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I've played Once in a Lifetime before and after that, every other Adult Visual Novel I've played couldn't even come close to it.

So when Eternum came out, I was really excited! I finally got to play it today and holy fuck did you go above and beyond with this one.

The game is nothing short of a masterpiece and it does not fail the expectations that were set by Once in a Lifetime. The attention to detail on every scene, the smooth transition that immerses you even more in the game, the music that helps set your mood appropriate to the scene in place and the fleshed out characters.

I cannot express how great this game is enough, I'm excited for 0.2! Hopefully it comes out soon. I'm too poor to support you financially but I'm doing my best in spreading the word for you!

Please keep making games like this and I wish all the best in the future! Thank you so much for making such a wonderful game for us to play!

Thank you very much Kibanana 🧡🧡🧡
Spreading the word helps a lot, thank you!

(1 edit)

Omg! This is the best visual novel I have played on this site! I normally don't like 3D VN, but everything in this game is an art masterpiece and the story and characters are very interesting. 

I wish I had another way to support you but I'm too poor :(. For now I'm gonna recommend it to my friends :D

I will now try Once In A Lifetime, I need more, this was so good! 

(1 edit)

Thanks for recommending it!

this game is really good!!!

Thanks !

Once In a Lifetime is without a doubt my favorite game yet, and I knew Eternum would be really good but Daaamn Caribdis, you surpassed my expections by far, you can really see the little details that separate your work from the others, I will watch your Eternum career with great interest


Thank you so much 🧡

No, thank you <3

Damn,nice one sir caribdis. You make me obsessed with carla (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

Thanks ^^

(1 edit)

References and comedy on this game are on point. Came for the sauce, staying for the comedy and plot. Nice work


Hi I hope there gets nor NTR or some shit in it hate these kind of things. But a realy great game so far ^^


There won't be NTR

Damn, I spit my coffee when Dark soul Micaela appeared, This game is gold.
Nice work!


Thank you! Haha

I loved Once in a lifetime and this game is just as amazing i'm really excited for a new update keep up the good work

I will! Thank you ^^

Really amazing so far can't wait to see what you do with it in the future keep it up

Thanks Merrick!

Dude.... I have to give you props. In the short amount of time I've played this, this has already become one of my top 3 favorite visual novels I've found on this site. And I cant wait to see how it develops over time 


Thank you very much Sol! 😍

This is masterpiece it's too good to be real 


(1 edit) (+1)

Never met such incredible work and it's even free!! This masterpiece work really deserve to spent my money for. I'm waiting for 0.2 mate but you don't have to rush it. I don't even care about sex scene anymore because the story is just too good to pay attention to other things.

Thank you very much!!!

Big fan!!! This game is the best I've played so far can't wait for 0.2

Thank you!!

(1 edit)

Just wondering, is it possible to delete game saves? Because i have completed 0.1 | 4 Times and only wanting  to keep 1 save.

Yes that is possible just save your desire save file then the persistent file that's all

I'm obsessed already, this is amazing!!! ❤❤ do you know when .02 will be published around possibly?

I can't give a date yet, but you can check the progress bar on my Patreon or SS pages ^^

Thank you!! Keep up the good work ❤ no rush!

Damn. I just realized that you just released a new game. Big fan.


Thank you for a really great game! This has a much cooler animation than the  "Once in a Lifetime" . Although I can't buy membership level in China, I'm looking forward to the next "ETERNUM" update!:D

Glad you liked it ^^

Idk what to say you my man are truly gifted individual you know how to make a fucking sex game. TBH i liked once in a life  time more but that can just being biased. The first game is just a perfection it doesnt take itself to seriously and it keeps your attention with its dump but funny as hell humor. 

The second one sometimes feels like it drags some dialogs for too long and the humor is reduced to a few jokes.

Other than that i dont have any complains but i do have a few questions.

 What powers the gear that puts you in a game? And do you have a favorite character, if you do who is it? (btw stabby mike is like the best, I just LOVE him he is the BEST)

I didn't thought about that, but I guess it has to be charged with electricity.
And I don't have a favorite character in Eternum yet, I love them all. In OiaLt, Stabby Mike!

Duuude thats sick ! Honestly when I download adult games it's only for the sex content but the story is so interesting that I didn't even thought of it ! I mean ur totally inspired by Ready Player One ! That movie was incredible and that story too ! I hope u the best for that game and I can't wait for the next update ! ^^

He probably was also inspired by Sword Art Online

Thank you so much Absaloone!! Working on 0.2 already! 💪

When I finished Once in a Lifetime... I thought to myself, finding another great game will be difficult from now on, but first, let me try Eternum made by same devs Caribdis.

And now... I lost all hope and motivation that I can ever find other games as good as this two or games from some other devs.

I haven't replayed OiaL yet but, I already played Eternum twice within 2 days.

Thank you Zekereto 😍
Glad to hear that!

Once in a Lifetime was already really cool but this is incredibl

Thanks Gilles!

Oh my god sir Caribdis you overdid it! 

It's really good I love it so much. OIALT is awesome but as you said Eternum is way more better. 

I can't wait for the next update i'm so excited. 

Thank you ShendeL!


Found this game by pure chance and loved it. Only recently found out that these are the same people who made Once in a Lifetime! My respect to these developers have skyrocketed.

Thank you 🧡

This game is really awesome! I even made an account just to commend this game, can't wait for the next part.

Glad to hear that!

This game is awesome. I can't wait for what's next


I thought Once In A Lifetime was good, this was AWESOME! So looking forward to the next update keep up the amazing work. Also hoping Axel (that handsy shit) gets either a solid redemption arc or a very fitting and very nasty/funny end.

Thank you so much! (And yeah, for sure 🤩)

Hello, I am a Chinese player. This game is very good. Will there be a Chinese version

I'm not planning to add new languages anytime soon, sorry 🙏

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for bringing such a great game and look forward to your next update

Amazing Game, Just Wondering when's the New Update Coming Out? 

When the update comes out will i be able to continue playing on my current save?

I don't know yet, you can check the progress bar on my Patreon or SS pages publicly You'll be able to continue, yeah!

awesome work, can't wait for the update


Amazing game, i can't wait for the next update!

And i have a question. Will it be possible to use the current save in the next update?

Yes, it will!

This game is awesome. Great artwork for the world of Eternum, and I look forward to more chapters.


Thank you!!

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

I'm currently playing this and it's great so far, but I just wanted to ask, is the creator of this game Indian by any chance? Because I noticed Amul butter lol


No, I'm not Indian, but the person who created that butter asset was, I guess haha

Great!, had a blast with once in a life time, can't wait to play the full game! great work.


Hope you like it ^^

I was so happy to download and play the game but got disappointed went it didn't finish, but still good work tho. This game is awesome so I'm hoping to play the full game pls finish the game

It'll take a while, but sure I will ^^

ok! haha

This game is crazy, the story, the characters and everything else is on point


Thank you!


At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if stabby mike turned out to be the founder of eternum 


Oh god I think that would kill me :D

Deleted 2 years ago

The references lolll 

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