nothing here has lowered my expectations and I continue to be more than impressed. You're a genius, cheers.


Thank you very much <3

Hello, Is there a start over to new content? because I deleted the game because I had no more space, and i dont want to waste time going back to where i was before.


Use Skip with Unseen Text enabled in Preferences. Also increase Auto-Forward Time if you want.


will do that, thank you!

Can you give me save file on the latest update I kinda lost mine but if you don't want to give copy I'm just replay the game I don't mind

(1 edit) (+1)

Das Game ist und bleibt einfach der Hammer, ich werde es immer wieder sehr gerne  unterstützen Danke für eure super und harte Arbeit  


One of the best games on the site right now, great stuff. 

Hi everytime i try to play the new update and load my old save file it says a an exception has occured and somthing about a rollback and i cant play. any ideas?


You should try loading different autosaves and see if that solves the problem. Autosaves are in A page btw.

It still gives the rollback thing and i restarted the game start to finish and it just ended in chapter 0.2 without letting me get to 0.3


Yeah, the sex scenes are nice. But can we talk about the story though?

 I greatly enjoy playing this game. It is really well written, the story is fantastic, the characters are fantastic, and the animations and sounds are really good too. And admittedly, the animations in the sexy time scenes are pretty hot. Been enjoying the games you make since "Once in a Life Time". 

I will definitely be supporting you for your future projects and updates! 

Thank you very much! <3


By the Empress!!!

Iam in love with this game!!!

Penelopy's past, hit me hard, i have a sister that is a single mother.... i undestand nancy....i m always helping my 1 year neice.

Dear Caribdis....

Plz.... give us 0.4!!!

I have never ask you for anything ....


0.4 in progress already! 


You have my gratitude and, in the future, my financial support. as soon as I finish paying my bills for the month.

Thank you Sas <3


wake me up when 0.4 arrives, i'm about to hibernate.......jokes apart, perfect path this game is taking, flawless, can't wait to see more of your character development 

Me too



Never thought I would have to do it but.....i think I ACTUALLY had to put down the soap....its just so IMMERSIVE!-

I really couldn't put down the game looking out for future updates DEFINITELY.


Thank you Feared!

hey if it's not a big hassle I really enjoyed the music. Is there anyway I could get the names of all of them? That would be super great!

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